57º Congresso Brasileiro de Genética
Resumos do 57º Congresso Brasileiro de Genética • 30 de agosto a 2 de setembro de 2011
Centro de Convenções do Hotel Monte Real Resort • Águas de Lindóia • SP • Brasil
www.sbg.org.br - ISBN 978-85-89109-06-2
Evaluation of the efficiency of didactic game:
“Carpet of Mendel” in teaching of genetics
Cruz, GAF1,3 ; Pires, DJ2,3
Discente da Universidade Estadual de Goiás - UnU, GO, Brasil. 2 Docente da Universidade Estadual de Goiás – UnU, GO,
Brasil. 3 Universidade Estadual de Goiás, GO, Brasil
Keywords: Education, Biology, Interactive activity
According to the PCN (National Curricular Parameters), the didactic games stimulates the development of creative
ideas, contributing to the construction of knowledge, thus culminating in the development of cognitive activities.
The objective this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the didactic games, “Carpet of Mendel” in teaching of
genetics. Was applied a questionnaire to students in 3 º year of high school and college of the Course of Biological
Sciences from public institutions. A explanation of the 2nd Law of Mendel was performed before the start of the
game. The results showed that the contents of genetics in biology, teaching games are not applied to the fixation of
the learning. In higher education, 57% of the students uses didactic games. The questions asked during the game be
easy to or not, in relation to the content,64% and 68% of students in high school and college considers easy. The
step considered more difficult in the game was the construction of the Punnett Square, mainly due to the crossings
and the characteristics involved in the game. As for the time development of the game, students of both institutions
said they not seen the time go. The concepts transmitted through the 2nd law of Mendel were comprehensible for
55% and 46% of students in high school and college. Most students (85%) considers the game an effective tool for
the learning process in teaching genetics. Considering the aspects observed is noted that didactic games such as this
make the teaching-learning process more enjoyable, contributing significantly to the fixation of the content and comprehension of concepts and definitions about the 2nd Law of Mendel.

Evaluation of the e ciency of didactic game: “Carpet of Mendel” in