The City of Revere The Sump Pump Amnesty Program (SPAP) f A+ Goal: Redirect all illegal sump pumps and illicit connections to reduce inflow to the sewer system throughout the city. reside nt s or At NO COST to homeowner before December 31, 2015 only! How it Works: If you have an illegal sump pump connection on your property, notify the City before December 31, 2015. Your home will be added to the sump pump repair/replacement list and the City will make the repair at no cost to you. After this date you will be responsible for all costs associated with this repair. Contact: Kara Johnston, CDM Smith, Phone 617-452-6621; Email: [email protected] Nick Rystrom, Revere City Engineer, Phone 781-286-8152; Email: [email protected] Today: Call 617-452-662 1 to schedule a free sump pump inspection Questions What is the difference between a legal and an illegal sump pump? Sump pumps are used to pump groundwater to the outside of the basement of buildings. This groundwater may be discharged to exterior yard, nearby catch basin, or storm drain. A sump pump is considered illegal when connected to the sanitary waste piping (sewer). It is how/where the sump pump discharges that is illegal, not the sump pump itself. Contact the City if you are unsure if your sump pump connection is legal or illegal. Spanish Portuguese La ciudad de Revere pagará el costo de la reorientación de su bomba de aguas pluviales si la misma es conectada ilegalmente a la red de alcantarillado si usted llama antes del día 31 de diciembre de 2015. A partir de entonces, usted será responsable por el costo asociado con la reorientación. Llame hoy para programar su cita gratis o para aclarar cualquier pregunta. Marina Fernandes 617-452-6360. A Prefeitura de Revere irá arcar com os custos de redirecionar a sua bomba de água fluvial, se a mesma estiver conectada ilegalmente ao sistema de esgoto da cidade. O prazo para notificar a prefeitura é até dia 31 de Dezembro de 2015. Após esta data, voce será responsável pelo custo associado ao redirecionamento. Ligue hoje para agendar a sua consulta gratuita ou para esclarecer qualquer dúvida. Marina Fernandes 617-452-6360. Arabic ريفرى سوف تدفع تكاليف إعادة توصيل مدينة مضخة المستنقع إذا كانت موصولة بطريقة غرى قانونيه إىل شبكة الرصف الصحي إذا قمت باالتصال ¡ كانون٣١ قبل االول بعد هذا.٢٠١٥ ()ديسمرى ¦ ¦ التاريخ سيكون صاحب المرىل مسؤول عن تكاليف بادر.إعادة توصيل المضخة إىل الرصف الصحي ¦ . ستفسارªمجاىى او لال ª باالتصال اليوم لتحديد موعد ٦١٧-٤٥٢-٦٣٤٦ أيمن هلسه City of Revere | Daniel Rizzo, Mayor Frank Stringi, City Planner | Donald Goodwin, Superintendent of Public Works | Nicholas Rystrom, P.E., City Engineer | Moving forward, in your neighborhood, one step at a time. | Spring 2014