ACTIVITY: Fishing CASE: GSAF 2014.06.09.c DATE: Monday June 9, 2014 LOCATION: The South Atlantic Ocean 500 km from the coast of Brazil. NAME: Sunarko DESCRIPTION: He is a 43-year-old male from Java, one of the crew of the Japanese fishing vessel boat Kinei Maru. NARRATIVE: Fishermen were pulling in their nets and the shark was in the midst of the fish. It appeared the shark was dead, but upon reaching the boat, the shark bit the fisherman. The 3rd Naval District, Rio Grande do Norte, was contacted and transferred the case to Pernambuco, because the boat was closer to the Pernambuco coast. The Port Authority said it received the distress call from the vessel on Tuesday, June 10th at 02h00, and vessel was guided to Recife, arriving there around 16h30 on Wednesday June 11th. INJURY: The man sustained serious injury to his arm and head. The lesion on his arm was about 15 cm in length and reached to the bone. Photo: Everaldo Silva / TV Globo TREATMENT: Doctors at Hospital da Restauração in Recife reported that the patient underwent vascular surgery and is not yet possible to assess the damage. The surgeon. Elimarcos Nunes dos Santos, said the man might lose his arm because "he was only treated 36 hours after the attack, the damage was extensive and profound, and there is the risk of infection." SPECIES: Not identified Doctors Eli Clark and Mark Vieira were responsible for surgery on the injured crewman © Global Shark Accident File, 2014. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File Indonésio é atacado por tubarão em alto-mar em Pernambuco Homem chegou ao hospital mais de 36 horas depois de ser atacado Um indonésio de 43 anos foi atacado por um tubarão em alto-mar em Pernambuco. Segundo o Hospital da Restauração, ele chegou por volta das 6h desta quarta-feira (11), no entanto, o ataque teria ocorrido há mais de 36 horas. A demora em receber atendimento se deu porque ele estava em uma embarcação há mais de 500 km da costa. O homem teve uma lesão grave em um braço e no crânio. Os médicos informaram que ele passou por uma cirurgia vascular e ainda não é possível avaliar os danos. A Capitania dos Portos informou que ele é natural da ilha de Java, na Indonésia, e estava em um barco com identificação japonesa na produção de pesca. A Capitania foi informada sobre o acidente às 2h e orientou a ida para a costa mais próxima, no caso a de Recife. Indonesian attacked by shark at sea in Pernambuco Man arrived at the hospital more than 36 hours after being attacked by an Indonesian 43 year old was attacked by a shark at sea in Pernambuco. According to the Hospital of the Restoration, he arrived around 6pm on Wednesday (11), however, the attack would have occurred more than 36 hours. The delay in receiving care was because he was on a boat for more than 500 km from the coast. The man had a serious injury in an arm and skull. Doctors reported that he underwent vascular surgery and is not yet possible to assess the damage. The Port Authority reported that he is a native of the island of Java in Indonesia, and was in a boat with Japanese identification in fishery production. The captaincy was informed about the accident at 2am and guided the way to the nearest shore, in the case of Recife. SOURCE: R7 NotÍcias, June 11, 2014, Pescador é atacado por tubarão a 500 quilômetros da costa pernambucana O indonésio Sunarko, de 43 anos, passou por cirurgia, está consciente e estável, mas corre o risco de perder o braço direito RECIFE - Atacado no braço direito por um tubarão, durante pesca em alto mar, um tripulante do barco Kinei Maru, de bandeira japonesa, passou por cirurgia na manhã desta quarta-feira, 11, no Hospital da Restauração, no Recife, e corre o risco de perder o membro. Natural da Indonésia e identificado como Sunarko, de 43 anos, o pescador está consciente e estável, sem previsão de alta. De acordo com informações repassadas pela tripulação, o barco se encontrava a 500 quilômetros da costa pernambucana, quando ocorreu o incidente, nesta segunda-feira, 9. Os pescadores lançaram a rede e, em meio a outros peixes, veio um tubarão. Eles pensaram que o animal estivesse morto e puxaram a rede. Ao chegar à embarcação, o tubarão mordeu o pescador. O médico Elimarcos dos Santos Nunes, responsável pela cirurgia, disse que a possibilidade de perda do braço ocorre porque "ele só foi atendido 36 horas depois do ataque, a lesão foi extensa © Global Shark Accident File, 2014. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File e profunda, e há o risco de infecção". A lesão tem extensão de cerca de 15 centímetros e alcança o osso. "Vamos esperar a evolução", afirmou Nunes. A embarcação chegou ao Recife por volta das 4h30 desta quarta-feira. A Capitania dos Portos informou ter sido acionada com o pedido de socorro da embarcação nesta terça-feira, 10, e acionou o resgate. O 3º Distrito Naval, no Rio Grande do Norte, foi contatado antes, na madrugada, mas repassou o caso para Pernambuco, porque o barco estaria mais próximo da costa pernambucana. O cirurgião disse já ter atendido outros casos de ataque de tubarão, mas todos ocorridos em um trecho de 30 quilômetros da orla pernambucana - incluindo a praia urbana de Boa Viagem, no Recife. Desde 1992, foram registrados 59 ataques do animal nessa área. Fisherman attacked by shark 500 miles from the coast of Pernambuco The Indonesian Sunarko, 43, underwent surgery, is conscious and stable, but risks losing his right arm RECIFE - Wholesale in the right arm by a shark while deep sea fishing, a crew member of the boat Kinei Maru, a Japanese flag, underwent surgery on the morning of Wednesday, 11, at the Hospital of the Restoration, in Recife, and runs risk of losing the limb. Natural Indonesia and identified as Sunarko, 43, the fisherman is conscious and stable, with no planned high. According to information passed on by the crew, the boat was found 500 miles from the coast of Pernambuco, when the incident occurred on Monday, 9. Fishermen have launched the network, and in the midst of other fish, a shark came. They thought the animal was dead and pulled the network. Upon reaching the boat, the shark bit the fisherman. The doctor Elimarcos Nunes dos Santos, responsible for the operation, said the possibility of losing the arm occurs because "he was only treated 36 hours after the attack, the damage was extensive and profound, and there is the risk of infection." The lesion has length of about 15 cm, and reaches the bone. "Let's hope the trend," said Nunes. The vessel arrived in Recife around 4:30 on Wednesday. The Port Authority said it had been thrown to the distress call from the vessel on Tuesday, 10, and triggered the rescue. The 3rd Naval District, Rio Grande do Norte, was contacted earlier, at dawn, but transferred the case to Pernambuco, because the boat would be closer to the Pernambuco coast. The surgeon said he had attended other cases of shark attack, but all occurred in a 30-kilometer stretch of Pernambuco waterfront - including urban Boa Viagem beach in Recife. Since 1992, 59 attacks the animal were recorded in this area. SOURCE: msn estadao. June 11, 2014, C3%A9-atacado-por-tubar%C3%A3o-a-500-quil%C3%B4metros-da-costa-pernambucana © Global Shark Accident File, 2014. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File Em PE, estado de saúde de javanês atacado por tubarão evolui bem O javanês atacado por um tubarão em alto-mar, a cerca de 500 km da costa de Pernambuco, na terça-feira (10), evolui bem do procedimento cirúrgico a que foi submetido, de acordo com o boletim do Hospital da Restauração divulgado nesta quinta (12). O paciente, de 43 anos, se encontra na enfermaria de cirurgia vascular da unidade de saúde. De acordo com o boletim, "não há sinais de infecção na ferida, há boa circulação no membro afetado e seu estado geral é bom". Nesta manhã, foi realizado um curativo e o homem segue tratamento com transfusão de sangue e antibióticos. Natural da ilha de Java, na Indonésia, o paciente sofreu uma lesão muscular extensa na parte posterior do braço (tríceps), além de uma lesão neurológica. Após o resgate da Marinha,o homem chegou ao Porto do Recife na quarta-feira (11), onde foi encaminhado para uma ambulância do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (Samu), que o levou até o HR, onde passou por uma cirurgia vascular. Os médicos responsáveis pela cirurgia, Eli Marcos e Clark Vieira, informaram que, segundo duas pessoas que estavam na tripulação (um médico e um funcionário da empresa para a qual o javanês trabalha), eles estavam pescando quando um tubarão entrou na rede de pesca. O pescador acreditava que o animal estava morto quando foi atacado com uma mordida no braço. Na madrugada da terça (10), por volta das 2h40, o 3º Distrito Naval (Rio Grande do Norte) recebeu o pedido de socorro da embarcação Kinei Maru. O navio de pesca oceânica tem bandeira japonesa. PE, health Javanese attacked by shark progressed well The Javanese attacked by a shark at sea, about 500 km from the coast of Pernambuco, on Tuesday (10), evolves and the surgical procedure he underwent, according to the report released on Hospital Services fifth (12). The patient, aged 43, is in the vascular surgery ward of the health unit. According to the report, "there are no signs of infection in the wound, there is good circulation in the affected limb and his general condition is good." This morning was held a bandage and man following treatment with transfusions and antibiotics. Originally from the island of Java in Indonesia, the patient suffered extensive muscle injury on the back of the arm (triceps), and neurological damage. After the rescue of the Navy, the man arrived at the Port of Recife on Wednesday (11), where an ambulance was sent to the Mobile Service (Samu), which led to the HR, where he underwent vascular surgery. The doctors responsible for surgery, Eli Clark and Mark Vieira, reported that, according to two people who were on the crew (a physician and employee of the company for which the Javanese works), they were fishing when a shark came in the fishing net. The fisherman thought the animal was dead when he was attacked with a bite on his arm. In the early hours of Tuesday (10) at about 2:40 a.m., the 3rd Naval District (Rio Grande do Norte) received the distress call from the vessel Kinei Maru. The ship of ocean fisheries have Japanese flag. SOURCE: Portal AZ, June 12, 2014, geral/297524_em_pe_estado_de_saude_de_javanes_atacado_por_tubarao_evolui_bem.html © Global Shark Accident File, 2014. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File Após cirurgia, homem atacado por tubarão em PE tem quadro estável Ele foi operado no HR; médico não descarta amputar braço. Homem foi atacado enquanto pescava em alto-mar, na costa de PE. O javanês de 43 anos que sofreu um ataque de tubarão em alto-mar, a cerca de 500 quilômetros da costa pernambucana, teve um lesão muscular extensa na parte posterior do braço, além de uma lesão neurológica. A informação foi repassada pelo médico Eli Marcos Nunes, responsável pela cirurgia vascular à qual o homem foi submetido na manhã desta quarta (11). Segundo o cirurgião, não houve lesão no osso, mas o (músculo) tríceps foi afetado e ainda não foi descartada a possibilidade de amputar parte do braço. A cirurgia foi realizada no Hospital da Restauração, área central do Recife. O estrangeiro chegou na unidade de saúde com muita perda de sangue, mas o estado de saúde era considerado estável. Ele foi resgatado por uma ambulância do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (Samu) após a embarcação atracar no Porto do Recife no início da manhã da quarta. Segundo a equipe médica, foi feita uma limpeza extensa no ferimento, sobretudo para não ter infecção. O paciente permanece estável após o procedimento cirúrgico e segue em observação. Os médicos também informaram que, segundo duas pessoas que estavam na tripulação (um médico e uma pessoa da empresa para a qual ele trabalha), eles estavam pescando quando um tubarão entrou na rede de pesca. O pescador acreditava que o animal estava morto quando foi atacado com uma mordida no braço. saiba mais Homem fere braço em possível ataque de tubarão na costa de PE Marinha envia resgate após incidente com tripulante de navio na costa de PE O caso foi registrado a 280 milhas náuticas, cerca de 500 quilômetros, da costa pernambucana. A embarcação de nome Kinei Maru tem bandeira japonesa, mas o tripulante ferido é natural da ilha de Java, na Indonésia. A Capitania dos Portos de PE informou que o homem foi resgatado por volta das 4h30 desta quarta. O barco já estava voltando para a capital e atracou no Porto do Recife, o que facilitou o resgate do homem por uma ambulância do Samu. O homem deu entrada no HR por volta da 5h05; ele foi sedado e encaminhado ao bloco cirúrgico, sob responsabilidade do cirurgião vascular Elicarlos Santos Nunes. Na terça (10), o 3º Distrito Naval (Rio Grande do Norte) recebeu o pedido de socorro da tripulação por volta das 2h40 da madrugada, mas o caso foi encaminhado para Pernambuco porque a embarcação Kinei Maru estaria mais próxima do Recife. After surgery, man attacked by shark in PE has stable framework He was operated on HR; doctor does not rule amputated arm. Man was attacked while fishing on the high seas off the coast of PE. The Javanese 43 year old who suffered a shark attack at sea, about 500 kilometers from the coast of Pernambuco, had a large muscle in the back of the arm, and neurological damage. The information was given by the doctor Eli Marcos Nunes, responsible for vascular surgery to which man was submitted on Wednesday morning (11). According to the surgeon, there was no injury to the bone, but the (muscle) was affected triceps and has not been ruled out amputating arm. The surgery was performed at the Hospital of the Restoration, the central area of Recife. The stranger arrived at the clinic with much loss of blood, but health status was considered stable. He was rescued by an ambulance from Mobile Service (Samu) after the boat dock at the Port of © Global Shark Accident File, 2014. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File Recife in the early morning of Wednesday. According to the medical staff, was taken extensive cleaning the wound, especially for not having infection. The patient remains stable after surgery and continues under observation. Physicians also reported that, according to two people who were on the crew (a doctor and a person of the company for which he works), they were fishing when a shark came in the fishing net. The fisherman thought the animal was dead when he was attacked with a bite on his arm. learn more Man injures arm as possible shark attack off the coast of PE Navy sends rescue after the incident with the crew of the ship on the coast of PE The case was registered at 280 nm, about 500 kilometers, the Pernambuco coast. The vessel name has Kinei Maru Japanese flag, but the injured crewman is from the Island of Java in Indonesia. The Port of PE reported that the man was rescued around 4:30 this Wednesday. The boat was now returning to the capital and docked at the Port of Recife, which facilitated the redemption of man by ambulance Samu. The man was admitted to HR at around 5:05 a.m.; he was sedated and taken to the operating block, under the responsibility of the vascular surgeon Elicarlos Santos Nunes. On Tuesday (10), the 3rd Naval District (Rio Grande do Norte) received the distress call from the crew at around 2:40 a.m. in the morning, but the case was referred to Pernambuco because the vessel Kinei Maru would be closer to the reef. SOURCE: June 11, 2014, © Global Shark Accident File, 2014. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or reproduced in any form without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File