PREVALENCE OF ILLICIT DRUG USERS IN A TRANSPORT COMPANY IN THE CITY OF ANÁPOLIS-GO PEREIRA,T.Z1, MOMENTÉ,U.R2, ASSUNÇÃO,P.I.D2, GARCIA,M.V.M2, LACERDA,G.C2, PIRES,F.R2, OLIVEIRA,T.B3, LIMA,R.C.M4 1Academic of UniAnhanguera Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil. 2Academic of University Center of Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil. [email protected] 3Professor of University Center of Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil. 4Professor of UniAnhanguera Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil. Keywords: Truck drivers, Illicit drugs, Immunochromatography, Psychomotor influence 1. Introduction The transport sector currently meets an average of 2.5 million workers, where the trucker make part of a ½ million of vehicles fleet, being an important fraction of the economy.1 Especially among truck drivers is common to use substances to decrease sleep and relieve fatigue on long routes. In a recent study found that main substance for use by truck drivers is alcohol, followed by marijuana, “rivet” (mixture of caffeine, alcohol and amphetamines) and cocaine.2 Amphetamines and cocaine are considered a widely used psychostimulant. Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) and its derivatives (skunk and hashish) are considered psychedelic by action of compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). His most frequent adverse affects are related to lack of concentration and memory, making the learning and performing tasks for driving or operate machinery.3 Therefore the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of illicit drug users in a transport company in Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil, from July 2007 to July 2009. 2. Methods We performed a database on periodic urine tests for detection of illicit drugs in drivers of a company transport. The reports were issued by the laboratory Megalab located in Anápolis-GO. As a method for determining illicit drug was used the immunochromatography by MultiDrug Test (Bioeasy®), indicated for detecting drugs or metabolites of methamphetamine, marijuana, morphine, amphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy in human urine samples. The sample collect was performed in the laboratory and was assisted by a technical supervisor, aiming to avoid possible changes in sample composition. 3. Results During the study period were analyzed 540 samples for testing for illicit drugs, 6% (31) were positive. Among the positive samples 74.2% (23) indicate cocaine, 25.8% indicate marijuana was not found positive for other drugs. The results are at odds with results from other studies that suggest cannabis as illicit drug most commonly used by drivers in all word. Already in study conducted by searchers from the UPS (University of São Paulo) was founded higher prevalence of amphetamine users (83.3%).4 So often the results can be contradictory especially if we consider aspects related to culture, age and location. 4. Conclusion This study revealed a higher prevalence of drug cocaine and marijuana between drivers of a transport company in the city of Anápolis-GO. There is a considerable amount of evidence that the various illegal drugs can cause damage and psychomotor influence the act of driving a motor vehicle. Therefore should be of interest for companies to develop programs that vision to reduce the use of these drugs. Acknowledgments 1. 2. 3. 4. MOREIRA, Renata Silva, GADANI, Julice Angélica Antoniazzo Batistão. Prevalencia do uso de Anfetaminas por caminhoneiros que passam pela cidade de dourados-MS. Interbio v.3 n.2 2009 - ISSN 1981-3775. VILLARINHO, L. BEZERRA, I. LACERDA R. LATORRE, M. R. D. O. PAIVA, V. STALL, R. e HEARST, N. Caminhoneiros de rota curta e sua vulnerabilidade ao HIV, Santos, SP. Rev Saúde Pública 2002;36(4 Supl):61-7 FERREIRA, P. E. M. e MARTINI, R. K. Cocaína: lendas, história e abuso. Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2001;23(2):96-9 Pesquisa avalia a saúde dos caminhoneiros. Disponívelem 624.htm. Acesso em 02/03/2010.