Soluções Integradas
de Gestão
CAE (Economic Activity Code) 14131 (serial confection of outer garments)
Staff: < 250
Turnover: < EUR 50 Million
Cases of Success
SIG.Têxtil improves management process
for Ramiro & Carvalho
The SIG.Têxtil implementation, based on the PHC and Manufactor
platform, enabled it to accelerate, facilitate and streamline information
organisation, internal management and the planning and control of
production, resources, stocks and needs for Ramiro & Carvalho.
The Challenge
Based on its constant modernisation activity in the production, commercial and social areas to ensure a
place of note in the textile industry, Ramiro & Carvalho were lacking in greater organisation in the
management and control of its manufacturing processes, as a result of its considerable increase in
production in the last four years.
Ramiro & Carvalho, Lda was
founded in 1992. It operates in
the textile sector, manufacturing
all kinds of garments, such as
t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts,
casual, sports and street wear for
men, women and children. The
company works with national and
international suppliers in order to
requirements. The company’s
activity has been governed by the
constant modernisation of its
production, commercial and
social areas, thereby ensuring a
top spot among its textile sector
partners. It was considered an
SME Leader in 2010 by IAPMEI,
and later SME Excellence.
The company needed to better control all its production workflow and, inherent to this process, the
associated resources. The existing software was obsolete and no longer met the needs of Ramiro &
Carvalho, and a change was thus inevitable.
After searching for various solutions and potential partners, Winsig and the PHC software were
recommended and rapidly became an easy choice since they ensured confidence, security, and the
coverage that Ramiro & Carvalho considered essential for the success of the project.
Para responder às exigências específicas da Ramiro & Carvalho, a Winsig implementou o SIG.Têxtil - uma
solução desenvolvida pela Winsig com base na plataforma PHC e Manufactor, para a gestão dos
processos produtivos da área têxtil, desde o desenho dos artigos até às encomendas, embalamento e
faturação, garantindo um controlo apurado de custos e receitas.
A solução é utilizada por todos os colaboradores da empresa ligados ao planeamento, gestão de recursos,
gestão de stocks, gestão de fornecedores, gestão de subcontratados e contabilidade.
The main features of the new solutions include:
 Control of subcontracting
 Control of all information regarding client orders and production
 Control of supplier orders
- Analysis of deadlines specified with the supplier
- Quantities ordered versus received
- Analysis of defects
 Automatic generation of consumption and respective costs
“During the implementation process, Winsig showed great involvement, providing solutions and
developing adaptations to the software in order to facilitate the work of all the users.” SIG.Têxtil is
currently being used by all the team without any problems. Winsig was always available to help
Ramiro & Carvalho and showed a high level of know-how of our sector and activity, which proved to
be critical for the final solution.”
Sandra Teixeira, Diretora Financeira na Ramiro & Carvalho
Small changes...
Make a big difference.
Flow of Operationdo SIG.Têxtil
Sample Item
Creation of
technical file
Packing list
Raw material
and accessories
order to
and PHC costs)
Internamente, grande parte dos utilizadores esteve envolvida na implementação, fornecendo
feedback precioso ao longo de todo o processo para que a solução final correspondesse na
íntegra às expetativas iniciais; externamente, a empresa foi auxiliada por Consultores da Winsig
que apoiaram a equipa na transição e adaptação à solução.
The Results
The implementation of the PHC solution facilitated and organised the whole Ramiro & Carvalho
productive process, with the company’s employees having access to more and better
information, thereby increasing its productivity and providing a better service to its clients, and
much more effective and swifter response capability.
In addition to improvements in information organisation and access, it streamlined processes for
the internal management of planning and control of
production, resources, stocks and company needs.
SIG.Têxtil became an important ally of Ramiro &
Carvalho in terms of automating processes and
eliminating manual work, leaving more time for the
company to dedicate itself to more strategic tasks
regarding its activity, such as innovation and
Soluções Integradas
de Gestão
R. Central Park, n.º 6, 3º C
2795-242 Linda-a-Velha
R. Barata Feyo,140, 1º, sala 1.08
4250-076 Porto
TEL: +351 218 299 150
[email protected]
About Winsig
Winsig is a company specialising
in providing integrated business
solutions using PHC Software,
with a substantial capacity for the
development of customised
solutions for and strong skills in
the PHC Manufactor (Industry)
model where it has the largest
Out of the 420 PHC partners,
Winsig is one of the leaders. It has
been certified to implement its
solutions in Angola and covers
the whole of Portugal through its
operation and customer service
centres in Lisbon and Porto.

SIG.Têxtil improves management process for Ramiro