AARJSH VOLUME 1 ISSUE 30 (DECEMBER 2014) ISSN : 2278 – 859X A Peer Reviewed International Journal of Asian Academic Research Associates AARJSH ASIAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH JOURNALOFSOCIAL SCIENCE&HUMANIT IES PERFORMANCE FOR COMPENSATION IN EDUCATIONAL SECTOR - IMPACT ON THE TEACHING PROFESSION IN THE AMAZON –BRAZIL ARMINDA RACHEL BOTELHO MOURÃO 1; CARLOS AUGUSTO GOMES DE ALMEIDA2; JOSÉ JÚLIO CÉSAR ARAÚJO 3 1 PhD in Education: History, Politics, Society at the Catholic University of São Paulo (2002). He is currently associate professor at the Federal University of Amazonas and coordinator and professor of the Graduate Program in Education. 2 PhD in Education FACED / UFAM. Master of Education: History, Politics, Society at the Catholic University of São Paulo (2001). 3 PhD in Education FACED / UFAM. Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Acre. Fellow RH-Internalization - FAPEAM. All correspondence concerning this article should be sent to: Arminda Rachel Botelho Mourão. Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Educação, Av. General Rodrigo Octavio, 3200, Coroado I, Manaus -AM, BRASIL. CEP. 69077-000. ABSTRACT The work is the result of research on dropout and repetition in a Coordination of Education in Amazonas, the methodology used was dialectical and historical materialism, based on literature search was undertaken to understand the policy of Total Quality practiced by the Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Amazonas. Discusses on the pay for performance as a strategy to increase productivity, demonstrating that it is a political and ideological project that undermines class organization. A project that underlies the idea of a new social organization was established, and with it, a new ethic. Discusses the competency model developed by Zarifian. Work performance indicators, analyzing how they are employed in the education sector. Concludes that paying performance does not take into account the school institution, education funding and building a quality socially relevant. Keywords: Payment by performance. Pay for performance. Accountability. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities www.asianacademicresearch.org