EDP - ENERGIAS DO BRASIL S.A. Publicly-held Company NIRE 35.300.179.731 CNPJ/MF no 03.983.431/0001-03 EXTRACT OF THE MINUTES OF THE 144TH MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOR 1. DATE, TIME AND PLACE: Meeting held on December 14, 2009, at 14:00 a.m., at the Company's head offices, at Rua Bandeira Paulista, nº 530 - Ático, Bairro Itaim Bibi, São Paulo - SP. 2. ATTENDANCE: The meeting began with the attendance of the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. António Luis Guerra Nunes Mexia through a video conference call, of the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. António Manuel Barreto Pita de Abreu; of Mr. Nuno Maria Pestana de Almeida Alves and of Mrs. Ana Maria Machado Fernandes, both through a video conference call, and of Messrs. Antonio José Sellare, Francisco Roberto André Gros, Francisco Carlos Coutinho Pitella, Modesto Souza Barros Carvalhosa, and Pedro Sampaio Malan. With the justifiable absence of Ms. Ana Maria Machado Fernandes. 3. BOARD: The president of the meeting, Mr. António Luis Guerra Nunes Mexia, appointed Mrs. Andréa Mazzaro Carlos De Vincenti to be the secretary. 4. RESOLUTION: Discussions having been started, the following was resolved: 4.1 The Board of Directors’ members unanimously approved the removal of Dr. João José Gomes de Aguiar, a Portuguese citizen, married, engineer, bearer of RNE no. V421411-J, enrolled in the individual taxpayers’ registry under number 231.642.708-10, resident and domiciled in the Capital City of the State of São Paulo, with business address at Rua Bandeira Paulista, no. 530 – 14th floor - Itaim Bibi, São Paulo/SP, from the office of the Company’s Vice President for Distribution, effective as of January 1, 2010, in view of the fact that he will occupy the office of Chief Executive Officer in one of the EDP Group companies in Portugal. The Board of Directors’ members made o motion of praise to Vice President for Distribution. 4.2 Proceeding with the meeting, the Board of Directors’ members unanimously approved, effective as of January 1, 2010: (a) the return of the current Vice President for Sales Dr. Miguel Nuno Simões Nunes Ferreira Setas, a Portuguese citizen, married, engineer, bearer of RNE no. V533027Y, enrolled in the individual taxpayers’ registry under number 233.022.348-05, resident and domiciled in the Capital City of the State of São Paulo, with business address at Rua Bandeira Paulista, no. 530 – 14th floor - Itaim Bibi, São Paulo/SP, to occupy the office of the Company’s Vice President for Distribution; and (b) the cumulation of the office of Vice President for Sales, pursuant to article 24 in the Company’s By-Laws, with that of Vice President for Generation, by Dr. Luiz Otavio Assis Henriques, a Brazilian citizen, married, engineer and bearer of Identification Card RG no. 10.454.182 SSP/SP and enrolled in the individual taxpayers’ registry under number 024.750.768-79, resident and domiciled in the Capital City of the State of São Paulo, with business address at Rua Bandeira Paulista, no. 530 – 14th floor Itaim Bibi, São Paulo/SP. 4.3 In view of the resolutions in items 4.1 and 4.2 above, the Executive Committee shall be composed of the following members as of January 1, 2010, with no change in the term of office of the Company’s Executive Committee, i.e.: until January 8, 2011: . Chief Executive Officer: Mr. António Manuel Barreto Pita de Abreu . Vice President for Generation: Mr. Luiz Otavio Assis Henriques . Vice President for Sales: Mr. Luiz Otavio Assis Henriques . Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations: Mr. Miguel Dias Amaro . Officer of Management Control: Mr. Miguel Dias Amaro . Vice President for Distribution: Mr. Miguel Nuno Simões Nunes Ferreira Setas CLOSING: There being neither further business nor other comments or questions, the meeting was closed, and these minutes were drawn up, read and found in order, being then signed by all attending Directors. The vows made by the Directors pursuant to paragraph one of article 21 of the Company's Bylaws shall be attached to the specific register soon after the transcription of these minutes. Andréa Mazzaro Carlos De Vincenti Secretary of the Board Members: António Manuel Barreto Pita de Abreu Francisco Roberto André Gros Francisco Carlos Coutinho Pitella Modesto Souza Barros Carvalhosa Pedro Sampaio Malan