GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS Please note: These rules are subject to change, and should therefore be consulted before submitting any article, being valid for all papers submitted to The Revista Ciência Agronômica. An example of an article can be found under "MODELO ARTIGO" at the site 1. Editorial Policy The Revista Ciência Agronômica is intended for publishing scientific and technical articles and scientific notes related to areas of the Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, which are original and have not been published in, or submitted to, any other publication. The Revista Ciência Agronômica, RCA, also accepts and encourages the submission of articles written in English or Spanish. In the case of authors non-native to these languages, the article must be edited by a company that provides such service, and the receipt sent to the head offices of RCA when the article is submitted, using the “Transfer Supplemental Documents" option. Papers submitted to RCA will initially be evaluated by the Editorial Committee and only then sent to at least two (02) reviewers in the area of interest and published only if approved by both the reviewers and the editorial board. Publication of articles will be based on originality, quality and scientific merit, the final decision being of the editorial board. The identity of authors and reviewers will be kept secret throughout this process. Journal management will ensure that the reviewers of each article be mandatorily from different institutions than that of the authors. Any article that has more than five authors will not be accepted by the Journal of Agronomic Science except under special conditions. A posteriori changes to the names of the authors will not be allowed. 2. Cost of Publication The cost of publication is R$ 35.00 (thirty-five reals) per edited page in its final form. Upon submission, a non-refundable deposit of R$ 100.00 (one hundred reals) is payable. The deposit or transfer slip should be sent by email to the RCA ([email protected]). Where text requires colour printing, an additional fee of R$ 80.00 (eighty reals) per page must be paid. All deposits or transfers should be made to: CETREDE CIENCIA AGRONOMIC Banco do Brasil: Agência bancária: 3653-6 - Conta corrente: 46.375-2 The opinions expressed in papers are the sole responsibility of their authors. The Revista Ciência Agronômica reserves the right to adapt originals in order to maintain uniformity of the publication. RCA no longer provides offprints or copies for authors. Distribution of the JAS in printed form is the responsibility of the Library of Science and Technology at the Federal University of Ceará and is carried out through exchanges with libraries in Brazil and abroad. For on-line submission the following are required: 1. The agreement and statement of copyright responsibility, signed by the authors and submitted using “Transfer Supplemental Documents”; 2. That all authors be registered on the system; 3. In its final version only, the article should contain the names and identification of all authors as a footnote, including that of the title; 4. Identification and full address of the author for correspondence. 3. Formatting Typing: A maximum of 20 pages, double-spaced, in normal Times New Roman size 12 font, with a 1cm paragraph indentation. All margins should be 2.5cm. Lines should be numbered continuously. Structure: scientific articles should follow the following order: title; title in English; authors; resumo (abstract in Portuguese); keywords in Portuguese; abstract; key words in English; introduction; materials and methods; results and discussion; findings; acknowledgments (optional) and references. Scientific notes need not follow the same structure as articles, but must contain the title in English, resumo, keywords in Portuguese, abstract and keywords in English. Title: should be written in bold type with only the first letter in uppercase, centered on the page, and contain a maximum of 15 words. In a numbered footnote, called from the title, there should be information about the nature of the work (whether extracted from a thesis/dissertation, whether funded research), with references to any collaborating institutions. The subheadings: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References should be written in capital letters, bold and centered. Authors: full names (with no abbreviations) should come under the title, with only the first letter in uppercase, one after another, separated by commas and centered on the line. As a footnote on the first page, you should indicate, for each author, his full affiliation (department, centre, institution, city, state and country), email with the full address of the author for correspondence. The author for correspondence should be identified by an "*". Articles with more than five authors will only be accepted, when the survey has been demonstrably developed in separate regions. In the first version of the submitted article, the names of the authors and footnote should be omitted. The model to be adopted for the inclusion of the names of the authors and footnote in the final version of the article should follow that presented in “modelo de artigo” ( Resumo and Abstract: should each begin with these words in the left margin, with only the first letter in uppercase, be in bold type and contain a maximum of 250 words. Key words: should contain, for indexing purposes, between three and five terms which should not appear in the title. Each keyword should start with an uppercase letter and be followed by a period. Introduction: should be compact and objective, containing actual quotations that are related to the subject covered in the research. The quotations found in the introduction should be employed to support the discussion of the findings, thus creating a context for the study of method and discussion of results. It should not contain more than 550 words. Quotations from authors in the text: the rules of the ABNT, NBR 10520 of August 2002 should be followed. Ex: Santos (2002) or (SANTOS, 2002); with two authors, use Pereira and Freitas (2002) or (PEREIRA; FREITAS, 2002), with three or more authors, use Xavier et al. (1997) or (XAVIER et al.,1997). Several authors cited simultaneously: there is indirect quotes from several documents simultaneously and several authors mentioned that express the same idea, the authors are separated by semicolons, in alphabetical order, regardless of year of publication. Ex: (FONSECA, 2007; PAIVA, 2005; SILVA, 2006). Tables: should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals at the top. Do not use vertical lines. Horizontal lines should be used to separate the title from the header and this from the content. There should also be a line at the end of the table. Each piece of data should occupy a separate cell. Double-spacing should be used. Do not use bold type or uppercase letters in the header. Figures: Graphs, photographs or drawings should use the generic name Figure followed by consecutive Arabic numerals and legend at the bottom. Graphs should be prepared using software compatible with Microsoft Windows. The RESOLUTION must be at least 500 dpi and they should be sent as files separate from the text file. Figures should be 8.2cm wide and not exceed 17cm. The font should be Times New Roman, size 10, and bold type should not be used to identify the axes. The Journal of Agronomic Science reserves the right not to accept tables or figures in landscape format or which are more than 17cm wide. Tables and Figures should be inserted immediately after their first reference. Equations: should be typed using the equation editor in Word in Times New Roman font. Equations should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. The default size should be: Normal = 12 pt Subscript / superscript = 8 pt Sub-subscript/superscript = 5 pt Symbol = 18 pt Sub-symbol = 14 pt Statistics: 1. If you have carried out variance analysis, the value of "F" and its significance should be shown; 2. Quantitative data should be worked using regression analysis; 3. The significance of the parameters of the regression equation should be shown; 4. Depending on the study (e.g. function of production), signs associated with parameters should be analysed. 5. A minimum of four points are required for adjustment of the regression equations. 6. The coefficients of the regression model should have the following format: y = a + bx + cx2 +... 7. The degree of freedom of the residue must be greater than 12. Acknowledgments: directed at individuals or institutions, can come immediately after the findings, they should be serious and unambiguous and indicate your reasons for including them. References: should be presented in alphabetical order of author and following NBR 6023/2002 of the ABNT. It starts with the word REFERENCES (written in capital letters, bold and centered). Must be typed in size 12 font, double spaced, justified and separated from one another by a single space blank. 60% OF THE TOTAL REFERENCES SHOULD COME FROM INDEXED SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS WITH A PUBLICATION DATE OF LESS THAN 10 YEARS. With respect to periodicals, information concerning the place of publication is not required, but titles should not be abbreviated. A total of 20 to 30 references is recommended. Ex: Book NEWMANN. A. L.; SNAPP, R. R. Beef cattle. 7.ed. New York: John Willey, 1977. 883p. Chapter in a book MALAVOLTA, E.; DANTAS, J. P. Nutrição e adubação do milho. In: PATERNIANI, E.; VIEGAS, G. P. Melhoramento e produção do milho. 2.ed. Campinas: Fundação Cargil, 1987. cap. 13, p.539-593. Monograph/Theses/dissertation EDVAN, R. L. Ação do óleo essencial de alecrim pimenta na germinação do matapasto. 2006. 18 f. Monografia (Graduação em Agronomia) - Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2006. SILVA, M. N. da. População de plantas e adubação nitrogenada em algodoeiro herbáceo irrigado. 2001. 52 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza. Periodic XAVIER, D. F.; CARVALHO, M. M.; BOTREL, M. A. Resposta de Cratylia argentea à aplicação em um solo ácido. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, v. 27, n. 01, p.014-18, 1997. ANDRADE, E. M. et al. Mapa de vulnerabilidade da bacia do Acaraú, Ceará, à qualidade das águas de irrigação, pelo emprego do GIS. Revista Ciência Agronômica, v. 37, n. 3, p. 280287, 2006. Abstracts SOUZA, F. X.; MEDEIROS FILHO, S.; FREITAS, J. B. S. Germinação de sementes de cajazeira (Spondias mombin L.) com pré-embebição em água e hipoclorito de sódio. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SEMENTES, 11., 1999, Foz do Iguaçu. Abstracts... Foz do Iguaçu: ABRATES, 1999. p.158. Conference proceedings papers BRAYNER, A. R. A.; MEDEIROS, C. B. Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS, 9., São Paulo. Proceedings... São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 16-29. Conference proceedings papers by internet SILVA, R. N.; OLIVEIRA, R. Os limites pedagógicos do paradigma da qualidade total na educação. In: CONGRESSO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA UFPe, 4., 1996, Recife. Eletronic proceeding... Recife: UFPe, 1996. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jan. 1997. GUNCHO, M. R. A educação à distância e a biblioteca universitária. In: SEMINÁRIO DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS, 10., 1998, Fortaleza. Proceedings... Fortaleza: Tec Treina. 1 CD-ROM. 4. Checklist - Revista Ciência Agronômica Aiming at greater agility in the process of submitting your article, the Editorial Board the Revista Ciência Agronômica, has developed a checklist that the author can check out all the formatting of the manuscript of his own, BEFORE submitting it for publication. The list was drawn up in accordance with the rules of Revista Ciência Agronômica. NEGATIVE responses mean that your article should still be brought up to standards of the journal and the submission of such articles imply the return and delay in processing. POSITIVE responses mean that your article is in accordance with the standards, resulting in greater speed in processing. A. In relation to paper 1. Is it original ? 2. Does it represent a scientific contribution to Agrarian Science? 3. Is the paper being submitted exclusively to Revista Ciência Agronômica? B. In relation to manuscript format 1. Are the author names omitted? 2. Does the manuscript have less than 20 pages? Is it printed in paper A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)? Is it in double spacing, including references? Is Times New Roman font, normal style, 12, used? , 3. Do all borders have 2.5 cm? Is page number placed in the top-right corner of the page? Are all the lines numbered in continuous form? 4. Is the indent paragraph equal to 1cm? Remember: do not use TAB or “space bar” to intend the paragraph. 5. Is the manuscript organized in the following order?: Title, Name(s) of author(s), Abstract, Key words (3-5 words), Introduction, Material and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References. 6. Is the title not longer than 15 words? 7. Is the abstract not longer than 250 words? 8. Is each key word (3-5 words) starting with capital letter followed by dot point? 9. Is the introduction not longer than 550 words? 10. Were references included in introduction used to support the discussion of results? 11. Are references in according to the rules? 12. Are tables and figures in according to author guidelines? They must be inserted in the manuscript after the first citation. 13. Remember; the “enter” command can not be used in the table cells. 14. Tables and figures can not pass the page margins as well as they must be disposed in portrait format. 15. Do figures present good quality (at least 500 dpis)? 16. Are units and symbols in according to SI units? 17. Are numbers separated by “;”? Are units apart of numbers by one space? Keep in mind: there is no space between the number and the % symbol. 18. Are the total of references around 20-30? Were the 60% of total references published in the least 10 years? 19. Are all references cited in the text? 20. Are all citation in the list of references?