International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)
and Associação Portuguesa de Avaliação de Impactes (APAI)
Memorandum of Understanding
on the “Impact Assessment Portuguese Language Network”
Whereas IAIA is the leading global network on best practice in the use of impact
assessment for informed decision making regarding policies, programs, plans and
Whereas IAIA provides an international forum for advancing innovation and
communication of best practice in all forms of impact assessment to further the
development of local, regional, and global capacity in impact assessment.
Whereas APAI is a Portuguese non-governmental and non-profit organization that
provides a national forum for advancing innovation and communication of best
practice in all forms of impact assessment
Noting that APAI is a recognized affiliate of IAIA, sharing common objectives with
Recognizing that the Portuguese language is the official language of nine countries
(Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique,
Portugal, São Tomé and Principe, Timor Leste), of the Special Administrative Region
of Macau and of several international organizations, is spoken by more than 200
million people and is ranked as the third western language of global communication.
Recognizing that the mission of IAIA could be enhanced by the use of the Portuguese
language and that a Portuguese language network could:
- improve the best practice in the use of impact assessment in the Portuguese
speaking countries;
- expand the influence of IAIA and IAIA publications in the Portuguese speaking
- ensure the accurate translation of IAIA publications and website into Portuguese;
- promote the creation of IAIA affiliates in other Portuguese speaking countries.
The International Association for Impact Assessment (hereinafter called “IAIA”)
and the Associação Portuguesa de Avaliação de Impactes (hereinafter called
“APAI”), through friendly discussions and exchanges, have agreed the following
Memorandum of Understanding that establishes the cooperation between the two
parties on the development of the “Impact Assessment Portuguese Language
Article 1. Objective of the Memorandum
The objective of the present Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter the “MoU”)
is to define the mutual collaboration regarding the “Impact Assessment Portuguese
Language Network” (hereinafter called the “Network”), in support of progress toward
the wider use and application of impact assessment tools by the Portuguese speaking
Article 2. Institutional cooperation
1. APAI, through the Network, will promote the translation to Portuguese of the main
reference documents of IAIA, namely the “Vision, Mission, Values, Code of Conduct
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and Ethical Responsibilities” and the Special Publication series on Best Practice
Principles, the Newsletter and, as far as possible, selected pages of the IAIA website.
2. IAIA website will include the pages and the documents translated to Portuguese by
the Network and provide a link to the Network website.
3. The Network website will post relevant news about IAIA conferences, publications
and other initiatives and provide a link to the IAIA website, using the IAIA logo.
4. IAIA publications translated should have the IAIA logo.
5. The Network will send one copy of its publications, including electronic
publications, to IAIA headquarters.
6. The Network will regularly contribute to the IAIA Newsletter.
Article 3. International conferences and training
1. IAIA and the Network will regularly discuss the opportunity to promote the use of
the Portuguese language at IAIA annual conferences.
2. The Network will advise and confer with the IAIA Board in the earliest stage of
planning international conferences or international training programs to avoid
conflict with IAIA events and sponsorship.
Article 4. Management of the Network
The Network is a project initiated and currently managed by APAI, but, as the project
will develop, and if other countries create IAIA affiliates, it could become a joint
project of the Portuguese speaking-countries IAIA affiliates.
Article 5. Financial considerations
This MoU does not imply any obligation for either Party to provide financial support.
Article 6. Responsibility
IAIA is not responsible or liable for the Network actions or activities.
Article 7. Entry into Force, Amendment and Termination
1. The present MoU takes effect upon signature by the authorized signatories of IAIA
and APAI.
2. IAIA and APAI may, on the basis of written consent, review and amend this MoU.
3. The present MoU will expire within two years from the date of signature, unless it
is renewed by both Parties, upon a previous evaluation of the Network activity.
4. The MoU may be terminated prior to its expiry date by either party by giving three
months written notice.
Rita Hamm, Chief Executive Officer
Miguel Coutinho, President
on behalf of the International Association
for Impact Assessment
on behalf of the Associação Portuguesa
de Avaliação de Impactes
Date: 30 December 2008
Date: 31 December 2008
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