PESERICO, Anahlú2; COLOMÉ, Juliana Silveira3
This paper aims to socialize the academic participation of the Centro Universitario
Franciscano's Nursing Course in the VER-SUS project, which had been developed in the
Partenon and Lomba do Pinheiro Regions of Porto Alegre - RS. It is a description of
experiences obtained in the VER-SUS project, during the month of February 2012. During
the project, were developed health services management in primary and secondary care, as
well as local community participation. Were performed reflections, discussion groups,
workshops and seminars to integrate the experiences, focusing on a critical and reflective
evaluation of the current configuration of the Brazilian health system. It is considered that this
project gives to the participants a better understanding of the organization of health services
and public politics of the Unified Health System (SUS), enabling the exchange of knowledge
interdisciplinary/multiprofessional work in health areas.
Keywords: Sistema Único de Saude; Nursing Education; Human Resources for Healthcare.
The Projeto Vivências e Estágios na Realidade do Sistema Único de Saúde (VERSUS) is a proposal of the Ministry of Health in partnership with student movements in the
health field, having as main objective to provide students from diverse areas of health
experiences and experimentation of reality the SUS, according to its principles and
guidelines. Also, it contributes to formation of professionals sensitive to the needs of the
Relato de experiência no projeto VER-SUS: Vivências e Estágios na Realidade do Sistema Único
de Saúde.
Apresentador. Curso de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Franciscano (UNIFRA), Santa Maria,
RS, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]
Docente do Curso de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Franciscano (UNIFRA), Santa Maria, RS,
Brasil. Doutoranda da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. E-mail: [email protected]
population and to strengthen the SUS, seeking the creation of new relationships,
commitment and cooperation among students, health administrators, universities and social
movements, allowing the effective teaching of the future professionals.
The VER-SUS main axis are to provide opportunity for participants to experience
achievements and challenges of the SUS and further discussions about teamwork,
management, health care, education and social control. Also, it provides reflections on the
importance of social movements, such as students movement. The project provides
participants with an immersion of ten to fifteen days in the various scenarios of SUS,
occurring throughout the country. Allows students to learn and rediscover the SUS, and gives
the possibility for reflection and exchange of experiences between the various courses in the
area of health, with an interdisciplinary/multiprofessional approach. Besides the interaction of
students with each other, still promotes the interaction between managers, health workers
and users.
It is considered that initiatives of this kind underline the responsibility of universities
and training centers with the preparation of health professionals committed to social needs,
with the strengthening of the SUS and education projects contextualized to the region’s
reality. To make this work, it is necessary to invest in the training of professional, giving them
the ability to reflect on their social, political, cultural reality and making them able to create
breakthroughs in practices.
From this perspective, this paper aims to socialize the academic participation of the
Centro Universitario Franciscano's Nursing Course in the VER-SUS project, which occurred
in the Parthenon and Lomba do Pinheiro regions in the city of Porto Alegre - RS.
This is an experience report related to experiences in project VER-SUS, developed in
February 2012, during the holiday period of undergraduate courses. It was held at Gerência
Distrital de Saúde Partenon e Lomba do Pinheiro in Porto Alegre - RS. The workgroup was
formed by ten participants, two facilitators students, seven students of undergraduate
courses in Nursing, Physical Education, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Public Health and Social
Services and a psychologist, District Manager.
The region Partenon and Lomba do Pinheiro has a population of approximately
183,000 inhabitants. The region of the Parthenon is characterized by having local densely
populated, with a significant number of elderly. The region Lomba do Pinheiro is
characterized by a region of low population density, which can boost the construction
industry and the illegal occupations of land, with a larger number of children. Historically, it
was an enclosed area to receive outcasts of society as criminals, tuberculosis and mental
health patients. It is located in that area institutions such as the São Pedro Psychiatric
Hospital, Central Prison, Sanitarium Partenon and the Forensic Psychiatric Institute. These
regions have low economic development and high unemployment.
The ten-day immersion in the project began on February 6, 2012, with a reception
and accommodation of participants in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)’
School. At this location, there was the presentation of the draft stage and the
division of groups by district health management, as well as the realization of the schedule of
activities of each group.
In the following days, there was the recognition of the Management District Parthenon
and Lomba do Pinheiro, presentation of the territory, population and health services, such as
the Murialdo Health Center, Family Health Units (USF) Morro da Cruz, Santa Helena,
Pitoresca and Basic Health Units (BHU) Panorama and Bananeiras. In these locations, we
followed the nurse, the community health workers, the psychologists and social assistan on
home visits.
Aside from those visits, orientations about tuberculosis were given in waiting rooms,
walking groups and discussions on the organization of work in these services. In these
places, were also made reflections on the organization of services, management / health
management, pharmaceutical care, among other topics. At the end of each day those
activities resulted in the socialization of daily experiences.
Regarding to some social organizations, was conducted visit to the Centro de
Promoção da Criança e Adolescente São Francisco (CPCA), which offers cooking, crafts
and informatics courses for children and adolescents. The Quilombo dos Alpes was also a
stage for the recognition of local reality and way of life of quilombola families.
There was the construction of an account of the experiences that would be presented
to all participants in the project during the weekend. For the socialization experiences, there
was the movement of all project participants for the accommodation of CETAF. During the
weekend there were cultural activities and integration of all the participants, workshops,
lectures and presentation of reports, enabling the exchange of experiences between the
The evaluation of the experiences was conducted by the staff of Gerência Distrital
Partenon and Lomba do Pinheiro in a group discussion. The tenth day was for the closure of
the project’s experiences at the UFRGS’ School of Nursing, where the groups performed the
final evaluation reports for the large group of all participants of the project.
In summary, during the experience, we went through the health services of primary
and secondary attention as UBS, ESF and UPA, Pharmacy District, Health Center, Matrix
Support, and local community participation, as the Municipal Council of Health and spaces of
quilombola culture (Quilombo dos Alpes). The approximation of certain health services has
enabled us to know not only the multidisciplinary health teams, as well as the organization of
health services as a whole, its difficulties and challenges in the progress of the Brazilian
health system.
Were problematized questions about social control, the struggle and the difficulties
faced by local and district councilors in search of community rights, the organization of the
Integrated Network for Attention to Emergencies, devices of primary care such as
Matriciamento team, and deployment of NASF in addition to the therapies carried out in the
community health services, the implementation of rapid HIV testing in health facilities,
vulnerable environments, living conditions, as well as the set of health policies that support
the actions undertaken in these health services.
This project represented a watershed between theory and practice experienced in the
many areas of SUS, giving participants a better understanding of the organization of health
services and public politics. It also resulted in the exchange of knowledge between the
various areas of knowledge, strengthening the need for an interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary
health services. It can be argued that this experience changed the critical view of the
participants to a self-reflexive vision in order to understand the context in which the situations
are set. Thus, the Project VER-SUS reaffirms health as a social right, strengthen ethical and
political consciousness of the participants.
Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação na Saúde.
Departamento de Gestão da Educação na Saúde. VER-SUS/BRASIL: Caderno de Textos.
Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2004 p.07.
Canônico RP, Brêtas ACP. Significado do Programa Vivência e Estágios na realidade do
Sistema Único de Saúde para formação profissional na área da saúde. Acta Paul Enferm
Colomé JS, Oliveira DLLC. Educação em saúde: por quem e para quem? A visão de
estudantes de graduação em enfermagem. Texto Contexto Enferm, Florianópolis, 2012 JanMar; 21(1): 177-84.