Página 1
Rua Ver. José Moreira, 850 Fone: 281-3131
Paulo Afonso – BA
Student’s name: _______________________________
Level: 1st
Course: High School
Kind of
Branch: English Language
Teacher Danny Lima dos Santos
Checking: ( ) S1 ( ) S2 ( ) B ( X ) Review
- O aluno poderá utilizar o dicionário durante a realização da atividade.
- O aluno poderá utilizar a lista de verbos irregulares para consulta durante a atividade.
Circle the correct verb.
Rosie were / was in school yesterday.
They were / was in the living room.
I were / was here at five thirty yesterday.
Harry wasn't / weren't in the kitchen.
Was / Were you home yesterday evening?
Complete the text with the simple past form of the verb in parentheses.
Lucy 1........arrived...... (arrive) at Chloe's on Saturday.
They 2.........watched........ (watch) TV and 3....played....... (play) computer games. They
also 4......went....... (go) to a party. Lucy 5.......met........ (meet) Emily. They 6..........sat..........
(sit) and 7..........talked......... (talk) all evening. They are now good friends. Lucy
......was......... (be) very happy when she 9............left......... (leave) Chloe's house. She
.............waved....... (wave) goodbye to Chloe. "What a great weekend!" said Lucy.
Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.
1 I didn’t think Harry's party was very good.
2 Hayley didn’t find her cat in the park.
3 Leo didn’t meet Annie in New York.
4 The girls didn’t see the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
5 We didn’t go to the mall for lunch.
6 She didn’t read a lot of books.
Circle the correct answers.
Andy lives in Chicago. No, he doesn't. / Yes, he does. He lives in Milwaukee.
I always help my mom. Yes, you do. / No, you don't. You're very helpful.
Tim wasn't at the party last night. No, he wasn't. / Yes, he was. He was at home.
Babies drink coffee. Yes, they do. / No, they don't. They drink milk.
You weren't happy yesterday. Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't. I had a bad day.
Read the sentences and write the names of the clubs and groups.
art club
movie club
drama club
school band
school choir
We meet every week to practice singing. ...school choir.......
I love acting, so I think this club is great. .....drama club.....
Last week, I made a mug. This week I'm making a model of an owl. ....art club......
I play the guitar and my friend Dan plays the drums. ....school band.........
We meet every week and watch a different movie. ......movie club.....
Steve and Stella Baker live in California. They’ve got two small children, and they are an average
American family, except for one thing: she goes to work, he stays at home and looks after the
children. Our reporter spoke to Steve and Stella at their home in San Diego:
“My wife has a very good job. She’s an electronics engineer, and she works for the US Navy here.
So she works, and I stay at home and look after the children.”
Jim Macartney is a helicopter pilot. He’s British, but he lives and works in Africa.
“I work for the hospital here. I take a doctor and two nurses in my helicopter to the jungle. There are
no roads in the jungle . only rivers. People go by helicopter or by boat, or they walk.”
Mrs. Betty Brown is sixty-two. She’s a housewife, and a grandmother and a student! Mrs. Brown lives
in Oxford, England, and goes to the University there. She studies Japanese, and she is the first in
her class. We asked Mrs. Brown how she learns Japanese.
“My son lives in Japan, he teaches English in Tokyo and sends me Japanese magazines and
newspapers, videos of Japanese TV programmes and cassettes of Japanese radio programmes.”
a - According to the text, chose the correct alternative:
a) Stella and Steve have two big children.
b) Stella Baker is sixty-two.
c) Steve looks after his wife.
d) Mrs. Brown’s son teaches English.
e) Steve works in an office.
b - According to the text, choose the alternative that correctly describes the people’s occupations:
a) Mrs. Brown is a nurse.
b) Stella is an electronic engineer.
c) Jim is a teacher.
d) Steve is a doctor.
e) Steve is a pilot.
c - According to the text, choose the alternatives which contain a correct answer for the question:
Where do they live?
a) Mrs. Brown lives in Japan.
b) Jim lives in England.
c) Steve lives in Oxford.
d) Mrs. Brown’s son lives in Japan.
e) Stella lives in Africa.
d - Escolha a alternativa que melhor completa a questão:
Listen, Julia! The telephone is ringing. Go __________it.
Please, write your name under the topic for the lecture you want to ___________ .
a. attend / attend
b. answer / hear
c. answer / attend
d. attend / see
e. pick / participate
7 - Traduza o texto para a língua portuguesa.
Answers may vary.
8 – Escolha uma sequência que complete as sentenças:
________ you like to play volley?
________ she like to watch TV?
________ they go to the cinema?
He ________ not eat pasta.
________ I sit in the right place?
a) Do – Does – Do – Do - Does
b) Does – Do – Do – Does – Do
c) Do - Does – Do – Does – Do
d) Does – Do – Do – Do – Does
e) Do – Do – Does – Do – Do
9 - Na forma negativa a frase “ Does she like pizza?” fica:
a) She does not likes pizza.
b) Does not she like pizza.
c) Not does she like pizza.
d) She does not like pizza.
e) She does like pizza.
10 - Bob´s Vacation
Tess – What did you do on your vacation?
Bob – I visited my cousins in the countryside.
Tess – Did you enjoy your trip?
Bob – Yes, I did. In fact I did a lot of things that I never do here.
Tess – Really?! What did you do?
Bob – In the morning I walked along a lake. In the afternoon I watched the birds and the sunset. And
at night I played cards.
Tess - Did you do the same every day?
Bob – Of course not. On weekends we organized parties. My cousins played the guitar and I
prepared the food.
Tess – Prepared the food on weekends?! Thank God I didn’t go with you.
country – campo, interior
along the lake – ao longo do rio.
sunset – pôr do sol
parties – festas
food – comida.
a) Answer the questions in English:
a) What did Bob do on his vacation?___He visited his cousins in the countryside___ __
b) b) Who prepared the food? ____Bob prepared the food______
11 - Sabendo que does not é utilizado na 3ª pessoa do Singular o presente simples, complete
com do not ou does not.
I _do not_ talk to her. (Eu não falo com ela.)
You __do not__ need to tell me anything. (Você não precisa me dizer nada.)
He _does not_ live here. (Ele não mora aqui.)
She _does not__ like him. (Ela não gosta dele.)
It __does not__ work well. (Isto não funciona bem.)
We _do not__ read newspaper. (Nós não lemos jornal.)
You _do not__ have children. (Vocês não têm filhos.)
They __do not__ go out on weekends. (Eles não saem nos finais de semana.)
12 - Complete a forma interrogativa do presente simples com do ou does:
_Do_ I need it? (Eu preciso disto?)
_Do_ you have a summerhouse? (Você tem casa na praia?)
What _does_ toads eat? (O que os sapos comem?)
How _do__ you know she is married? (Como você sabe que ela é casada?)
Where _does_ he work? (Onde ele trabalha?)
_Does_ it work? (Isto funciona?)
_Do_ we know her? (Nós a conhecemos?)
_Do_ you have a car? (Vocês têm carro?)
_Do_ they go out on weekends? (Eles saem nos finais de semana?)
13 - Assinale a alternativa que complete a frase corretamente:
What _____ you _____ when I arrived?
was / doing
was / writing
were / do
were / doing
do / doing
14. Leiam o texto a seguir - Read the following text
It’s ten in the morning and Michael is sleeping. He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel. His
secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails. The manager is making the arrangements for
Michael’s show. Outside the hotel there are people waiting to see Michael. The police is helping to
control the situation. His fans are saying, “I love you Michael”. Everyone wants to go to his concert
because he is the best. He is a great singer and a wonderful dancer too.The show is tonight and I
won't miss it.
Sleep: dormir
Manager: gerente, empresário
Bedroom: quarto
Talk: conversar
Answer: responder
Make arrangements: fazer preparativos
Say: dizer
Outside: do lado de fora
Wait to see: esperar para ver
Miss: perder
1. Respondam as perguntas – Answer the questions
a. Where is Michael sleeping?
……He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel…………………………………
b. What is his secretary doing?
…His secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails
c. What is the manager doing?
… The manager is making the arrangements for Michael’s show ……
d.What are his fans saying?
… His fans are saying, “I love you Michael”. ………………
2. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso
a. Michael sings and dances. (T)
b. His fans are violent. (F)
c. Michael doesn't have a secretary. (F)
d. The show is tomorrow. (F)
15 - Traduza o texto abaixo e em seguida disserte sobre o assunto.
Sandra Rosa is very beautiful, young, and successful. She’s a famous actress. She’s also very rich.
Her house near the beach is big and beautiful, and her car is very expensive. Her fans love her. But
is she happy?
Sandra says, “yeah, I’m young, rich, beautiful, and famous. People think rich people are happy.
That’s not always true!”
Sandra’s brother, Mike, is her manager. He says, “Sandra is only 18. She enjoys acting and
entertaining people. But she’s not happy. She doesn’t like being famous.”
“It’s true,” Sandra says. “I’m never alone. Reporters are everywhere. Wherever I go, they’re there.
They’re outside my house all the time!”
Answers may vary.
Sandra Rosa é muito bonita, jovem e bem sucedida. Ela é uma famosa atriz. Ela também é muito
rica. Sua casa próxima da praia é grande e bonita, e o carro dela é muito caro. Os fãs a amam. Mas
ela é feliz?
Sandra diz, “Sim, eu sou jovem, rica, bonita e famosa. As pessoas pensam que pessoas ricas são
felizes, mas isso não é sempre verdade!”
O irmão de Sandra, Mike, é o empresário dela. Ele diz, “Sandra tem apenas 18 anos. Ela gosta de
atuar e entreter pessoas. Mas ela não é feliz. Ela não gosta de ser famosa”
“É verdade”, disse Sandra. “Eu nunca estou sozinha. Repórteres estão por toda parte. Não importa
para onde vou, eles estão lá. Eles estão do lado de fora de minha casa todo o tempo!”

19/03 Gabarito da Revisão de Inglês - 1° ano