Jaqueline Botelho da Ponte et al., J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2014, 4:5
2nd International Conference on
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
September 23-25, 2014 Valencia Convention Centre, Spain
Nutritional Profile of severe dementia the patients attended from Sao Paulo-Brazil
Jaqueline Botelho da Ponte1, Glaucia Akiko Kamikado Pivi1, Neusa Maria de Andrade Vieira2, Vivian Aparecida da Silva Salvador2, Debora Coca1 and Paulo Henrique
Ferreira Bertolucci2
University Nove de Julho, Brazil
University Federal de São Paulo, Brazil
atients with severe dementia, usually have problems in swallowing that leads them to have progressive weight loss. The aim
of this study was to evaluate the profile of these nutritionally patients with severe dementia. Nutritionally, n=62 elderly
patients were assessed, all in CDR 3-attended the clinic Dementia UNIFESP/EPM, for the year 2013. The results indicate
that 50 elderly were malnourished - Weight Md:52.56 kg, height Md:1.55 m, Body Mass Index - BMI Md:21.21 kg/m2, Arm
Circumference - AC Md=25, 28 cm, triceps skinfold - TS Md=11.39 mm, Circunferece Muscular Arm - AMB Md=21.70 cm
Circumference and Calf - CC Md=30.63 cm, valid for screening of nutritional diagnostic measures. Only 12 patients were
normal weight - Weight Md=52.58 kg, height=1.55 m Md, Md BMI=21.32 kg/m2, PCT Md=11.53 cm, AC Md=25.37 cm,
AMB Md=21.74 cm and CC Md=30.64. Use beyond the anthropometric data, quality data supply, which indicates a diet low in
calories and protein for all patients. Despite the modest sample be concluded that the findings corroborate the literature that
emphasizes malnourished in severe stage of the disease, which leads us to invest in early nutrition.
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J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2014
ISSN: 2161-0460, JADP an open access journal
Volume 4, Issue 5
September 23-25, 2014
Page 113

Nutritional Profile of severe dementia the patients attended from Sao