International Office
Some Information on UFF
Founded in 1960, UFF is at full speed in expanding its activities. There are 30,000
students, 4,100 administrative employees and 2,100 professors.
UFF houses 55 undergraduate courses and about 150 graduate programs in all fields.
There are also over 400 research groups in different areas of knowledge.
UFF is a very peculiar university since it is spread all over the city of Niterói. To
begin with, there are three campuses in Niterói: Campus do Gragoatá, at São
Domingos; Campus da Praia Vermelha, at Boa Viagem and Campus do Valonguinho, in
the downtown area.
Some other schools and institutes are located outside Niterói campuses. The Rectory
Building, also an off-campus art déco preserved building, houses most administrative
facilities, including the International Office.
It is also important to mention that there are undergraduate and graduate programs
offered in over 10 different cities all over Rio de Janeiro State. Up North, in the
State of Pará, right in the middle of the Amazon forest, the Campus de Oriximiná
offers several service activities to the local community and it is also used as a
medical research field for professors and students.
There are 24 libraries at UFF working in differentiated hours and their staff is fully
committed to assisting the students with their needs. A summary of university
libraries resources and services may be found at
UFF’s Publishing House (EDUFF) is a gateway to the knowledge produced by the
academic community at UFF. EDUFF’s catalog encompasses books and magazines on
all areas of knowledge and it is enriched every year with new publications.
General public can buy the titles in one of the two bookstores run by EDUFF. One of
them is at Campus to Gragoatá and the other one is next to EDUFF, which is located
at 9, Miguel de Frias Street.
Information is available at
The complex, located at the Rectory Building, includes a theater, a movie theater,
and an art gallery. They all offer cultural activities, at a low cost, to the people of
Niterói. Presently, it is being refurbished.
Exhibits, shows, concerts, plays and other types of artistic manifestation promote a
real interaction between the University and the local community.
The Art Center also counts with the National Symphony Orchestra, the Ancient Music
Ensemble, the String Quartet and two Choirs.
Information at
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International Office
Useful addresses and sites
International Office
Rua Miguel de Frias 9, 7th floor, Icaraí
Phone: 55-21-2629-5227
Fax: 55-21-2629-5228/5207
E-mail: [email protected]
Home page:
Student Administration Department
Rua Miguel de Frias 9, 2nd floor, Icaraí
Phone: 55-21-2629-5081/5078
E-mail: [email protected]
Home page:
Community Affairs Department
Rua Miguel de Firas 9, Anexo, Icaraí
Phone: 55-21-2629-5312
E-mail: [email protected]
Psychology Service
Campus do Gragoatá, Bloco N, 5th floor, São Domingos
Phone: 55-21-2629-2951/2952
E-mail: [email protected]
Federal Police Department
Praça Fonseca Ramos s/n, Centro
Phone: 55-21-2613-8800/8801
Fax: 55-21-2613-8817
Home page:
Neltur – Niterói Tourism Company
Estrada Leopoldo Fróes 773, São Francisco
Phone: 55-21-2710-2727 / 2611-1803 / 2714-9868
Toll free (only in Brazil): 0800-2827755
Home page:
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Information about UFF