Kroton Educacional S.A. Publicly Held Company Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 02.800.026/0001-40 Company Registry (NIRE): 31.300.025.187 Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. Publicly Held Company Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 04.310.392/0001-46 Company Registry (NIRE): 35.300.184.092 MATERIAL FACT Kroton Educacional S.A. - BM&FBovespa: KROT3 “Kroton” and Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. – BM&FBovespa: AEDU3 “Anhanguera” and, together with Kroton, the “Companies”, in compliance with CVM Instruction 358/2002, hereby inform their respective shareholders and the market that on April 20, 2013, they entered into an association agreement (“Association Agreement”) that set forth the terms and conditions for the association between the two companies (“Association”). The completion of the Association will depend on prior analysis and approval by Brazilian antitrust agency (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica). In the 12 months ended December 31, 2012, the Companies together recorded gross revenue of R$4.3 billion and had more than 800 postsecondary locations and 810 associated schools distributed across all states of Brazil, encompassing a universe of approximately one million students in the postsecondary education, professional education and other education-related activities in Brazil. In the capital markets, the aggregate market capitalization of the Companies is approximately R$12 billion. Once the Association is implemented, this combination of assets, talent and competencies will create synergies that will further increase the quality of the educational services of the Companies and add even more value to the combined Company, in particular for its students, employees and shareholders. The combination of the Companies will occur through the merger of the shares issued by Anhanguera into Kroton, in accordance with Article 252 of Brazilian Corporate Law. The exchange ratio agreed upon for the Association was based on the average share price of the Companies weighted by the volume in the last thirty (30) trading sessions prior to the Association Agreement, which resulted in 1.36428904 common shares issued by Kroton for each common share issued by Anhanguera (excluding the effects of the stock split to be decided on at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of April 30, 2013). Once the Association is completed, the control of the Companies will remain disperse and the combined shares of the Company will be held by the shareholders of Anhanguera and Kroton in the approximate proportion of 42.52% and 57.48%, respectively. For the purpose of merging the shares of Anhanguera, Kroton will issue a total of 198,763,627 new shares, observing the exchange ratio indicated above, to the shareholders of Anhanguera. The combined Company will remain listed on the Novo Mercado segment of the BM&FBovespa S.A. - Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange and the Companies expect the Association to result in a combined Company with higher stock trading liquidity. The Board of Directors of the combined Company will have 13 members, with Mr. Gabriel Mário Rodrigues to be elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Ricardo Leonel Scavazza to be appointed to the Board of Directors. Furthermore, Mr. Rodrigo Calvo Galindo will serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the combined Company. The execution of the Association Agreement was authorized unanimously by the Boards of Directors of the Companies, and the Association Agreement contains terms and conditions typical to this type of transaction, including representations and warranties by the Companies and the payment of fines in certain events (such as breach of the exclusivity obligations that bind the Companies), and also conditions the completion of the Association, as well as preliminary approval by CADE, on the execution of the legal, accounting and financial due diligences of the Companies and approval by the Shareholders Meetings of both Companies. Other information on the Association required under CVM Instruction 319/99 and other applicable rules, including the right to withdrawal of the shareholders of each of the Companies, will be the subject-matter of another material fact to be disclosed at an opportune time. The documents pertaining to the Association will be available to the shareholders of the Companies as from the publication date of the call notices for the extraordinary shareholders’ meetings of the Companies that will discuss this stock merger. The shareholders of the Companies dissenting from the stock merger that hold shares in the Companies on April 23, 2013 (inclusive) and which hold their shares uninterruptedly until the date of exercise of withdrawal rights may withdraw from the Companies upon reimbursement of their shares at their net book value. April 22, 2013 Carlos Alberto Bolina Lazar José Augusto Gonçalves de Araújo Teixeira Investor Relations Officer Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer Kroton Educacional S.A. Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A.