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Boa prova!
1) Using the words in parentheses, complete the sentences below with the appropriate
tenses [0,20 each = 5,0 pts]
TEXT 1 (Simple Present or Present Continuous).
“Today (1 - be)_________________________ the second day of my trek around Mount
Annapurna. I am exhausted and my legs (2 - shake) __________________________; I just
hope I am able to complete the trek. My feet (3 - kill) _____________________________ me
and my toes (4 - bleed) ______________________________, but I still (5 - want)
_____________________________ to continue.
Nepal is a fascinating country. Everything (6 - be) _______________________ so different,
and I (7 - try) __________________________________ to adapt to the new way of life here.
I (8 - learn) _________________________________a little bit of the language to make
communication easier; unfortunately, I (9 - learn, not) ____________________________
foreign languages quickly. Although I (10 - understand, not) _________________________
much yet, I believe that I (11 - improve) ____________________________________.
Currently, I (12 - travel) __________________________________with Liam, a student from
Leeds University in England. He (13 - be) ________________________________ a nice guy,
but impatient. He always (14 - walk) ________________________________ ahead of me
and (15 - complain) ___________________________________ that I am too slow”.
TEXT 2 (Simple Past or Past Continuous).
1) A: What (1 - you, do) ____________________________________ when the accident
B: I (2 - try) __________________________ to change a light bulb that had burnt out.
2) After I (3 - find) _______________________ the wallet full of money, I (4 - go)
_______________________ to the police and (5 - turn) _______________________ it in.
3) Sebastian (6 - arrive) __________________________ at Susan's house a little before 9:00
PM, but she (7 - be, not) __________________________ there. She (8 – study)
________________________________ at the library for her final examination in French.
4) It's strange that you (9 - call) _____________________________ because I (10 - think)
________________________________ about you.
2) Translate the following sentences into English: [0,60 each = 3,0 pts]
1) Laura sonha em viver em uma pequena ilha.
2) Andrew se desculpou por estar atrasado.
3) Você concorda em viver em um país estrangeiro?
4) As meninas insistiram em ir para o cinema.
5) Edward pensa em escalar árvores esta tarde.
3) Translate the following sentences from the Friends episode “The one with the
poking device” into Portuguese [2,0 pts]:
Joey: All right now remember, something this big and long is going to be difficult to maneuver,
fortunately I have a lot of experience in that area. (0,3 pt)
Ross: Can we please focus here, a naked man’s life hangs in the balance! (0,2 pt)
Phoebe: I’m telling you he’s dead. What we are about to have here is a dead fat guy on a
stick. (0,2 pt)
Joey: All right, ladies and gentlemen, let’s poke. Steady. Steady. Okay, a little higher. Careful
of the angle. Okay, okay, we’re approaching the window… Thread the needle. Thread the
needle. (0,4 pt)
Phoebe: He’s alive! He’s a-live!!! (0,1 pt)
Monica: And yet, we’re still poking him. (0,1 pt)
Joey: Okay, retract the device, retract the device. (0,1 pt)
Ross: He does not look happy. (0,1 pt)
Rachel: Hey-hey, now he’s showing us his poking device. (0,2 pt)
Joey: Hey, that’s never gonna make it all the way over here, buddy! (0,3 pt)

0,20 each = 5,0 pts