Influence of variation the temperature in the
characterization of one aspect of the fractures of
aluminum alloy for application in electric wires and cables
A. L. M. Macapuna1, W. L. R. Santos2, P. S. Nogueira3, A. T. M. D. Souza4, and J. M. V.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Federal University of Pará, PA, Brazil
In the most applications the alloys of aluminum overcame the materials competitors due yours
properties mechanics and electrics be satisfactory, promoting your good acceptance in word
market, in special for the use for transmission and distribution the electric energy. The
objectify this paper is estimate the different temperatures in the aspect of fracture an alloy
diluted Al-Fe-Cu-Si-Zr, by SEM (scanning electron microscope). The initiation this study
begins with fusion of alloy in crucible of silicon carbide in the solidified in the mold “U”.
soon after mold releasing the profiles obtained were machined and then process to cold
rolling for dimensions [4,0; 3,8; 3,0 e 2,7]mm. The tests specimen shape wires were
submitted heat treatment at various temperatures. In the investigation of the properties of the
alloy were used the following temperatures [230; 310; 390]ºC during the time interval of 1
hour. The temperature of 230 ° C for 1 hour followed the requirement COPEL (Paranaense
Company of Energy) in which the leagues to be classified as heat-resistant its LRT should not
vary by more than 10%. The temperatures [310 and 390] ° C was adopted in view of findings
in the specialty literature and as a test to check the performance of the alloy with respect to
the LRT and electrical conductivity.
Keywords: Properties mechanics, properties electrics, heat treatment, fracture.
Work supported by Eletronorte, CNPq and PPGEM-PA.
[1] L.H. Van Vlack, Principles of Materials Science and Technology (2003) 224-228.
[2] ASM Metals Handbook Volume 12 – Fractography (1987).
[3] M. A. Meyers and K. K. Chawla, Mechanical Behavior of Materials (2009) 571-579.
[4] Cavalcante, F. A. J. - Influência do Zr sobre o binário diluído Al-0,25%Fe quanto à
termorresistividade, Trabalho de conclusão de curso apresentado ao Colegiado do Curso de
Engenharia Mecânica da UFPA para a obtenção do grau de Engenheiro Mecânico, II / 2005.
[5] Copel – Paranaense Company of Energy
[email protected], Universidade Federal do Pará, Faculdade de Engenharia
Mecânica, Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia dos Materiais, Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01, CEP:
66075-110, Caixa postal 479, Belém, Pará, Brasil.

Influence of variation the temperature in the characterization of one