w w w @ Recommendations and Good Practices for the SAFE USE OF THE INTERNET FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 1st Edition Limits to cyberspace The Internet is nowadays a tool that can connect us with the world in just a few seconds. We can talk with friends from the other side of the world, pay bills, work, exchange experiences, and learn. In short, the computer worldwide network has essentially changed people’s everyday life and has deeply transformed the society by bringing technology to our daily routine. Since the Internet is, in many aspects, still a novelty, there are no rules and specific laws to restrain crimes practiced through computers. The are financial frauds, viruses, theft of passwords, crimes against the honor, slander, defamation, libel, cyberbullying (humiliation of people by means of postings on the Internet) and, perhaps the most worrying crime, pedophilia – which entices our children. Despite the creation of specialized police stations, it is important for all users of the Internet to know that there are safer ways to use worldwide network by adopting some practical measures. This is the purpose of this First Reader – which teaches simple measures that will allow the whole family to use the computer safely, without running unnecessary risks. Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso President of OAB SP Recommendations and good practices for the SAFE USE OF THE INTERNET FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 1st edition - 2010 Prepared by: Technical File This first reader is the result of the working group of the Committee on High Technology Crimes of the Brazilian Bar Association [Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil], São Paulo Chapter, in partnership with Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Work Coordination: Coriolano A. de Almeida Camargo Santos, Juliana Abrusio e Renato Opice Blum. Legal Content: Carla Rahal Benedetti, Coriolano Aurélio de Almeida Camargo Santos, Juliana Abrusio, Luiz José Moreira Salata, Renato Opice Blum, Vera Kaiser Sanches Kerr, Renato Leite Monteiro, Victor Eduardo Momessa da Costa Jardim. Psycho-pedagogical Content: Sônia Makaron, Psychoanalyst and Director of Jornal Jovem. Students of the Law School of Mackenzie Presbyterian University: Ana Paula Manente Cottet, Carolina Ignacio de Souza Franco, Fernando de Pinho Barreira, Rafael de Paula Teixeira, Tatiana Bauer. Committee of High Technology Crimes of OAB SP OAB/SP Committee on High Technology Crimes: President: Coriolano A. Almeida Camargo; Vice President: Marco Aurélio Florêncio Filho OAB/SP: President: Luiz Flávio Borges D´Urso Vice President: Marcos da Costa [Mackenzie Presbiterian University] Grammatical Review: Roberto Cassiano Translator: Esther Galvão Graphic design and layout: Marcelo Mokrejs | www.mokrejs.com Artwork: Felipe Domeniconi Sponsorship:: Mackenzie Presbiterian University Chancellor: Augustus Nicodemus Gomes Lopes Dean: Manassés Claudino Fonteles Vice Dean: Pedro Ronzelli Júnior Support: Academic Dean: Ademar Pereira Further Study Dean: Helena Bonito Couto Pereira Research and Graduate Program Dean: Sandra Maria Dotto Stump Law School Principal: Nuncio Theophilo Neto Law School Vice Principal: José Francisco Siqueira Neto Coordinator of Graduate Program in Digital and Telecommunication Law: Roque Theophilo Junior Coordination of the Law Course – Undergraduate Program: Fabiano Dolenc Del Masso Professor of Law in Electronic Means: Juliana Abrusio Laboratório de Estudos em Ética nos Meios Eletrônicos ©2010. All rights reserved. Partial or integral reproduction without the authors’ prior authorization is prohibited. Summary 8 12 16 20 24 Freedom of Expression vs. Violation of Someone Else’s Right Crimes on the Internet Crimes of prejudice against race or color Crimes against Copyrights Child Pornography Cyberbullying Civil responsibility of parents and school How to denounce 6 10 14 18 22 26 Privacy on the Internet Dicas Tips to use the Internet safely Conclusion Pense Think about it... Consider what can be shared, public and openly, about your life, without demanding trust and secret. Privacy on the Internet Be careful of your privacy and intimacy when using the Internet! Since the 90’s, by virtue of the free spread of information on the network, the right to privacy and intimacy has been facing increasingly new challenges. Intimacy and privacy, along with other rights, are considered each citizen’s fundamental guarantees granted by the Federal Constitution of 1988, our major law, which ensures every individual the certainty of being able to safeguard his/her privacy. Item X, of art. 5 of the FC/88 guarantees that: Privacy and private life, honor and image of persons are inviolable, and the right to compensation for property or moral damages resulting from their violation is ensured. It happens that, unfortunately, our personal data may be missused through information posted on several content websites, such as Orkut, Flicker, Twitter, Youtube, Bloggers and others. Thus, it is advisable not to make any information available to unknown people, or to those who are not reliable, that reveal your personal habits, such as: mentioning the name of the school where you study, English course you attend, your home address, trips you have already made or will make, etc., since all this may be used in a malicious or even criminal way. 6 The careless use of the Internet, which can be easily accessed by anyone, and which has great dissemination power, increases the possibility that information about your life is disrespected, distorted or altered. Freedom of Expression vs. Violation of Someone Else’s Right The Bill of Rights, in its article 19 provides that “everyone is entitled to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. Brazil adhered to the Bill of Rights, and expresses this adhesion in our Constitution, in its article 5, item IV: “The expression of thought is free , and anonymity is forbidden”, as well as in item IX: “the expression of intellectual, artistic, scientific and communications activities is free, irrespective of censorship or license”. But in face of this freedom, we cannot refrain from asking the following questions: Is the freedom of expression on the Internet not subject to any limit or control at all? Can any information be posted, including on someone else’s life on an unlimited basis, even to the point of offending the other? Freedom of expression, like any other fundamental right, is not absolute. It has limits! It shall not be an excuse or pretext to incite violence, offend anybody else’s honor, thereby frontally violating the other’s fundamental rights equally protected by the Constitution. The limit of your freedom to express whatever you think is not to offend others! The challenge between freedom of expression and violation of anybody else’s right is a difficult path to follow in order to reach balance, namely, expressing yourself freely by respecting the other person’s right. In case that does not occur, this type of conduct is subject to sanction, because, unlike many people wrongly sustain, the Internet is definitely not a “lawless land”, as the courts all over the world have been revealing. It is important to remember: The Federal Constitution of Brazil (CF/88) protects the individual’s honor, grants the victim the right to reply a libel and prohibits anonymity. Furthermore, be aware, if you offend someone, including by the Internet, you may be required to pay indemnity for pain and suffering. (Art. 5, IV, V and X, and art. 220, §1 of CF/88). 8 The good news is that most Internet access providers keep records of most users’ accesses. Therefore, (this has to be quite clear!) everything made through electronic means can be recorded in order to enable identifying who is acting behind a computer screen. Crimes on the Internet Unfortunately, we have verified that, together with the advantages brought by the Internet, this amazing means of communication has also been used to commit crimes. The technologic advance has caused the increase of ordinary crimes (theft, embezzlement, menace, extortion, child pornography etc.), thus enabling virtual misdemeanors to grow at the same proportion as this technologic advance. It is important to know that in most cases the legislation in effect can be applied to electronic crimes. Besides, it is perfectly possible to find out the authorship of crimes practiced through electronic means. Thinking that hiding behind a computer screen guarantees impunity is a false belief. Both the Brazilian Enforcement Authorities and the Judicial Branch have already disclosed several crimes which resulted in the offenders’ conviction. Therefore, it is important to make it quite clear that certain conducts, even when carried out through the Internet, may be considered crimes. Learn how to identify, understand the law provisions, and become informed of the rights you are granted and how to protect yourself. Also learn how to denounce. VOCÊ SABIA? There is a Police Station specialized on electronic crimes in São Paulo: 4th Police Station of DIG/DEIC Civil Police- 4th Police Station for Misdemeanors Committed through Electronic Means Av. Zack Narchi,152 - Carandiru, São Paulo/SP Phone No.: (11) 2221-7030 E-mail: [email protected] Besides, the following Brazilian cities do also have a police station specialized on electronic crimes: Rio de Janeiro, Vitória, Goiânia, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Porto Alegre e Brasília. 10 According to Cert.br (Center of Studies, Response and Treatment of Security Incidents in Brazil), until June 2010, 61,147 cyber incidents had been reported. In 2009, this figure reached 358,343, against 222,528 in 2008. The following stories are fictitious, but we ask: have you ever witnessed or experienced cases like this? Crimes of prejudice against race or color Pedro and his virtual friends Pedro, 18 years old, as most young people of his age, is a constant user of the relationship communities on the Internet. He has older friends and likes to take part in relationship websites and create communities where he may not only express but also share his “radical” ideas. Sometimes he even pretends to be someone else, hiding his real identity. It happens that his ideas have a prejudiced nature as well as racial and sexual intolerance. Pedro is not quite sure about what he says on the Internet, but he started posting malicious and racial comments on these communities, just for fun. It happens that, after including some virtual friends in his communities he eventually created, without noticing it, a huge group of people who take prejudiced postures seriously, and manifest such postures by instigating each other. Pedro’s parents don’t know anything about this! They are just impressed with their son’s skills to use the Internet. Since they are not much knowledgeable about technology, they do not try to get information about the websites and communities in which their son participates, or learn anything about his virtual friendships. They are undisturbed because Pedro is always at home... But actually, the fact is that Pedro has exceeded the limits of freedom of expression by using offensive, humiliating and racist terms to refer to different races, religions etc. once he believes that the Internet is a real “lawless land”. 12 What does the law provide on this case? • When posting discriminatory comments, Pedro and his colleagues of the virtual community incur in the crime of defamation due to prejudice, also called discriminatory defamation (art. 140, § 3 of the Penal Code). Punishment: imprisonment from one (01) to three (03) years and fine. • When inciting and inducing discrimination and prejudice through the virtual community, Pedro also commits the crime provided in art. 20 of Act 7,716/ 1989 (which deals with crimes originated by prejudice against race or color). Punishment: imprisonment from two (02) to five (04) years and fine. • Further, under art. 5, XLII, of the Federal Constitution, “the practice of racism is a non-bailable crime, with no limitation, subject to the punishment of imprisonment, according to the law”. NEWSPA D AY / M ONTH / YEAR - E D IT IO N PER • All this by considering also that law provides that punishment shall be increased by 1/3 whenever a means that facilitates the offense disclosure is used, such as it is the case of the Internet (art. 141, III, of the Penal Code). • If Pedro were a minor, he would be held liable for having committed the offense (art. 103 of the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent), and his parents could be civilly liable for the unlawful acts committed by their son (art. 932, I of the Civil Code), and a fine for compensation to be settled in court is applied to this case. • Furthermore, by pretending to be somebody else, Pedro can be held liable for the crime of “false identity”, under art. 307 of the Penal Code, if such conduct has been practiced to take advantage or to harm somebody else. The punishment for this crime is imprisonment from three months to one year or fine, if the fact does not constitute element of bigger crime. Police ar rest stud ent accu crime of sed of co racism th mmitting In 2008, a r o u 21-year ol g h t h d young man was e I n arrested t vi e ol ence agai rnet in Rolând (PR), und nst certai ia er suspic n races. ion of The p having pract the Intern iced racism on et. According to the pol ice chief who deal t with the case, the accused would ha ve writte racial mes n sa American ges on a North website us the disclo ed for su of messa re of this kind ges, which incites olice disc overed one of th e message that s had been regi stered du ring acce to the inte ss rnet mad e in the accused's co residence, mputer in his and othe r three message sw from a La ere sent by him n House. The polic e chief in formed that thre e hard di sks, one p drive and en one note book had been seiz ed by the Fe Police ag ents to ev deral idence th crime. Th e e accused confessed the crime and repor ted to the police th at everyt hing had been just a jo practice of ke. However, the racism in fringes article 20 of and the ac Act 7,716/1989, cused sh all b submitted to the pun e of impris onment fr ishment om 2 to 5 years, plu s fines. Crimes against Copyrights Exchange of music and videos through the Internet João greatly enjoys audio and video, and is a frequent user of the Internet, from where he copies music, films and games, with no regards to copyrights of the works he uses. As time passed, he became well known as skilled in such resources, and this encouraged him to start an informal and illegal business to sell his “pirated” copies of films, music, games and ringtones for mobile phones. His behavior displeases his father who does not know how to approach the subject and stop João from acting illegally, since the father himself usually boasts of using non-licensed software in his company. 14 What does the law provide on this case? • Whenever João downloads and shares music, videos and other contents without authorization, he is violating the copyrights of the author of such works, incurring in the punishments set forth in art. 184 of the Penal Code, namely imprisonment from three (03) months to one (01) year, or fine. If the copyright violation is carried out aiming at profiting, the punishment is increased to two (02) to four (04) years, and fine. • Furthermore, João shall also pay an indemnity to be settled in Court to the author whose work had been violated (articles 107 and 108 of the Copyright Law, No. 9,610/1998). • When João’s father uses, non-licensed computer programs (“pirated” software) in his company he is committing the crime provided in article 12, of Act 9,609/1998, which deals with computer programs, whose punishment is imprisonment from six months to two years, or fine. If the violation consists of copies for commercial purposes, the punishment may be increased to imprisonment from one to four years, and fine. Besides, João’s father shall also be required to pay indemnity to the company that owns the software (art. 14 of Act No. 9,609/1998). Cyberbullying Unfortunately, with the Internet becoming increasingly popular, children and adolescents commonly use such tool to disseminate gossips, make fun of somebody else’s figure and looks, besides demoralizing people by reason of their physical characteristics, religion, race, preferences etc. Such practices became known as cyberbullying, such term being understood as all acts of physical or psychological aggression - of intentional, repetitive nature and with no apparent motivation -, caused by one or more persons against a colleague in disadvantage, with the purpose of causing pain and humiliation. Insults, frightening, exposure to ridicule, defamation and more concealed aggressions, as rejection and isolation, are examples of such practice. Besides the disturbances that cyberbullying may cause to the victim, the Bully (author of the aggressions) may be held liable for crimes against the honor, and also be required to pay indemnity for damages caused to the victim. Keep an eye! “It was just for fun!”, is what aggressors say. Is it true? The aggressor usually justifies his bullies as being jokes in order to defend himself and continue practicing his cruelties. But offense is not a joke! One of the bullying characteristics is exactly the difficulty to identify it. The fact that this practice is common among children and adolescents does not mean that it is normal or that it is not harmful. Parents and schools must take Cyberbullying seriously, since it is an aggression and a criminal attack to a person’s psychological, physical and social integrity. Any person who witnesses such offense from outside must not and cannot disregard it, if he actually intends to avoid or put an end to this type of violence. A case of the courts Student shall pay damages to colleague for swearing In 2007, a student of the graduate program of a University of Minas Gerais, sent an extremely offensive message against a colleague of his class. The e-mail was addressed to 52 people, including other colleagues and teachers. The aggressor called the student “imbecile” and “retarded”, saying that she wrote useless e-mails. The offended student filed a suit for pain and suffering against the colleague, claiming that she had suffered psychological stress for having been humiliated and held up to ridiculous before the people with whom she socialized. At the end of the suit, the student was sentenced by the Supreme Court of the Estate of Minas Gerais to pay an indemnity in the amount of R$ 4,000 (four thousand reais) for pain and suffering to the offended colleague. Source: Press Office of the Supreme Court of the Estate of Minas Gerais. 16 When children or adolescents isolate themselves or shut themselves in their room, or do not chat, that’s not a good sign! It is important to make it clear to all, parents and children, which are the risks and benefits from using the Internet. Consider the dialogue about the Internet as an important moment of support and general guidance for the child and the adolescent. The information, care and security that parents can transmit are essential to strengthen their children’s self esteem and trust. Advise your son as to the safe use of the Internet. Read the First Reader with him and browse through websites that offer information and security tips: • Jornal Jovem: Edition 06 - www.jornaljovem.com.br/edicao6/ Edition 11 - www.jornaljovem.com.br/edicao11/ • World Childhood Foundation: www.wcf.org.br • Browse protected: www.navegueprotegido.com.br Crated in 2003 by initiative of Microsoft, the portal Browse Protected has relevant content to keep parents, young people and teachers safe and educate children about the importance of safe browsing inside and outside their homes. The Statute of the Child and Adolescent (Act No. 8,069/1990) Child Pornography The number of pages made available on the Internet about child pornography has increased alarmingly in recent years, to the point of becoming a public security issue. The United Nations defines child pornography as “the exhibition, by any means, of a child involved in explicit sexual acts, real or simulated, or any exposure of the child’s genitalia for lustful intent” (1). In Brazil, this crime is provided for in article 241 of the Child and Adolescent Statute (Act No. 8,069/90). According to this law provision, the simple possession of photography containing pornography involving a child or adolescent on the computer is crime by virtue of amendments to the Child and Adolescent Statute, in 2008. Most parents and educators, as well as the adolescents themselves imagine that they will find such criminal activity only on websites intended for sex or disclosure of pornographic content. However, the targets of this type of criminals are exactly the Chat rooms on the web and the relationship websites whose target audience are children and adolescents. The investigated cases reveal that criminals infiltrate by means of fake profiles, mainly in relationship sites and debate groups pretending to be youth or children of the same age as their interlocutors, in order to obtain information such as: habits, home and school addresses and, even worse, to win the trust of underage Internet users, with the purpose of scheduling virtual meetings aimed at enticing and harassing, as well personal meetings which make the practice of acts of sexual violence viable. In face of such reality, protect the privacy of your data; do not expose yourself on the Internet; do not establish relationships with strangers via web. Please view, at the end of this First Reader, more tips on how to behave safely on the Internet. 1 Optional Protocol to the Convention on Child´s Rights on Children´s Trafficking, Infantile Prostitution and Infantile Pornography - Article 2, “c”, ratified by Brazil by Decree 5007, of March 8th, 2004. 18 241-A. To offer, exchange, deliver, transmit, distribute, publish or disclose by any means including by the computer or telematic system, photo, video or any other record that contains explicit sex or pornography scenes involving children or adolescents. Penalty – detention from three (03) to six (06) years and fine. Art. 241-D. To entice harass, incite or constrain, by any means of communication, a child, with the purpose of molesting him/her: Penalty – detention from one (01) to three (03) years and fine. Civil Responsibility of parents and schools Now, you already know that the Internet user is subject to the same laws existing outside the cyberspace. Thus, when causing any harm to somebody, the person responsible for committing such harm shall provide a civil remedy to the victim due to the unlawful act he committed. As a matter of fact, the Brazilian Civil Code provides that “any person who, through voluntary act or omission, negligence or imprudence, violates a right and causes harm to another person, even if exclusively moral, commits unlawful act” and shall be civilly liable (art. 186 together with art. 197, Civil Code). When the unlawful act is committed by a minor, his parents may be held liable for the acts committed by their child. Further, if the minor uses a computer of his school to commit the unlawful act, the school may be required to indemnify the victim for the act committed by its student. Such responsibility exists because it is the parents and the schools’ obligation to watch and take care of their children and students, under the penalty of being held civilly liable for the acts committed by the minors. Art. 932, items I and IV, of the Civil Code The following are also responsible for civil redress: • Parents, for their minor children who are under their authority and in their company; • The educational institution for their students, while they are under their guard(2). 2 The wording mentioned is an adaptation of item IV of art. 932 of the Civil Code, whose original text is: “owners of hotels, hostels, homes or businesses which lodges for money, even for education purposes, by its guests, residents and students” 20 Real cases pay R$ to ed c n te n se re a ts n Pare s on the se en ff o r fo d n sa u o 15 th eir children th y b ed c ti c ra p et rn inte School is sentenced to pay R$ 5 thousand to an offended student In 2009, the Regional Federal Appellat e Court of 4th Region sentenced a University to pay damages to a student whose name was reg istered without authorization on a dating website with “call girls”. After being verified tha t such act had been practiced by an emplo yee of a laboratory of the University, the jud ge understood that the educational institutio n should be held responsible, because, when it makes the use of computers connected wit h the Internet in its facilities available to studen ts, the University agrees to take care of goo d use of the equipment, being liable for possib le surveillance flaws and consequent occurr ence of unlawful acts. ondônia sentenced R of rt ou C e th , 8 0 0 In 2 s who created a or in m of ts en ar p e th tionship website community on a rela her of the school ac te a le cu di ri to d intende studied. where the adolescents it was possible , n io at ig st ve in an After of the students es am n e th fy ti en id to mmunity. Source: TRF [Regional co e th g n ti ea cr r fo Federal Appellate Court ] 4th Region le responsib ts en ar p e h “t at dered th The court order consi ty of supervision, du l ga le y b , ge ar ch are in r the unlawful acts fo y it il b si on sp re e of th dren under il ch t en et p m Find out more information on how you may co in y committed b protect yourself and help the children to be safe their guard”. while they explore the Internet. Please visit www.NavegueProgetido.com.br. Tips to use the Interne t safely onships • Remember that the relationships established on the Internet are relati in among people; therefore, it is important to take the same care you take may your daily personal contacts: do not disclose personal information which full name, compromise or jeopardize you, such as address, phone number, your which relatives’ name, working place, name of the school where you study, data indicate your routine; gh • Never allow anyone to photograph you at exposing scenes, throu gh the webcam, mobile phone etc., nor send any photo of yours, either throu Now Internet or mobile phone, which may compromise or jeopardize you. picture; matter how much you trust the person to whom you are sending the rable it may fall into wrong hands and cause you inconvenience and irrepa damage; cts, photos or • Preserve your privacy: do not disclose personal information, conta onships videos, and be careful whenever you make business and maintain relati via Internet; that you • Be careful with new friendships, searching references before thinking know them; even when • Take your time when scheduling a date with virtual friends, because 22 a date, you think they are trustworthy, they are still strangers. If you schedule try to do it at busy places, such as a mall, and never go alone; s and honest • Before publishing anything, remember that it’s not only your friend people that use the Internet; intolerance • Suspect people and websites that disrespect the law and promote or manifest themselves against ethics; ams), or • Do not install non-authorized, non-licensed programs (“pirated” progr programs of unknown origin in your computer; hly install • Use a firewall program, antivirus software in your computer and mont l the most recent updates supplied by the manufacturer of the operationa system and antivirus software; files sent • Do not click on web links that come with e-mails or open attached before by strangers. In case of doubt, get in touch with the message sender clicking a link or opening an attached file; • Be ethical, polite and act under the law; • Be a citizen and denounce whatever you find wrong on the Internet. ENOUNC What can be denounced and how to do it? All crimes practiced on the Internet can be denounced, such as: racism, religious or sexual intolerance, child pornography, embezzlement, cyberbullying, apology to crimes among others. To denounce, contact the following authorities: INTERNATIONAL • Cyber Law Enforcement www.cyberlawenforcement.org • Virtual Global Taskforce www.virtualglobaltaskforce.com AUSTRALIA • Australian High Tech Crime Centre EUROPEAN UNION • Europol www.europol.europa.eu/index. asp?page=FunnelIntro • International Association of Internet Hotlines www.inhope.org • Safer Internet Programme www.saferinternet.org www.afp.gov.au/policing/e-crime.aspx BRAZIL • Federal Prosecutor’s Office www.prsp.mpf.gov.br/aplicativos/digidenuncia • State Police of São Paulo www.ssp.sp.gov.br/servicos/denuncias/ default.aspx CANADA • Cybertip cybertip.ca UNITED KINGDOM • Child Exploitation and Online Protection www.ceop.police.uk/report-abuse/ • Internet Watch www.iwf.org.uk/report/ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA • Internet Crime Complaint Center www.ic3.gov • Identity Theft and Fraud www.justice.gov/criminal/fraud/websites/ idtheft.html • RCMP Fraud Prevention Page www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/scams-fraudes/indexeng.htm • National Cyber Security Alliance www.staysafeonline.org Do also cooperate to everybody’s benefit! 24 Conclusion Updated communication resources such as the Internet should not be rejected or kept apart by virtue of unlawful acts committed by this cyber means. After all, the society has evolved greatly in the most different areas, allowing the building of relationships among people with similar affinities, either from foreign countries or just unknown so far, providing cultural exchange at distance, creating a notion of “global society”. Further, it is important to break the digital barrier that separates parents from their children; such distance cannot exist anymore, but it still occurs because many parents remain distant from their children’s behavior in the virtual environment due to their own ignorance of the computer science. Parents must also understand that respecting their children’s privacy cannot be a synonymous of lack of supervision and surveillance, which shall occur in consonance with the respect for the own family’s values. It is essential that children know that their parents are aware of what occurs on the Internet, and that they can trust them if they suffer any aggression in the virtual environment. Further, it is necessary that parents explain to their children the importance of the conscious use of the Internet and the consequences that may arise from irresponsible attitudes. Thus, this First Reader is a good supporting tool to help the whole family to learn and become informed about the risks and tips that exist on the Internet, and they can, fearlessly, make the best of the advantages provided by it, with security and responsibility. 26