Nationality September 2013 ACQUISITION OF THE PORTUGUESE NATIONALITY FOR THE DESCENDANTS OF PORTUGUESE SEPHARDIC JEWS Through Law nr. 43/2013, of 03 of July, Portugal started to allow the acquisition of the Portuguese nationality, for naturalization, to the descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews, under the following requirements: a) either possible to demonstrate the tradition of belonging to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin; b) that the demonstration of this tradition becomes on the basis of proven objective requirements of connection to Portugal, namely, surnames, familiar idiom direct or collateral or direct progeny. The possibility to grant the Portuguese nationality to the descendants of Sephardic Jews is accomplished with dismissal of two requirements that the law usually demanded for the naturalization requests, namely: a) to have legal residence, for at least 6 years, in Portugal; b) to know the Portuguese language sufficiently. That is, in the case of the descendants of Sephardic Jews who intend to obtain the Portuguese nationality, these are dismissed to demonstrate that they have legal residence, for at least 6 years, in What the new law has enabled is the acquisition of the Portuguese nationality by the descendants of the Portuguese Jews, persecuted since 1496 and spread around throughout the World. Portugal as well as that they know the Portuguese language sufficiently. proceed from a common ancestor (article 1578º of the Civil Code). However, it’s necessary that the candidates to obtain the Portuguese nationality satisfy the other conditions foreseen in the law, namely: The kinship is determined for the generations that tie the relatives one to the other: each generation forms a degree, and the series of the degrees constitutes the kinship line (article 1579º of the Civil Code). a) They have that to be over 18 years or emancipated by the Portuguese law; b) Not to have been condemned, with a sentence transited in rem judicatum, for the practice of punishable crime with imprisonment of a maximum equal or superior than 3 years, according to Portuguese law. ENTRY INTO FORCE OF THE NEW LAW This new law will enter into force as soon as the Portuguese Government accomplishes the modifications to the Regulation of the Nationality, what would have to occur in a deadline of 90 days, that is, up to 3 of October of 2013. Without prejudice of the regulation that come to be accomplished by the Portuguese Government, will matter to adjust inside the Portuguese law the other requirements in terms that the request that come to be made by the interested parties. THE DESCENDANTS’ CONCEPT BY THE PORTUGUESE LAW In accordance with the Portuguese law, the descendants are the relatives, in the direct or collateral line of kinship. Kinship is the bond that joins two persons, as a consequence of one of them to descend of the other or both to About the kinship lines - that is, the series of degrees - the article 1580.º of the Civil Code establishes that a) the line is straight when one of the relatives descends of the other; b) it is called collateral, when none of the relatives descends of the other, but both proceed from a common ancestor. The straight line is descendant or ascendant: descendant, when it is considered as leaving from the ascendant for who proceeds of it; ascendant, when it is considered as leaving from this to the ancestor. On the form to compute the degrees of kindred, the Portuguese law establishes that in the straight line there are as many degrees as how many the people who form the kinship line, excluding the ancestor. In its turn, in the collateral line the degrees are counted for the same form, going up for one of the branches and The descendants of Portuguese Sephardi Jews are all those that may prove that they are descendants of such Jews descending for the other, but without counting the common ancestor. Thus, we have as line of direct descendants of an individual: its children (1st degree), its grandsons (2nd degree), its great children (3rd degree), its greatgreat-grandchildren (degree 4), and so on. The question of the degree of kindred to be in straight line or collateral line has importance for the fact that the Portuguese law to establishes that, unless the law disposes in opposite, the effects of the kinship are produced in any degree of the straight line and until the sixth degree of the collateral line (article 1582º of the Civil Code). The essential condition for the approval of the request of attribution of the Portuguese nationality, will be the demonstration that ancestor of the petitioner belonged to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin and to the tradition of such community, on the basis of proven objective requirements of connection to Portugal, namely, the surnames, the familiar idiom and the proof of direct or collateral progeny. NECESSARY DOCUMENTS In terms of necessary documents to instruct the request for attribution of the Portuguese nationality, will be necessary to wait for the regulation of the law. However, we can consider as base documents the following: The essential condition for the approval of the request of attribution of the Portuguese nationality, will be the demonstration that ancestor of the petitioner belonged to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin. So, it is possible to conclude that, for the effects of acquisition of the Portuguese nationality for the descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews, will have right to the nationality: • • The descendants in the direct line of Portuguese Sephardic Jews, in any degree; The descendants in the collateral line of the Portuguese Sephardic Jews, until the sixth degree. 1) Integral birth certificate, translated and legalized in the Portuguese consulate of the country where the same is obtained; 2) Integral copy of the Passport of the interested party used in the last five years: a. The copy must of all the passport; b. It must be notarized; c. It must be translated and legalized at the Portuguese consulate of the country where the same is obtained 3) Certificate of criminal register emitted by the Portuguese competent services, as well as of the country of the naturalness and the nationality and the countries where it has had residence. These certificates must have less than three months and will have to be also duly translated and legalized in the Portuguese consulate of the country where the same is obtained; 4) Birth certificates of ancestors, if possible until the Portuguese ancestral or to the oldest one; In order to prove the tradition of belonging to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin, will be advisable that it is elaborated and presented with the petition of request of attribution of the nationality, a genealogical study elaborated by an expert as well as the confirmation of the connection to a Portuguese Sephardic community for a recognized Jewish institution. All the documents written in foreign language will have to be accompanied of the following translation done or certified in the legal terms. The elements that must be referred at the petition of acquisition of the Portuguese nationality for naturalization are the following • • • • • • • • full name, date of birth, civil status, naturalness, filiation, nationality, the place of the current residence and the one where it has lived previously, profession. The requests will be analysed by the Ministry of Justice, being the respective success dependent not only of the accompaniment that may be done to the process, but, also, of the credibility of presented documents, the genealogical study and the confirmation that can be made by a recognized Jewish institution of the connection a Portuguese Sephardic community. DEADLINES REQUESTS FOR PROCESSING THE In the deadline of 30 days, counted from the date of reception, the Conservatory of the Central Registers must analyse the process summarily and to proceed to the preliminary denial, in case that this does not contain the necessary elements and documents to the request, the interested party will be notified of the bases, disposing for the effect of a deadline of 20 days to pronouncing itself. Not occurring preliminary denial, the Conservatory of the Central Registers initiates the instruction of the process requesting the necessary information to Judiciary Police Service and the Foreigners and Border Service (SEF). Accomplished the consultations, the Conservatory of the Central Registers emits its opinion, in the deadline of 45 days, being the process submitted to the decision of the Minister of Justice, in case the opinion is favourable to the pretension of the interested party. If the opinion will be in the direction of the denial of the request, the interested party is notified so that in the deadline of 20 days to pronounce himself. Passed the foreseen deadline, and after analysis of the answer of the interested party, the process is submitted to the decision of the Minister of Justice. If the naturalization request will be rejected, the decision is informed to the interested party. The interested party don’t have to prove he possesses ways of subsistence in Portugal. DIFFERENCE IN RESPECT TO THE SPANISH LAW One note for a difference that exists in respect to the requirements established for the Portuguese law in respect to the established in Spain. In fact, in Spain proof is demanded where the interested party possesses ways of subsistence that allow it to live in the country: employment contract, participation in societies, information of the social security or any evidence. In the Portuguese case, in principle, this requirement will be moved away, because the law when dismissing for the Sephardic Jews the proof that the petitioner to has legal residence, for 6 years at least, in Portugal, has to consider that the necessity of proof to possess ways of subsistence in Portugal will be moved away. THE CASE OF THE SPOUSES AND DIVORCE About the spouses (husband or wife), the descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews to who comes to be attributed the Portuguese nationality, these will be able also to acquire the Portuguese nationality through the marriage. In fact, a married foreigner or that lives in non-marital partnership with a Portuguese national he can acquire the Portuguese nationality if he reunites the following requirements: 1) To be married for more than three years or to prove that lives in non-marital partnership, judicially recognized, for more than three years; 2) It formulates a declaration of will to acquire the Portuguese nationality, done in the constancy of the matrimony or the union; 3) It has effective connection to the national community; 4) He has not been condemned, with a sentence transited in rem judicatum, for the practice of punishable crime with imprisonment of a maximum equal or superior than three years, according to Portuguese law; 5) He has not performed public function without a predominantly character or he has not given not obligatory voluntary military service at a foreign State. In the case couple will divorce, after already have been attributed the Portuguese nationality to the spouse, he does not lose it. the Portuguese adopter. nationality of the EFFECTS ABOUT THE ORIGIN NATIONALITY In the case of the Portuguese Sephardic Jews to who it comes to be attributed the nationality, those will be able to keep its originating nationality. In fact, Portuguese legislation admits the plurality of nationalities. Thus, an individual can be holder of one or more nationalities. The acquisition of the Portuguese nationality can only imply the loss of the origin nationality, if the legislation of the country of where it is natural compels to it by not allowing the plurinationality. In this in case, it is necessary to resign to the origin nationality to obtain the Portuguese nationality. SITUATION OF THE CHILDREN About the underage children, or incapable, of father or mother who acquires the Portuguese nationality, those also will be able to acquire it, through a declaration of that they want to be Portuguese. In its turn, if a Sephardic Jew to who comes to be attributed the Portuguese nationality adopts a foreign child, this child acquires the Portuguese nationality. Effectively, the fully adopted for a Portuguese national can acquire the Portuguese nationality, having the process to be instructed with proof of There are not specify responsibilities that may appear with the acquisition of the Portuguese nationality, namely, obligation to pay taxes, to accomplish military service or to live in Portugal. RESPONSIBILITIES THAT APPEAR AT THE MOMENT OF THE ACQUISITION OF THE PORTUGUESE NATIONALITY There are not specify responsibilities that may appear with the acquisition of the Portuguese nationality, namely, obligation to pay taxes, to accomplish military service or to live in Portugal. In fact, a Sephardic Jew to who comes to be attributed the Portuguese nationality does not has to pay taxes in Portugal, except if he declares to intend to live in Portugal for fiscal effects, but in these cases he will always be able to obtain the statute of non-usual resident. Effectively, only the residents in Portugal must pay IRS (Tax on the Income of the Singular People) on the income gained in any part of the world. In case they live in Portugal, but remaining in the country less than 183 days, will not be considered as having fiscal residence in the country and only pays IRS on the income gained in Portugal. Equally the person who acquires the nationality will not be obliged to fulfil obligatory military service. Since 2003, Portugal abolished the obligatory military service, passing this to be optional. Finally, the beneficiaries of the Portuguese nationality in the sequence of this new law, do not stay obliged to live in Portugal, starting to have the same rights of any other Portuguese citizen. Braga, 17th September 2013 Nuno Albuquerque [email protected] The successful outcome of the application will essentially depend on the credibility of the documents, of the genealogical study and of the certification of the authorities of the Jewish community.