ECTS - Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão
Degree: Undergraduate Degree In Accounting And Administration
Course: Information Technology Systems
Academic Year: 2012/2013
Academic year: 1
Term: Winter Semester
Attendance: Mandatory
Number of Credits (ECTS): 3.0
Theoretical/Practical Work (hours): 18.0 h
Lab work (hours): 33.0 h
Course Responsible Teacher: Engº Hugo Ferreira
Learning Outputs:
Acquire an overview of technologies and information systems realizing its importance and how to use it in a personal and
professional context;
Practicing throughout his life a permanent self - learning with regard to technology and information systems.
To understand the concepts related to technology and information systems and their historical evolution;
Know the structure and operation of the computer (hardware and software);
Develop skills related to use of productivity tools applied in the context of Accounting and Administration;
Develop skills in the use of Internet services as a means of promotion, dissemination and communication.
Module # 1 - Internet and Collaborative Services
2.1 History and architecture of the Internet
2.2 Web Services Web and E-mail
2.3 New paradigms WWW: Web 2.0
2.4 Strategies research and publications
2.5 Production and document sharing
2.6 Electronic Commerce and Security
2.7 Planning and design of websites
Module # 2 - Computer Systems
1.1 Evolution and History
1.2 Computer Systems
1.3 Hardware and Software Architecture
1.4 Numbering systems and data representation
1.5 Computer Networks
Module # 3 - Spreadsheets
3.1 Referencing cells
3.2 Construction of functions / formulas
3.3 Data manipulation, validation, formatting, filtering and consolidation.
3.4 Dynamic tables
3.5 Financial Functions
3.6 Analysis of hypothesis: data tables, scenarios, achieving objective
3.7 Automating Tasks: Macros
Learning Outputs:
Composed by exposure of the subject through presentations in PowerPoint format for this purpose using a video projector software
or VNC (Virtual Network Computing) remote control that allows the presentation and its reflection on the student computers. At the
end of the presentation the students are encouraged to consolidate the information captured by further reading of websites and
articles of current interest in the matter squarely. In the second part of the class, apply the theoretical concepts through exercises,
worksheets individual and group, with presentation and discussion.
The syllabuses of the course are posted on Moodle System (E-learning ESEIG). The platform also provides mechanisms for the
reception of practical work set throughout the semester. For this reason, the enrollment of students on this platform is mandatory.
Assessment Methods:
1 Essay - 30% weighting
2 tests - first test 30% + second test 40%
The work and tests have a minimum average score of 10 points.
Final Assessment I
Final examination (theoretical part) - 30%
Final examination (practical part) - 70%
Minimum score of 10 points in both theoretical and pratical part.
Final Assessment II & III
Final examination (theoretical part) - 30%
Final examination (practical part) - 70%
Minimum score of 10 points in both theoretical and pratical part.
[1] SOUSA, Sérgio - Tecnologias da Informação - O que são? Para que servem? 6ª Edição Actualizada. FCA - Editora Informática,
2010, ISBN: 978-972-722-649-8.
[2] GOUVEIA, José - Hardware PCs e Periféricos - curso completo. 4ª Edição Actualizada e aumentada. FCA - Editora Informática,
ISBN: 978-972-722-339-8.
[3] PINTO, Mário - Microsoft EXCEL 2007. Centro Atlântico, 2007, ISBN: 978-989-615-109-6.
[4] Web 20 things I learned about browsers & the Web -
[5] Marques, Paulo - Exercícios de Excel 2010. FCA - Editora Informática, ISBN: 978-972-722-678-8
[6] ALVES, Joaquim - Excel 2010 - Guia de consulta rápida. FCA - Editora Informática, ISBN: 979-972-722-670-2.
Specific laboratories, computer rooms;
If students may wish to use their own laptops for the practical classes;
Engº Hugo Ferreira
Vila do Conde, 17 de Setembro de 2012

ECTS - Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão Degree