Digital TV in Brazil and its interactive
possibilities through mobile networks
Las Sociedades ante el Reto Digital
Universidad del Norte
“Cátedra Europa”
March 18-19, 2009
Márcio Iorio Aranha
Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law in the Law
School at the University of Brasília
Coordinator of the Telecommunication Law Study Group
Visiting Fellow at the University of Southern California
The debate surrounding the choice of digital TV format in Brazil
resulted in a sense of expectation on its innovative aspects of
broadcasting. After choosing the ISDB-T format though, as
anticipated by analysts, Brazil has been facing the challenge of
developing lower cost set-top boxes to take advantage of main
Japanese format features: mobility and spectrum availability for
interactive applications. In this scenario, this talk will address how
recent telecommunication regulation in Brazil is dealing with new
trends on mobile use of fixed phone networks by unlicensed
devices and how these trends are related to a thriving mobile
technology: fixed wireless access.
Activated lines in millions
Fixed and cellular phone access in Brazil
Embratel Livre
Embratel Livre distribution
(September, 2008), Users in
cities < 100,000 inhabitans,
31569, 2%
Embratel Livre distribution
(September, 2008), Users in
cities between 100,000 and
150,000 inhabitants, 6303,
Embratel Livre distribution
(September, 2008), Users
of Embratel Livre wired,
159, 0%
Users in cities > 150,000
Users in cities between
100,000 and 150,000
Users in cities < 100,000
Users of Embratel Livre
Embratel Livre distribution
(September, 2008), Users in
cities > 150,000
inhabitants, 1662957, 98%

Título da apresentação