Aula Teórica 18 Escoamento Turbulento Turbulent Flow • It is a chaotic flow- and thus non-permanent – and with strong velocity gradients. • Because the velocity varies in space and time, the fluid is submitted to high acceleration and thus the inertial forces are high. • The velocity gradients being high imply that the shear stresses are high and so is the energy dissipation rate when compared with laminar flow. How to describe a turbulent flow? t1 t2 u’ • Although velocity is continously varying in time at every point, one can define an average velociy at each point and consequently a fluctuation. Average turbulent flow can be permanente or not u 2u’ u t u What should be the integration time to get the average turbulent velocity? t How is turbulence generated? • The laminar flow is disturbed = > a random component of velocity is created and the disturbed fluid will disturb neighboring fluid, spreading the disturbance. • If the kinetic energy associated with the disturbance is small then disturbances are dissipated and the turbulence does not spread and the flow remains laminar. • As disturbances are continuously created, and thus when turbulent flow is created, turbulence remains. • The turbulent kinetic energy is proportional to the kinetic energy of the average flow. • The velocity disturbance generates accelerations and thus give rise to pressure disturbances, which produce turbulent kinetic energy. This is the mechanism for turbulence to spread. How to characterise turbulence? • Random velocity field (3D, non-permanent). • Occurs when viscous forces are not enough to eliminate disturbances. i.e. when inertia forces are larger than viscous forces, i.e. at high Reynolds numbers. • Because it depends on Re, it depends on the flow and not on the fluid. • Originates high mixing. Laminar velocity profil vs turbulent profile u Laminar Turbulent t • Turbulent profile is more uniform than laminar profile. Laminar Sub - layer • Close to the wall shear is higher than in inner layers. • Close to the wall the speed tends to zero and inertial forces too. So there will always be an region where viscous forces dominate over the forces of inertia and where the flow will keep in laminar regime. Is the laminar sub-layer. • On laminar sub-layer the Newton's law of Viscosity is valid and we can affirm that in turbulent flow shear stresses on the wall are higher (for the same average speed) than in the laminar flow. Averave values and fluctuations 1 ui T t T u dt i t ui ui u ' i Taking the average value of this equation we see that the average value of fluctuation is zero (as we already knew), as the average value of the average value is the average value itself. ui ui ui' Properties of the average values 1 ui T t T u dt i t • One can get them using the properties of the integral calculation: – The average value of the average value is the average value itself, – The average value of the addition is the addition of the average values, – The average value of a constant times a variable is the product of the contant times the average value of the property. – The average value of a derivative is the derivative of the average value. – The average value of an integral is the integral of the average value. The Reynolds stresses ui ui p ui u j gi t x j x i x j x j ui ui u'i substituting : u'i u'j ui ui p ui u j gi t x j x i x j x j x j The meaning of the Reynolds’ Stresses u'i u'j ui ui p ui u j gi t x j xi x j x j x j • They were originated by the non linear term, i.e. by the inertia term (advective term) • They are proportional to the inertia force, i.e. to the square of the velocity, while the viscous forces are proportional to the velocity. visc ui x j turb u'i u'j Friction coefficient tot visc turb ui u'i u'j x j ui U u'i u'j UU x j tot D f C te 1 1 1 UD 2 2 U U U 2 2 2 2 1 f C te Re Physically, when does the flow became completely rough? When the length of the rugosity is longer than the thickness of the viscous sub-layer!