Lista de Exercícios
Pré Universitário
Nilma Mendes
1. (Uece 2014) The sentence “They are televising the
court’s proceedings” in the passive becomes
a) The court’s proceedings are being televised.
b) The court’s proceedings can be televised.
c) The court’s proceedings are been televised.
d) The court’s proceedings are to be televised.
Key to career success is confidence, not talent
Although workers with big egos will often perform
poorly and make more mistakes, their colleagues
consistently 1fail to spot their errors and continue to
believe they are “terrific” or “beloved”.
Their personality means they are often promoted over
those who are more competent, as colleagues 2mistake
their confidence for talent.
A study of more than 500 students, academics and
workers, published in the Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, showed that 3those who appeared
more confident achieved a higher social status than their
peers. Within a work environment, higher-status
individuals tended to be more admired, listened to, and
had more sway over group decisions.
Prof Cameron Anderson of the University of California,
who 5led the research, said that those who were
overconfident often 6sought power, fame or success and
that overconfidence was encouraged by 8the prospect of
increased social status, respect and esteem.
The researchers 7found that many of their subjects
believed sincerely that they were more 9physically
talented, socially adept and skilled at their jobs than
reality reflected. “Although we may seek to choose
wisely, we are often forced to rely on proxies for ability,
such as 10individuals’ confidence. In so doing we, as a
society, create incentives for those who would seek
status to display more confidence than their actual
ability merits.”
(Texto adaptado. Disponível em:
y-tocareer-success-is-confidence>. Acesso em
2. (Uem 2013) Choose the alternative(s) in which the
information about the words extracted from text is
01) The words “fail” (ref. 1) and “mistake” (ref. 2) refer
to something that has a good result.
02) The extracts “those who appeared more confident
achieved a higher social status than their peers”
(ref. 3) and “The researchers found that many of
their subjects believed sincerely that they were
Série: _3ª___
Data da prova: 20/08/2014
more physically talented” (ref. 4) are examples of
passive voice.
04) The verbs “led” (ref. 5), “sought” (ref. 6) and
“found” (ref. 7) are irregular and are used in the
past tense in the text.
08) In the extracts “the prospect of increased social
status, respect and esteem” (ref. 8) and “physically
talented, socially adept and skilled at their jobs”
(ref. 9), the underlined words have a positive
16) The apostrophe is used in “individuals’ confidence”
(ref. 10) to show that something belongs to
someone or is connected with them.
3. Qual o objetivo do texto?
4. Vantages and disadvantages of being too confident?
What is World Challenge?
World Challenge is a global competition and
its objective is to find projects or small businesses that
have shown innovation and made a difference to the
local community. Since it began, in January 2004,
World Challenge has received lots of nominations from
all over the world. These include, for example, projects
that have helped farmers in Peru or improved the lives
of people in the slums of Colombia. Each year
thousands of people vote to say who they think deserves
to win. One of the 2007 nominees was from a rural
community in the Brazilian Amazon. Marajo Island is
the largest fresh water island in the world, and for years
the 200,000 people who live there have worked in the
fishing industry during the dry season, when the river is
full of fish. But during the rainy season the fish
disappear. That is also the time when the Andiroba trees
deposit their seeds. These seeds are carried by the rivers
and many end up on the beaches of Marajo. For years
the fishermen from Marajo have considered these seeds
a problem but a Brazilian company saw an opportunity
to make money out of them. In 2004, this company
organized a cooperative to collect the seeds and extract
their oil for the cosmetics industry. Life on the island
has improved for many families since 2004. This project
has made a huge difference for the families of the 1,000
people working in the business.
(Based on: 03/11/2010.)
5. (Uern 2013) “These seeds are carried by the rivers”
in the Active Voice becomes
a) The rivers carry these seeds.
b) The rivers carried these seeds.
c) The rivers have carried these seeds.
d) The rivers are carrying these seeds.
“Every reading of the word is preceded by a reading of
the world. Starting from the reading of the world that
the reader brings lo literacy programs (a social- and
class-determined reading), the reading of the word
sends the reader back lo the previous reading of the
world, which is, in fact, a rereading.” Paulo Freire.
6. What´s the main objective of the text?
7. What is the objective of the World Challenge?
8. (Ufsj 2012)
UNESCO has worked to examine the idea of varied
usages of literacy on a global basis. Globally,
multiliteracies can be perceived and applied very
differently depending on the nation and its culture. The
table below provides a few excellent examples of this.
The man in the cartoon thinks the cat
a) was recently given some kind of “diversity product”.
b) was given some “diversity product” a long time ago.
c) should have been given some kind of “diversity
d) will have to be given some kind of “diversity
The Brazilian
Geographical and
Statistics Institute
defines as ‘functionally
literate’ those
individuals who have
compIeted four grades of
schooling, and as
‘functionally ilIiterate’
those who have not.
Literacy is defined as the
ability to ‘acquire the
essential knowledge and
skills that enable
[individuals] to actively
participate in all the
activities for which reading
and writing are needed’.
d+Multiliteracies. Acesso em: 2 set. 2011. (Adaptado).
10. (Ueg 2012) a) Change the following sentence from
the passive voice to the active voice.
Every reading of the word is preceded by a reading
of the world.
Child Labor
9. Em relação à fala da mulher, observa-se que
a) as orações encontram-se respectivamente na voz
passiva negativa e afirmativa.
b) o contrário da afirmação seria: “Yes, you were
downloaded. You were born”.
c) se refere a uma ação iniciada no passado e que se
estende até o presente.
d) se trata de uma resposta à pergunta do garoto: “How
are people downloaded?”
Globalization and Multiliteracies
Child labor tends to be thought of as a 19th
century evil that has now been eradicated. The reality is
that, throughout the world, the labor of millions of
children still occurs, often in conditions as horrific as
the factories of 150 years ago. These children are forced
to engage in back-breaking labor in stone quarries, brick
kilns, construction sites, and other hazardous
There are now estimated to be 200 million
child laborers in the world. This is today’s world of nine
year old coal miners and eight year old prostitutes, and
of little girls who work 12 hour shifts
in sweatshops.
In most of these sweatshops, they are forced to
eat, sleep and work in the same stuffy, overcrowded
room. Girls rescued recently from one Bangkok
sweatshop were forced to work in strict silence from 6
am to midnight. They were mercilessly flogged for
breaking the rules.
These children are robbed of their childhood,
they have to toil up to 18 hours a day, seven days a
The material in this report is based on Missions
to West Africa, southern and eastern Africa, South Asia
and South-East Asia by the Society’s Secretary-General,
by members of the Society’s Board of Governors and by
the Society's Program Directors for South Asia and
South-East Asia.
Acesso em 21/11/2007)
12. (Ufpa 2008) O enunciado "These children are
robbed of their childhood (...)", no 40. parágrafo, expõe
a ideia de que
a) o trabalho infantil é um mal necessário.
b) as crianças são tratadas como delinquentes.
c) a infância é uma fase propícia à ocorrência de furtos.
d) a mão de obra infantil está vinculada à pobreza das
e) as referidas crianças estão submetidas a um tipo de
13. SKYSCRAPER by Demy Lovato
Skies are crying
I am watching
Catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence, has its ending
Like we never had a chance
Do you have to make me feel like
There's nothing left of me?
You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper
Go run, run, run
I'm gonna stay right here
Watch you disappear, yeah
Go run run run
Yeah it's a long way down
But I'm closer to the clouds up here
You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper 5X
13. Letras de música abordam temas que, de
certa forma, podem ser reforçados pela
repetição de trechos ou palavras. O fragmento
da canção Skyscraper, por exemplo, permite
conhecer o relato de alguém que:
a) Terminou um relacionamento amoroso e
tenta reconstruir sua vida.
b) Feriu os sentimentos de uma pessoa e agora
se arrepende.
c) Chora porque não consegue se relacionar
com ninguém.
d) Lamenta a doença que adquiriu anos de
e) Vê a vida de forma negativa após o fim de
um relacionamento e não consegue se
recompor desse amor.
As the smoke clears
I awaken and untangle you from me
Would it make you feel better
To watch me while I bleed
All my windows, still are broken
But I'm standing on my feet
You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground

Professor: Nilma Mendes S