6º ano Conteúfos para P1 2º trimestre Língua Inglesa Unit 3 – Around the world 1) Countries and nationalities. Brazil Brazilian South Africa South African Argentina Argentinian Portugal Portuguese Australia Australian Mexico Mexican Spain Spanish England English The USA American Germany German France French 2) Colors (page 113) 3) Sentences with verb to be, Where are you from? How old are you, I am from India, She’s from Cuba, they are from Portugal, etc.) 4) Vocabulary - Addressee = destinatário - Sender = remetente - Salutation = saudações - Exciting city = cidade animada - I’m enjoying = Estou gostando - Stamp = selo - Postcard = cartão postal - Close friends = amigos íntimos Place = lugar 7º A/B Conteúdos para prova P1 2º trimester 1) Unit 2 – Amazing sports Páginas 23, 24 e páginas 112 e 113. 2) Vocabulary - cool = legal - amazing = incrível - nice = bom - rich = rico - wonderful = maravilhoso - lovely = adorável - awsome = incrível - beatiful = lindo(a), bonito(a) - cute = bonitinho (a) -sneackers = tênis - shoes = sapatos - coat = casaco 8º anos A/B 1) Estudar a unidade 3 – “What’s on TV?” (ler e estudar o texto página 31) 2) Possessive Adjectives – page 35 3) Exercícios da folha que está no site 4) Exercícios página 116 e 117 5) Vocabulary - turn on = ligar - turn off = desligar - pick up = pegar - turn down = baixar o volume - watch = assistir - spend = passar, gastar - choose = escolher - miss = perder - weapons = armas - on average = na média - sitcom = seriado cômico 8ª série Conteúdos para a P1 2º trimestre 1) Esudar a unidade 4 – “Respect eveybody” 2) Modal verbs, pages 118 and 119 3) Vocabulary - rainforest = floresta tropical - jungle selva - scrawny = magricela - wisdom = sabedoria - get up = levantar-se - seek out = procurar - unreasonable = irracional - fair = justo - unfair = injusto - kind heart = coração bondoso - among = entre várias pessoas ou coisas - between = entre duas pessoas - toward = em relação a, em direção a - pick on = perseguir, pegar no pé - stumble over = tropeçar sobre - valuable = valioso - citizenship = cidadania - kindness = bondade 4) Respostas das perguntas da folha de exercícios feito em sala, sexta-feira dia 27/06/14. II) Answer these questions according to the text on Page 48. 1) What was the Uaica’s problem with the other boys of the tribe? THE OTHER BOYS OF THE TRIBE TEASED HIM____________________________ 2) What was Uaica’s appearance? HE WAS SMALL AND SICKLY_________________________________________ 3) Which dream did Uaica have in the forest? HE DREAMED OF ANIMALS, PEOPLE AND AN OLD MAN CALLED SINA-A, CHILD OF JAGUAR______________________________________________________ 4) Who was Sina-a, a child of Jaguar? HE WAS A SHAMAN_______________________________________________ 5) Who was Xibute? HE WAS A BOY THAT PICKED ON AND TEASED UAICA____________________ 6) What is the word” Shaman” mean according to the history? (see it on page 47) SHAMAN MEANS “THE POWER OF HEALING AND TEACHING”_____________ 7) According to the myth, who can receive the knowledge of the great shaman? PEOPLE WITH LOVING HEARTS AND KINDNESS_________________________ 8) Why did the boys in the tribe bully Uaica? ESTA QUESTÃO FOI CANCELADA, POIS É A MESMA RESPOSTA DA 2. 9) Why is it important, in your opinion, to treat everybody with respect, dignity and fairness? RESPOSTA PESSOAL______________________________________________ ESTUDEM ESTAS RESPOSTAS E TRADUZAM-AS PARA O PORTUGUÊS, POIS NA PROVA PEDIREI RESPOSTAS EM PORTUGUÊS SOBRE O TEXTO. Bom estudo! Teacher Vera Lúcia