Public Consultation Process to Create Protected Areas: the State Forests in Pará, Brazilian Amazon 1 1 2 1 3 3 Roberto Palmieri ; Silvia Kataoka ; Adalberto Veríssimo ; Ana Cristina Silva ; Paulo Altieri ; Ivelise Fiock 1 2 3 Imaflora – Institute of Forest and Agricultural Certification and Management, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil / Imazon - Amazon Institute of People and Environment, Belém, Pará, Brazil / State Government of Pará, Belém, Pará, Brazil The State Government of Pará, Imaflora and Imazon performed a public consultation process to create the three State Forests in 2006, which includes approximately 7.4 million hectares in the north of Para, in the Brazilian Amazon. Further to complying with legal requirements, the main objective was to involve the local stakeholders to verify the technical studies, and strength of the relationship between government agencies and local stakeholders, especially with communities that live within and around the area. The process consisted of three steps. First, we identified stakeholders. Second, we met the stakeholders individually to provide information about the proposal of the three State Forests and gathered new information about the area and suggestions about the proposal. Finally, we promoted public meetings with all the stakeholders to present the synthesis of the previous meeting, and discuss the final proposal to define the limits of three State Forests. The most important contribution to the proposal was identify and exclude the Quilombolas’ territories (African descendents’ territories). Transparency: spreading information about the State Forest by radio, TV, newspaper and others ways of mass communication. This process significantly contributed to improve the proposal in technical terms, to guarantee the transparency of the process, and to solve conflicts, which would be harder to face after the creation of the three State Forests. Identifying the stakeholders. Protected areas Indigenous lands Guyana kaieteur National Park 0 Suriname Iwokrama Rainforest Reserve French Guiana 50 100 200 Km P. N. do Cabo Orange T. I. Juminá T. I. Galibi Central Suriname Nature Reserve Upper Essequibo Conservation Concession North Rupununi Wetlands T. I. Uaça Kanu Mountains Atlantic Ocean Manoá/Pium Tirio Lands Manoá/Pium Proposed Protected Areas Potential Coservation Area F. Amapá New River Triangle Spaliwini Nature Reserve Southen Guyana proposed protected area P. N. Montanhas do Tumucumaque Wai Wai R. B. do Lago Piratuba Parque Indígena do Tumucumaque T. I. Wai Wai E.E. de Maracá Jipioca REBIO de Maicuru F. N. Amapá T. I. Waiapi ESEC Grão-Pará Amapá T. I. Rio Paru D’ Este R. D. S. do Rio Iratapuru T. I. Trombetas Mapuera Promoting public meetings with all the stakeholders A. P. A. Curiaú T. I. Zo’é F. E. Trombetas F. E. Paru E. E. Do Jai R. Ex. Rio Cajari T. I. Nhamundá-Mapuara R. B. de Uatumã F. E. Faro F. N. Saracá-Taquiera Brazil P. E. Monte Alegre A. P. A. de Presidente Figueiredo Apa Paytuna P. E. Nhamundá Floe Rio Urubu Amazonas Contact Information: Roberto Palmieri Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola (IMAFLORA) PO Box 411 - Zip Code 13400-970, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil Phone: +55 19 3414 4015 Email: [email protected] Skype: roberto.palmieri2 website: F. N. de Mulata R.B. do Rio Trombetas A. P. A. de Nhamundá Pará Rio Urubu Support: Specific meetings separately with each sector The guide where we systematized our experience