BRASIL INSURANCE PARTICIPAÇÕES E ADMINISTRAÇÃO S.A. Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF) 11.721.921/0001-60 Publicly-Held Company NOTICE TO THE MARKET BRASIL INSURANCE PARTICIPAÇÕES E ADMINISTRAÇÃO S.A. ("Company”), a publiclyheld company, headquartered at Avenida das Américas n 500, Bloco 19, sala 301 (parte), Barra da Tijuca, CEP: 22640-100, in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, corporate taxpayer ID (CNPJ) 11.721.921/0001-60 with its articles of incorporation registered at the Board of Trade of the State of Rio de Janeiro under NIRE 33.3.0029291-8, hereby announces that the term to shareholders exercise their withdrawal rights related to the Special Shareholders' Meeting held on May 20, 2011, which approved the Company’s acquisition of 14,998 quotas representing 99.98% of the total and voting capital stock of Sebrasul Assessoria e Corretagem de Seguros Ltda. will be 30 days as of the date the minutes of the referred Special Shareholders´ Meeting are published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro and in Valor Econômico newspaper. It is worth mentioning that this term will be counted, excluding the publication date and including the last day. Therefore, taking into account that these minutes have been published on June 13, 2011, the term to dissenting shareholders exercise their withdrawal rights will expire on July 13, 2011. Rio de Janeiro, June 13, 2011. Luis Fischman Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer