Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio Regular e EJA,
Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio em Enfermagem
Rua Cantagalo Nº. 339 – Tatuapé – Fones: 2293-9393 e 2293-9166
Diretoria de Ensino Região LESTE – 5
Programa de Revisão Paralela
Nº 05/08
Nome:____________________________________________________nº.:______Série: 1º - Turma: ____
Disciplina: Inglês
Profª _______________________
01) Reescreva as frases abaixo, passando-as do presente simples para o presente contínuo.
a) She doesn’t enjoy her Spanish lessons.
b) You don’t pay attention to me.
c) I don’t feel tired.
d) Tony doesn’t wear a uniform.
e) They don’t talk too much.
02) Reescreva as frases abaixo, passando-as do presente contínuo para o presente simples.
a) She isn’t enjoying her Spanish lessons.
b) You aren’t paying attention to me.
c) I am not feeling tired.
d) Tony isn’t wearing a uniform.
e) They aren’t talking too much.
03) Complete as frases abaixo com os verbos RAISE ou RISE de modo a fazerem sentido.
a) UNICEF is trying to _____________ some extra cash for the starving children of Ethiopia.
b) Does the sun _______________ at 5:00 or at 6:00?
c) If you need a help, please ______________ your hands.
d) Many people ______________ at 5:00 a.m. to go to work
e) Prices of food ______________ every year more than official inflation rates.
04) Desembaralhe as frases colocando as palavras na ordem correta.
a) on / what / weekends / you / do / do / ?
______________________________ ________________________________________________________
b) where / your / live / does / friend / ?
c) what / father / does / your / time / to work / get up / ?
d) vacations / your / when / start / do / ?
______________________________ ________________________________________________________
e) teachers / many / do / how / have / you / ?
_____________________________ _________________________________________________________
05) Choose which verb tense (simple past or past continuous) fits better.
1. I ________ - I didn't hear you come in.
a) was sleeping
b) slept
2. I ________ to see her twice, but she wasn't home.
a) was coming
b) came
3. What ________? I was watching TV.
a) did you do
b) were you doing
4. Robin Hood was a character who ________ from the rich and gave to the poor.
a) stole
b) was stealing
5. Hey, did you talk to her? Yes, I ________ to her
a) was talking
b) talked
6. I ________ home very late last night.
a) came
b) was coming
7. How long ________ the flu?
a) did you have
b) were you having
8. ________ a good time in Brazil? Yes, I had a blast!
a) Were you having
b) Did you have
9. We ________ breakfast when she walked into the room.
a) had
b) were having
10. Last month I decided to buy a new car, and today I finally ________ it.
a) bought
b) was buying
06) Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using either the past perfect or the past simple tenses.
a) By the time we got to the cinema the film ______________ (to start), so we missed the first five
b) When I rang the bell there was no answer. The neighbour told me that they ______________ (to go out)
about half an hour ago.
c) I saw Casablanca for the first time last night. I ______________ (to see NEGATIVE) it before.
d) I feel fat. I ______________ (to have) a huge lunch.
e) I spent a week in Miami recently. I ______________ there before.
f) There was so much to see in Toledo. I wanted to see everything but I ______________ (to have
NEGATIVE) enough time.
g) If I ______________ (to know) about the concert, I would have gone.
h) If you ______________ (to take) my advice, it wouldn't have happened.
i) We would have had an argument, if she ______________ (to mention) politics.
j) If you ______________ (to not park) there, you wouldn't have got a parking fine.
07) Escreva perguntas para as frases usando o pronome interrogativo abaixo.
a) Around ten million people went on vacation to Europe last year.
How many _____________________________________________________________________________
b) They took a trip to Japan two years ago.
When _________________________________________________________________________________
c) They didn’t tell me anything about it.
What __________________________________________________________________________________
d) They left to France last night after dinner.
Where _________________________________________________________________________________
e) He didn’t go anywhere before he graduated.
Where _________________________________________________________________________________
08) Leia o quadrinho abaixo e responda
Calvin and Hobbes
Qual das alternativas abaixo não justificaria o porquê de Calvin não pode levar Hobbes para jantar no
a) ele é um tigre de pelúcia.
b) seu pai tem medo que ele coma uma pessoa.
c) ele não consegue manter uma dieta num restaurante.
d) eles estão atrasados e o Hobbes ainda nem se vestiu.

Programa de Revisão Paralela Nº 05/08