1 ITAIPU - BINACIONAL Processo Seletivo – Edital n° 1003 Prova – 07/02/2012 Anos Compreensão Auditiva INSTRUÇÕES 1. Confira, abaixo, o seu número de inscrição, turma e nome. Assine no local indicado. 2. Aguarde autorização para abrir o caderno de prova. Antes de iniciar a resolução das questões, confira a numeração de todas as páginas. 3. A prova é composta de um áudio e de 10 questões objetivas que serão apresentados simultaneamente. 4. Nesta prova, as questões objetivas são de múltipla escolha, com 5 alternativas cada uma, sempre na sequência a, b, c, d, e, das quais somente uma deve ser assinalada. 5. A interpretação das questões é parte do processo de avaliação, não sendo permitidas perguntas aos aplicadores de prova. 6. Ao receber o cartão-resposta, examine-o e verifique se o nome impresso nele corresponde ao seu. Caso haja qualquer irregularidade, comunique-a imediatamente ao aplicador de prova. 7. O cartão-resposta deverá ser preenchido com caneta esferográfica preta, tendo-se o cuidado de não ultrapassar o limite do espaço para cada marcação. Língua Inglesa 8. Não serão permitidos empréstimos, consultas e comunicação entre os candidatos, tampouco o uso de livros, apontamentos e equipamentos eletrônicos ou não, inclusive relógio. O não cumprimento dessas exigências implicará a eliminação do candidato. 9. Os aparelhos celulares deverão ser desligados e colocados OBRIGATORIAMENTE no saco plástico. Caso essa exigência seja descumprida, o candidato será excluído do concurso. 10. A duração da prova é de 1 hora. Esse tempo inclui a resolução das questões e a transcrição das respostas para o cartão-resposta. 11. Ao concluir a prova, permaneça em seu lugar e comunique ao aplicador de prova. Aguarde autorização para entregar o caderno de prova e o cartão-resposta. 12. Se desejar, anote as respostas no quadro abaixo, recorte na linha indicada e leve-o consigo. DURAÇÃO DESTA PROVA: 1 hora NÚMERO DE INSCRIÇÃO TURMA NOME DO CANDIDATO ASSINATURA DO CANDIDATO ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 01 02 03 04 05 - RESPOSTAS 06 07 08 09 10 - 2 3 Listening Passage 1: “Online Textbooks Update Student Learning”. This listening passage is divided into parts 1 and 2. You will listen to each of the two parts twice. You now have three minutes to read questions 01, 02 and 03 before you listen to Part 1 for the first time. Electronic books, or e-books, have changed the way many of us read for pleasure. Now digital textbooks - educational volumes which are read online - are transforming the way many students learn. 01 - Check the correct answer according to the passage. a) ►b) c) d) e) Online materials have been used with subjects such as History and Mathematics. A school in Virginia provides students with laptops in the classroom. Public schools in Fairfax County are using e-books for elementary school students. Schools in Fairfax County are still using hardcover books for social studies. Digital books have been used for 15 years in some schools. 02 - According to Peter Noonan, which statement is FALSE? a) b) c) ►d) e) Students are able to use resources from many different places. Students come to school technologically savvy. E-books can easily keep up-to-date with the changes of the world. Students have to be mature in order to use electronic books. The use of e-books has two main benefits, such as updated content and low cost. 03 - Check the correct answer. According to Peter Noonan, a) ►b) c) d) e) Online textbooks cost between $50 and $70 dollars. Fairfax County has spent less than $6 million dollars to buy online textbooks for their students. The usual cost of regular textbooks for Fairfax County is around $80 million dollars. Student have to pay for their own books in Fairfax County. 8 million books have been bought for the students of Fairfax County. Listen to PART 2 and answer questions 04 and 05. You will hear the passage twice. You now have two minutes to read the alternatives before you listen to the passage for the first time. 04 - Consider the following statements about the text. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Students have mixed feelings about the switch from regular to online textbooks. A student says she likes it because the laptop is much lighter than books. One of the students says the internet sometimes doesn’t work. It is possible to individualize students’ learning and instruction. A disadvantage pointed is that you cannot leave notes on your work. Which statements are correct according to the text? a) b) c) d) ►e) Only statements 1, 2 and 3 are correct. Only statements 2, 3 and 5 are correct. Only statements 1, 2, 3 and 5 are correct. Only statements 3 and 4 are correct. Only statements 1, 3 and 4 are correct. 05 - Check the correct answer according to the passage. ►a) b) c) d) e) Students can use the after-school computer lab or one of the computer club houses. The school library offers terminals only to those who don’t have internet access at home. Making sure all students have online access is not an issue in Fairfax County. Some students go to their teachers’ house to do their homework. Most students don’t like to do their homework on the computer. 4 Listening Passage 2: “Welcome to Puerto Varas”. You are going to listen to a radio program about interesting touristic sites. The passage will be played twice. Before you listen to this passage for the first time, read questions 06, 07 and 08 below. You have 3 minutes to do that. 06 - Consider the following statements about Puerto Varas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It is considered the entrance point to the Chilean Patagonia. It is located in the outskirts of Santiago. It is in southern Chile, in the Los Lagos region. It is well-known for its French traditions. It is also known for its delicious seafood and wonderful landscapes. Which statements are true, a according to the passage? a) b) c) d) ►e) Only 1, 2 and 5. Only 1, 3 and 4. Only 2 and 3. Only 2, 3 and 4. Only 1, 3, and 5. 07 - Which statement is correct, according to the passage? a) b) ►c) d) e) Puerto Varas is only 50 miles from Puerto Mont. The city of Puerto Varas was founded in the 19 hundreds. Puerto Varas is known as the “city of roses”. Puerto Varas was founded by German and English speaking immigrants. The first settlers of Puerto Varas were architects, artists and wine producers. 08 - Which statement is FALSE, according to the text? a) b) ►c) d) e) The growth of Puerto Mont stimulated the growth of Puerto Varas. Puerto Varas is residential town and an important tourist destination. Puerto Varas is located on the coast of Chile, by the sea. Puerto Varas is connected to Puerto Mont by road. The presenter of the program says she was once a tourist just like her listeners. Listening Passage 3: Child's toy launched into space by students (by BBC News, 27-01-2012).The passage will be played twice. Before you listen to this passage for the first time, read questions 09 and 10 below. You have 2 minutes to do that. 09 - Consider the statements about the toy launched into space. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It was launched by two school boys from Vancouver, Canada. It went 24 kilometers into the atmosphere before the weather balloon burst. It was launched with a weather balloon and an onboard camera. It went 3 times the cruising altitude of a commercial airliner. The toy was a Lego man about the size of a camera. Which statements are true, according to the passage? a) b) ►c) d) e) Only 1, 2 and 5. Only 2 and 3. Only 2, 3 and 4. Only 1, 3 and 4. Only 1, 3, and 5. 10 - Which statement is FALSE, according to the text? a) b) c) d) ►e) The toy made it safely back to earth. The boys used a homemade parachute. The toy landed more than a hundred kilometers from the launch site. The boys used a GPS device to track down the toy. The camera the boys used was not able to produce ay images.