BRAZILIAN ALLIANCE FOR AVIATION BIOFUELS IS FORMED Group is made up by airlines, biofuel researchers, biomass producers, and aviation manufacturers São José dos Campos, May 10, 2010 – At a meeting held last May 6, in São Paulo, Brazil, the Brazilian Alliance for Aviation Biofuels (Aliança Brasileira para Biocombustíveis de Aviação – ABRABA) was formed. To start with, the group has the participation of ten organizations: Algae Biotechnology, Amyris Brazil, the Brazilian Association of Jatropha Producers (Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Pinhão Manso – ABPPM), the Brazilian Aerospace Industry Association (Associação das Indústrias Aeroespaciais do Brasil – AIAB), Azul Brazilian Airlines, Embraer, GOL Airlines, TAM Airlines, TRIP Airlines, and the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (União da Indústria da Cana-de-Açúcar – UNICA). ABRABA expects that other organizations will join the group, in order to contribute to the project. The objective of the alliance is to promote public and private initiatives that seek to develop and certify sustainable biofuels for aviation. The goal will be achieved through dialogues with those who form public policies, as well as opinion makers, in order to obtain biofuels that are just as safe and cost efficient as petroleum derivatives. The worldwide concern about climate change has led to a growing demand for renewable sources. Increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as uncertainty regarding the availability of fossil fuels, emphasize the need of seeking new alternatives. Civil aviation plays an essential role, within this context, because it produces around 2% of the world’s manmade emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), according to the United Nations Organization (UNO) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For that reason, companies and institutions connected with the industry have been involved with a variety of activities and projects, in order to contribute to the development of alternatives that seek to safely reduce GHG emissions, and bring greater energy efficiency to the world. ABRABA believes that the use of sustainable biofuels produced from biomass is essential for maintaining the growth of the aviation industry in an economy of low carbon emissions. Brazil’s recognized capability for developing alternative energy sources, allied with its knowledge of aeronautical technology, will result in significant gains for the environment, while minimizing the impact on economic development.