Fulbright-SERN Scholarships Bolsa Estudu Fulbright-SERN with the support of the Bayu-Undan project and Ho ajuda husi projetu Bayu-Undan no Scholarships for Advanced Studies in the United States of America Bolsa Estudu ba Estudu Avansadu Iha Estadus Unidus Amérika The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources (MPRM), the United States Embassy and the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture are pleased that the Fulbright-SERN scholarship program will award up to Seven (7) scholarships to Timorese citizens to pursue Master's or Doctoral degrees in fields of study related to the natural resources and energy sector. Ministériu Petroleum no Rekursu Mineral, Embaixada Estadus Unidus Amérika no Bayu-Undan hakarak hato’o katak Programa Bolsa Estudu Fulbright-SERN sei fó bolsa estudu ba ema Timor oan hamutuk nain hitu (7) hodi estuda iha nivel Mestradu ou Doutoramentu iha area ne’ebé relevante rekursu natural no setór enerjia. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program will award one (1) scholarships to Timorese to pursue Master's degrees in fields that benefit Timor-Leste. Program bolsa estudu Fulbright Foreign Student sei fó bolsa estudu ba ema Timor oan nain ida hodi bele estuda iha nivel mestradu iha area ne’ebé fó benefísiu ba Timor-Leste. Students selected will begin their academic programs in U.S. universities in August 2014. The grants cover expenses incurred for travel to and from the United States, tuition and books, health insurance, and room and board. The deadline for submission of applications is Monday, April 15, 2013. Complete information and application forms and instructions can be picked up at the U.S. Embassy or downloaded from U.S. Embassy Dili Website or Facebook page http://timor-leste.usembassy.gov www.facebook.com/USEmbassyDili. You can also email [email protected] or call 3324684 Ext. 2035 for further information. Estudante ne’ebé selesionadu sei hahú sira nia programa akadémiku iha universidade sira iha Estadus Unidus iha fulan Agostu tinan 2014. Subvensaun inklui mós gastu ba viajen ba no fila mai husi Estadus Unidus, kustu ba eskola no livru, seguru ba saúde, no hela fatin no hahán. Prazu atu hatama aplikasaun mak loron Segunda, 22 Abríl 2013. Informasaun kompletu no formuláriu aplikasaun no instrusaun bele foti iha Embaixada Estadus Unidus ou bele download iha portal embaixada Estadus Unidus nian ou pájina facebook http://timor-leste.usembassy.gov www.facebook.com/USEmbassyDili. Ba informasaun klaru liu tan imi mós bele haruka email ba [email protected] ou telefone 3324684 Ext. 2035. MINISTERIO DO PETROLEUM NO REKURSU MINERAIS