WEG S.A. OPEN CAPITAL COMPANY WEG GROUP CNPJ under nº 84.429.695/0001-11 Avenida Prefeito Waldemar Grubba, 3.300 CEP 89256-900 - Centro Jaraguá do Sul - Estado de Santa Catarina 1B 0B 2B 3B MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - NO. 561 4B On December 14th, 2009 the Members of the Board of Directors, summoned by the president, Mr. Décio da Silva, met at their headquarters and deliberated as follows: 1) Based on the forecasts of the Financial Statements to be ended on December 30h, 2009, to distribute the interests over the Own Capital to the total gross amount of R$10,899,295.21 (net R$9,264,400.93), corresponding to R$0,01500 per share, already deducted the Income Tax of 15% as established in the terms of the § 2nd of the Article 9th, of the Law No. 9.249/95, excepting the Legal Entities Shareholders that are released from the above referred tax, and so will receive the gross amount. The Interests over Own Capital, according to the terms of the Article 37 of the Social By-Laws and Article No. 9 of the Law No. 9.249/95, are imputed to the compulsory dividends. 2) The Interests over the Own Capital will be paid for a share capital of 617,626,729 shares. The credit date will be on December 30h, 2009 and the payment to the shareholders will be effected from March 10th, 2010 on, being considered “ExInterests over the Own Capital” after December 14th, 2009. Nothing more to be deliberated, the president thanked the presence of all Members and ended the Meeting. The present copy is an accurate copy of the Minutes transcribed in the Minutes Book No. 12 of the Board of Directors, registered at JUCESC under number 08/006622-4 from 03.04.2008. Signed: Décio da Silva - President of the Board of Directors. Gerd Edgar Baumer - Vice-President of the Board of Directors. Nildemar Secches. Miriam Voigt Schwartz. Martin Werninghaus. Ana Teresa do Amaral Meirelles. Moacyr Rogério Sens. Jaraguá do Sul (SC), December 14th, 2009, 2009. Décio da Silva President of the Board of Directors