Uso de Azitromicina nas Doenças
Pulmonares Crônicas
Dr. Paulo Kussek
Pneumologia Pediátrica
Hospital Pequeno Príncipe – Curitiba
• Macrolídeo- Azitromicina.
– Membrana celular > Lisossomo dos leucócitos.
37% da medicação é absorvida em 2-3 hrs
½ via plasmatica até 14 horas.
Niveis sanguíneos até 6 dias.
Penetração tissular até 30 dias.
Excretada em secreção brônquica ( até 40 x maior que nível plasmático) e
• Linear correlação com dose oral .
• Espectro antibacteriano contra Chlamydia, Mycoplasma e Legionella.
Azithromycin Maintenance Therapy in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis: A Dose Advice Based on a Review of Pharmacokinetics, Efficacy, and Side
Effects .Erik B. Wilms, Daniel J. Touw, Harry G.M. Heijerman, Cornelis K. van der Ent.
Pediatric Pulmonology 47:658–665 (2012)
• Efeitos:
– Antiinflamatório.
– Modulação do mecanismo de defesa do hospedeiro=
– Regula a funcão do leucócitos reduzindo o acúmulo
por redução das citocinas pró-inflamatórias.
– Controle da hipersecreção do muco e sua viscosidade.
• Meados de 1980 – muda a história natural da
Panbronquiolite difusa.
Panbronquiolite Difusa
• Doença inflamatória progressiva das vias aeríferas descrita quase exclusivamente
em Leste Asiáticos.
• Caracterizada:
por infecção crônica das vias aéreas por Pseudomonas aeruginosa com sintomas de tosse
produtiva, dispnéia e limitação ao fluxo aéreo, sinusite crônica.
Clearance Mucociliar
Panbronquiolite -Cochrane
The primary outcomes were five-year survival rate, lung function and clinical response.
Main results:
Only one RCT (19 participants) with significant methodological limitations was included in this
review. It found that the computerised tomography images of all participants treated with a longterm, low-dose macrolide (erythromycin) improved from baseline, while the images of 71.4% of
participants in the control group (with no treatment) worsened and 28.6% remained unchanged.
Adverse effects were not reported.
Authors' conclusions:
There is little evidence for macrolides in the treatment of DPB. We are therefore unable to make
any new recommendations. It may be reasonable to use low-dose macrolides soon after
diagnosis is made and to continue this treatment for at least six months, according to current
This record should be cited as:
Yang M, Dong BR, Lu J, Lin X, Wu HM. Macrolides for diffuse panbronchiolitis. Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD007716. DOI:
Assessed as up to date:
July 25, 2012
Clearance Mucociliar
Fibrose Cística
• Staphylococcus aureus (estágios
• P. aeruginosa (estágios finais)
Defeito CFTR
Movimento anormal de
sodio, cloro e agua
através da célula
– Produz alginato e cresce como um
Muco seco e espesso
espessamento do
Liberação DNA
dos leucocitos
Falha respiratória
• Azitromicina 250 or 500 mg - 3 dias
por semana.
• Função:
– Altera Biofilme da PA com redução da
– Reduz a aderência bacteriana nas
celulas epiteliais.
– Inibe a motilidade bacteriana.
Azithromycin for cystic fibrosis.K.W. Southern, Barker.
Eur Respir J 2004; 24: 834–838
Fibrose Cística
• Resultados:
– 45 pacientes (idade média 29 anos)
– 1 ano de azitromicina
– Peso médio aumentou de 63.1 kg do pré-tratamento para 63.9 kg
durante o tratamento ( p=0.01).
– Perda de função pulmonar pré-tratamento FEV1 - 4.1% e FVC -3.0%
para +0.8% ( p =0.001) e +1.6% ( p=0.01), respectivamente.
– 90% das amostras de escarro eram PA+, reduzindo para 81%
durante o tratamento (p=0.003).
Long-term azitromycin treatment of cystic fibrosis patients with chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection; an
observational cohort study.
Christine Rønne Hansena,T, Tacjana Presslera, Christian KochF, Niels Høibyb
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 4 (2005) 35–40
Fibrose Cística - Cochrane
Main results:
Ten of 31 studies identified were included (959 patients).
Demonstrated consistent improvement in forced expiratory
volume in one second over six months.
Patients treated with azithromycin were approximately twice
as likely to be free of pulmonary exacerbation at six months.
With respect to secondary outcomes, there was a significant
reduction in need for oral antibiotics and greater weight gain
in those taking azithromycin.
Adverse events were uncommon and not obviously associated
with azithromycin, although a once-weekly high dose regimen
was associated with more frequent gastrointestinal adverse
Treatment with azithromycin was associated with reduced
identification of Staphylococcus aureus on respiratory culture,
but also a significant increase in macrolide resistance.
Authors' conclusions:
This review provides evidence of improved respiratory
function after six months of azithromycin.
Data beyond six months were less clear, although reduction in
pulmonary exacerbation was sustained.
Treatment appeared safe over a six-month period;
however, emergence of macrolide resistance was a concern.
Assessed as up to date: February 29, 2012
FC – PA Negativa
• Uso de azitromicina por 6 -12 meses resulta em melhora clínica com redução
das exacerbações e melhora do ganho de peso em pacientes com FC infectados
ou não por PA, mas benefícios a longo prazo ainda são indeterminados.
Open-Label, Follow-on Study of Azithromycin in Pediatric Patients With CF Uninfected With Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lisa Saiman, Nicole Mayer-Hamblett, Michael Anstead, Larry C. Lands, Margaret Kloster, Christopher H. Goss, Lynn M.
Rose, Jane L. Burns, Bruce C. Marshall, Felix Ratjen- Pediatric Pulmonology 47:641–648 (2012)
Clearance mucociliar
Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC)
• Tratamento padrão:
– Broncodilatadores LABA - LAMA
– Costicosteróides inalatórios
• São efetivos em reduzir exacerbações em até 40%.
Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica
• Azitromicina na dose de 250 mg diariamente x placebo = 1 ano.
1142 participantes pelo menos 40 anos de idade, diagnóstico de
DPOC, VEF1 e CVF<70%.
Azithromycin for Prevention of Exacerbations of COPD.
Richard K. Albert, John Connett, William C. Bailey, Richard Casaburi, J. Allen D. Cooper, Gerard J. Criner, Jeffrey L. Curtis,
Mark T. Dransfield, MeiLan K. Han, Stephen C. Lazarus, Barry Make, Nathaniel Marchetti, Fernando J. Martinez, Nancy E.
Madinger, Charlene McEvoy, Dennis E. Niewoehner, Janos Porsasz, , Connie S. Price, John Reilly, Paul D. Scanlon, Frank C.
Sciurba, Steven M. Scharf, George R. Washko, Prescott G. Woodruff, Nicholas R. Anthonisen.
N Engl J Med 2011;365:689-98.
Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica
• Exacerbações
Azithromycin for Prevention of Exacerbations of COPD.
Richard K. Albert, John Connett, William C. Bailey, Richard Casaburi, J. Allen D. Cooper, Gerard J. Criner, Jeffrey L. Curtis,
Mark T. Dransfield, MeiLan K. Han, Stephen C. Lazarus, Barry Make, Nathaniel Marchetti, Fernando J. Martinez, Nancy E.
Madinger, Charlene McEvoy, Dennis E. Niewoehner, Janos Porsasz, , Connie S. Price, John Reilly, Paul D. Scanlon, Frank C.
Sciurba, Steven M. Scharf, George R. Washko, Prescott G. Woodruff, Nicholas R. Anthonisen.
N Engl J Med 2011;365:689-98.
Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica
Azithromycin for Prevention of Exacerbations of COPD.
Richard K. Albert, John Connett, William C. Bailey, Richard Casaburi, J. Allen D. Cooper, Gerard J. Criner, Jeffrey L. Curtis,
Mark T. Dransfield, MeiLan K. Han, Stephen C. Lazarus, Barry Make, Nathaniel Marchetti, Fernando J. Martinez, Nancy E.
Madinger, Charlene McEvoy, Dennis E. Niewoehner, Janos Porsasz, , Connie S. Price, John Reilly, Paul D. Scanlon, Frank C.
Sciurba, Steven M. Scharf, George R. Washko, Prescott G. Woodruff, Nicholas R. Anthonisen.
N Engl J Med 2011;365:689-98.
Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica- Cochrane
Doença ?
Clearance Mucociliar
Asma ?
• Doença Crônica Inflamatória de Vias Aéreas
• Asma Neutrofílica – patógenos atípicos como Mycoplasma
pneumoniae e Chlamidophila pneumoniae
Asma - Cochrane
Main results:
Seven studies recruiting a total of 416 participants met the inclusion criteria. We assembled findings
from studies comparing macrolide treatment for at least 4 weeks in adult and pediatric patients treated
for chronic asthma.
Four studies showed a positive effect on symptoms of macrolides in different types of asthmatic
There were limited data available for meta-analysis. There was no significant difference in FEV1 for
either parallel or crossover trials.
However, there were significant differences in eosinophilic inflammation and symptoms.
Authors' conclusions:
Considering the small number of patients studied, there is insufficient evidence to support or to refute
the use of macrolides in patients with chronic asthma. Further studies are needed in particular to
clarify the potential role of macrolides in some subgroups of asthmatics such as those with evidence of
chronic bacterial infection.
This record should be cited as:
Richeldi L, Ferrara G, Fabbri L, Lasserson TJ, Gibson PG. Macrolides for chronic asthma. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews 2005, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD002997. DOI
Assessed as up to date: May 21, 2007
Clearance Mucociliar
Rinossinusite Crônica
• Afeta 15% da população, duração acima de 12 semanas.
• Melhora dos pacientes
5% em 2 semanas.
48% em 4 semanas
63% em 8 semanas
71% em 12 semanas.
Macrolides for the Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis, Asthma, and COPD*
Mark H. Gotfried – Chest 2004 Feb 125(2 Suppl):52S-60S;
Clearance Mucociliar
Síndrome de Bronquiolite Obliterante
Bronquiectasia Idiopática
Bronquiolite Viral Aguda
Prevenção de Displasia Broncopulmonar
Riscos do Uso Prolongado de Macrolídeos
• Resistência bacteriana do Staphylococcus aureus
acima de 83% em 1 ano, 97% após 2 anos e 100%
após 3 anos de uso de azitromicina.
• Ototoxidade.
• Cardiotoxicidade- aumento do intervalo QT>
fibrilação e morte.
• Interação Medicamentosa a longo prazo.
Consideração Final
• Por seu efeito imunomodulatador e antimicrobiano, e
pelo fato de alcançar altas concentrações nos tecidos do
trato respiratório, os macrolídeos assumem o papel do
candidato ideal ao manejo das doenças pulmonares
crônicas, inflamatórias ou/e infecciosas.
• Mas ainda precisamos de estudos que comprovem estes
benefícios a longo prazo.
