SECOND INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF THE DeGRUPE PROJECT DeGRUPE PROJECT The european dimension of a group of power: ecclesiastics and the political state building of the iberian monarchies (13th-15th centuries) w A dimensão europeia de um grupo de poder: o clero e a construção política das monarquias ibéricas (sécs. XIII-XV) t The Medieval Monarchy The DeGRUPE Project is supported with FEDER funds through the COMPETE program and with national funds of FCT. ¶ Este projeto é financiado por fundos FEDER através do Programa Operacional Factores de Competividade – COMPETE e por and its Legitimating Strategies: The Role of Ecclesiastics, Scholars and Jurists (12th — 15th centuries) ^ Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Lisbon, 21 — 22 September 2015 no âmbito do projeto DeGRUPE com a referência FCT: ≥ Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas ≤ PTDC/EPH-HIS/4964/2012 st nd Universidade Nova de Lisboa Avenida de Berna, 26C, Torre B, Auditório 1 FINANCIADO POR FUNDOS ESTRUTURAIS DA UE E FUNDOS NACIONAIS DE MEC REFERÊNCIA DO PROJETO: PTDC/EPH-HIS/4964/2012 Monday, September 21st Tuesday, September 22nd 9:00—9:15 Opening Ceremony v session 4 v Moderator: Flocel Sabaté Currul (u.lleida) First Section Serving the King v session 1 v Moderator: Amélia Andrade (IEM|FCSH|U.N.Lisboa) 9:15—9:45 Between God and the Prince: ecclesiastics in the service of the monarchy in Portugal and Castile (13th to 15th centuries) Francisco Díaz Marcilla (IEM|FCSH|U.N.Lisboa), André Coelho (CIDEHUS|U.Évora) & Ricardo Seabra (citcem|fl|u.porto) DeGRUPE Project fellowship holders 9:45—10:15 Ruling by Law: ‘Doutores em lex’ in the court of D. João I of Portugal (1385-1433) Armando Norte & André Oliveira Leitão (CH|FL|U.Lisboa) 10:15—10:45 An Ecclesiastic for one King: João Galvão, bishop of Coimbra, serving King D. Afonso V Néstor Vigil (CIDEHUS|U.Évora) 10:45—11:15 Debate 11:15—11:45 ❦ Coffee Break v session 2 v Moderator: Armando Carvalho Homem (U.Porto) 11:45—12:15 The Episcopal Chancery of Braga and the King’s men in the time of King Denis Cristina Cunha (CITCEM|FL|U.Porto) 12:15—12:45 Literacy at the King’s Service: Roles of Castilian Chancery Officers during the reign of Alfonso X Marina Kleine (U.sevilla) 12:45—13:15 Debate 13:15—15:00 ❦ Lunch Second Section Diplomacy v session 3 v Moderator: Maria Helena Coelho (U.coimbra) 15:00—15:30 Les légats du Pape et les intérêts royaux dans la France de Saint Louis (années 1245-1270) Pascal Montaubin (U.Picardie–Jv) 15:30—16:00 Les évêques et la diplomatie du roi sous les premiers angevins (1246-1309) Thiery Pécout (UMR|LEM|CERCOR|U.Saint-Etienne) 10:00—10:30 Diplomacia y construcción monárquica: la participación eclesiástica castellana Óscar Villaroel (U.C.Madrid) 10:30—11:00 An Unremarkable Career: Adam Davenport, Portuguese Chancellor and English Expat Tiago Viula Faria (IEM|FCSH|U.N.Lisboa) 11:00—11:30 Debate 11:30—12:00 ❦ Coffee Break Third Section Conflict as a Legitimation Strategy v session 5 v Moderator: José Nieto Soria ( 12:00—12:30 Legitimizing the Portuguese Kingdom through conflict: the first Portuguese Kings and the Church (1128-1248) Maria João Branco (IEM|FCSH|U.N.Lisboa) 12:30—13:00 Conflict and Legitimacy in times of dynastic change (1378-1385) Hermínia Vilar (CIDEHUS|U.Évora) 13:00—13:30 Debate 13:30—15:00 ❦ Lunch v session 6 v Moderator: Cristina Cunha (U.porto) 15:00—15:30 The conflicts between nobility and ecclesiastics in times of Sancho II and Afonso III: crisis and legitimation Hermenegildo Fernandes (CH|FL|u.lisboa) 15:30—16:00 Église et pouvoir du roi au Moyen Âge au Portugal Saúl A. Gomes (CHSC|FL|U.Coimbra) 16:00—16:30 Debate 16:30—17:00 General Conclusions and Debate. Round Table Transforming an Iberian Project into an European Project: the next steps 17:00—17:30 ❦ Coffee Break 17:30—19:00 Meeting of the Project Team Members (closed to the researchers involved in the DeGRUPE Project) 16:00—16:30 Edward II’s diplomatic efforts, during the papal vacancy and the election of Pope John XXII (1314-1316) Barbara Bombi (U.Kent) 16:30—17:00 Debate DeGRUPPE website d