Author - GIMENES, BEATRIZ PICCOLO E-mail: [email protected]
http: //
Institution – Universidade do Grande ABC - S. ANDRÉ / S.PAULO/ BRAZIL;
Av. Industrial, 3330 – Zip Code: 09080-511; E-mail: [email protected]
A very important factor in the infantile learning is to develop the taste for reading and
to writing stories (Góes, 1991). The relation is effective between child and literature, when
there is an adequacy between the texts and the infantile development stages, and it will
become pleasant if it is an interesting learning for the child (Coelho, 1974 e 1987).
This project aims at stimulating the child’s taste for reading and awakening the
creativity for the literary writing in a playful way. As we know the plastic art is one of the
human being expression ways and a facilitator agent for child’s learning (Ladeira e Caldas,
1989; Iavelberg, 1993). Then, the child will be able to materialize its plastic and literary
creativity through a practical activity, searching inspiration in already existing infantile
stories (Soares, 1998).
The used method was applied in twenty groups of 8 students, with the age between
twenty to thirty years, being male or female, of a private University, in the last school year of
Pedagogy (Methodology) graduation course.
Firstly, there was the exploration and readings of infantile stories, later each group
chose one of them to make a concrete interpretation.
To follow a planning on the possibilities of the interpretation, a story was made by:
means of characters, the excellent scenes, the materials used in the assembly and a survey of
the difficulties.
The story was rebuilt inside a cardboard shoebox, using scraps of diverse materials.
The group was the structure’s director, then, they were felt each time more involved in the
symbolic plot (Vygostsky, 1991a), playing and tasting the fantastic and magic infantile
literature world.
Finally, the toy-box was done. And it had a three-dimensional enchanted world inside.
The plot of the story was written singularly, putting their point of view, and a student
interpreted it for the others (Vygostsky, 1991b).
After their own experience, they had reapplied this project with their pupils that were
staged on the concrete operative and logical intelligence’s period.
The results found by the graduating students were: the box-scrap is changed into a
specific playful material for the child, to favour the representation of the story subjectively,
through the plastic, verbal and literary expressions.
And they concluded: the TOY–BOX was characterized as a playful three-dimensional
and stimulate mediator to write and tell infantile stories, It helped to increase the children’s
self-esteem, because they felt secure to tell the story using a product that was made by
themselves, and it was still a co-operating element in the socialization, because each child
wanted to present his/her story spontaneously as well as to hear the friends’ stories.
OBJECTIVES: This project aims at stimulating in the child’s taste for reading and
awakening the creativity for the literary writing in a playful way. JUSTIFICATIVE:
The plastic art is one of the human being expression way and a facilitator agent of the
child’s learning. METHOD: There were 20 groups of 8 students, aged 20 to 30, male
and female, of a private University, in the last school year of the Pedagogy
(Methodology) graduation course. Firstly, there was the exploration and readings of
infantile stories, later the choice of one of them. To follow, a planning on the
possibilities of the interpretation story was made by: means of characters, the
excellent scenes, the materials used in the assembly and a survey of the difficulties.
The story was rebuilt inside a cardboard shoebox, using scraps of diverse materials.
Finally, the plot of the story was written singularly, and a student interpreted it for the
others. After their own experience, they had reapplied this project in their pupils that
were staged of the concrete operative and logical intelligence’s period. RESULTS:
The box-scrap was changed into a specific playful material for the child, to favour the
representation of the story subjectively, through the plastic, verbal and literary
expressions. CONCLUSION: The TOY–BOX was characterized as a playful threedimensional and stimulate mediator to write and tell infantile stories. It helped to
increase the children’s self-esteem and it was a co-operating element in the
To write stories – creativity – self-esteem – playing and learning.
COELHO, N. N. A Literatura Infantil. 4. ed. S. Paulo : Quiron, 1987.
–––––––– Literatura e linguagem: introdução aos estudos literários. S. Paulo : Quiron,
GÓES, L. P. A aventura da literatura para crianças. S. Paulo : Melhoramentos, 1991.
IAVELBERG, R. Desenho cultivado na criança. São Paulo. 128 p. Dissertação (Mestrado)
Escola de Comunicação e Artes - USP. Resumo em USP. Banco de Dados Bibliográficos
da USP – DEDALUS. São Paulo, 1993. Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da USP. Centro
de Computação Eletrônica da USP [06 jun. 2000]
SOARES, M. Letramento: um tema em três gêneros. B. Horizonte : Autêntica, 1998.
VYGOTSKY, L. S. A formação social da mente: o desenvolvimento dos processos
psicológicos superiores. 4. ed. Trad. José Cipolla Neto, Luis Silveira Menna Barreto,
Solange Castro Afeche. São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1991a. (Psicologia e Pedagogia)
VYGOTSKY, L. S. Pensamento e linguagem. 3. ed. Trad. Jéferson Luiz Camargo. S. Paulo
: Martins Fontes, 1991b.

Author - GIMENES, BEATRIZ PICCOLO E-mail: bpgimenes