AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) Self Evaluation Report (Univ) Study cycles already in operation SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) Request characterization A1. Higher education institution / Responsible entity (Preenchimento automático) A1.a. Higher education institution / Responsible entity description (proposal in assotiation) (Preenchimento automático) A2. Unit (faculty, school, institute, etc.) (Preenchimento automático) A2.a. Unit description (faculty, school, institution, etc.) description (proposal in assotiation) (Preenchimento automático) A3. Study cycle (100 caracteres) A4. Degree (100 caracteres) A5. Publication of the study plan in the Official Journal (nº and date) (100 caracteres) A6. Main scientific area of the study cycle (100 caracteres) A7.1. Main area of the study cycle according to Portaria no 256/2005 of March 16th (CNAEF) (3 caracteres) A7.2. Secondary area of the study cycle according to Portaria no 256/2005 of March 16th (CNAEF), if applicable (3 caracteres) A7.3. Other secondary area of the study cycle according to Portaria no 256/2005 of March 16th (CNAEF), if applicable (3 caracteres) A8. Number of ECTS credits necessary for obtaining the degree A9. Duration of the study cycle (art.º 3 DL-74/2006) (100 caracteres) A10. Number of vacancies in the last scholar year SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) (100 caracteres) A11. Entry Requirements (1000 caracteres) A12. Branches, options, profiles, major/minor or other forms of organisation of alternative paths compatible with the structure of the study cycle (if applicable) Sim (por favor preencha a tabela A 11.1. Ramos, opções, perfis, maior/menor, ou outras) / Yes (please fill in the table A 11.1. Branches, options, profiles, major/minor, or other forms) Não / No A12.1. Branches, options, profiles, major/minor, or other forms of organisation of alternative paths compatible with the structure of the study cycle (if applicable) Ramos/Opções/... (se aplicável) A13. Curricular Stucture Map I – Curricular Structure A13.1. Branches, options, profiles, major/minor, or other forms (if applicable) A13.2. Scientific areas and credits for the award of the degree Scientific Area Acronym Mandatory ECTS Optional ECTS* * Indicate the number of credits of optional curricular units of the scientific area, necessary for obtaining a degree. NOTE: this table is to be repeated as many times as necessary to describe the different alternative paths (branches, options, etc.), when they exist, filling in A12.1 with the designation of the path. A14. Study plan Map II – Study plan A14.1. Branches, options, profiles, major/minor, or other forms (if applicable) (100 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) A14.2. Curricular year/semester/trimester (100 caracteres) A14.3. Study plan: Curricular Units Scientific Area (1) Duration (2) Working Hours Contact Hours ECTS (3) (4) Observation (5) (1) Indicating the acronym presented in the Table of Annex 1. (2) Annual, semester, trimester, etc. (3) Total working hours (4) Indicate for each adopted methodology the total number of hours. Ex. T – 15; PL – 30. (Ttheoretical, TP-theoretical and practical, PL-Practical and laboratorial, TC-Field work, S- Seminar, ETraining, OT-Tutorial, O-Other) (5) Indicate whenever a unit is optional. NOTE: this annex should be repeated as many times as necessary to describe the different alternative paths/periods of the study cycle. A15. Working regime o Daytime o After working hours o Others A15.1. If other, specify (300 caracteres) A16. Academic staff member(s) responsible for coordinating the study cycle (the curricular file(s) must be presented in Annex VIII) (1000 caracteres) A17. In-service training (when applicable) A17.1 Indication of the in-service training places Specific protocols with the entities where the students complete their training. In the case of teacher training study cycles, the protocols must include evidence of compliance with the requirements of articles 18º and 19º of DL 43/2007, of 22nd February (1 protocol for entity). Map III – Cooperation Protocols A17.1.1. Entity where students complete their training: (100 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) A17.1.2. Protocol (PDF, max. 100kB) Anexar ficheiro PDF A17.2. Students training places allocation plan. (PDF, max. 100kB) Document with the planning of the distribution of students by in-service training places demonstrating that the available resources are sufficient Map IV – Students distribution Anexar ficheiro PDF A17.3. Indication of the institution own resources to effectively follow its students during the inservice training periods. Anexar ficheiro PDF A17.4. Orientadores cooperantes A17.4.1. Norms for selecting and evaluating the members of training institutions responsible for following the students' activities (PDF, max. 100kB) Document with the selection and evaluation mechanisms of the monitors of in-service training periods, negotiated between the education institution and the in-service training institutions. Anexar ficheiro PDF 17.4.2. External supervisors responsible for following the students’ activities (only for teacher training study cycles). Mapa V - Orientadores cooperantes de estágio e/ou formação em serviço Name Instituition Profissional Title Profissional Qualifications No of Working Years A18. Observations (3000 caracteres) A19. Participation of a student in the external review team The Institution objects to the participation of a student in the external review team? Yes No SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) Self Evaluation of the Study cycle 1. General objectives of the study cycle 1.1. Study cycle's generic objectives (1000 caracteres) 1.2. Coherence of the study cycle's objectives and the institution's mission and strategy (3000 caracteres) 1.3. Means by which the students and teachers involved in the study cycle are informed of its objectives (1000 caracteres) 2. Internal Organization and Quality Assurance Mechanisms 2.1. Internal Organization 2.1.1. Description of the organisational structure responsible for the study cycle, including its approval, the syllabus revision and updating, and the allocation of academic service. (1000 caracteres) 2.1.2. Means to ensure the active participation of academic staff and students in decision-making processes that have an influence on the teaching/learning process, including its quality. (1000 caracteres) 2.2. Quality Assurance 2.2.1. Quality assurance structures and mechanisms for the study cycle. (1000 caracteres) 2.2.2. Responsible person for the quality assurance mechanisms and position in the institution. (1000 caracteres) 2.2.3. Procedures for the collection of information, monitoring and periodic assessment of the study cycle. (1000 caracteres) 2.2.4. Facultative link to the Quality Manual 2.2.5. Discussion and use of study cycle’s evaluation results to define improvement actions. (1000 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 2.2.6. Other forms of assessment/accreditation. (1000 caracteres) 3. Material Resources and Partnerships 3.1. Material resources 3.1.1. Spaces used by the study cycle (lecturing spaces, libraries, laboratories, computer rooms, ...). Map VI - Spaces Type of Space Areas (m2) 3.1.2. Main equipment or materials used by the study cycle (didactic and scientific equipment, materials, and ICTs). Map VII – Equipments and materials Equipament and materials Number 3.2 Partnerships 3.2.1 International partnerships within the study cycle. (1000 caracteres) 3.2.2 Collaboration with other study cycles of the same or other institutions of the national higher education system. (1000 caracteres) 3.2.3 Procedures to promote inter-institutional cooperation within the study cycle. (1000 caracteres) 3.2.4 Relationship of the study cycle with business network and the public sector. (1000 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 4. Academic and Non Academic Staff 4.1. Academic staff 4.1.1. Curricular files Map VIII – Curricular file Academic staff member name (fill in the full name) (100 caracteres) Higher education institution (fill in only when different from the proponent mentioned in A1) (100 caracteres) Unit (fill in only when different from the proponent mentioned in A2) (100 caracteres) Category Employement regime with the proponent (%) Curricular file Ligação para preenchimento da Ficha Curricular SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 4.1.2. Study cycle’s academic staff (automatically filled in after the submission of the report) Map IX – Academic staff Name Degree Scientífic Area Employment Regime Information Link to the Curricular File Total of employment regime 4.1.3. Data of the academic staff (all percentages are evaluated considering the total ETI number of academic staff) Number of academic staff with a full time link to the institution Percentage of the study cycle’s academic staff with a full time link to the institution (automatically filled in after the submission of the report) Preenchimento Automático Number of academic staff with a full time link to the institution for over 3 years Percentage of academic staff with a full time link to the institution for over 3 years (automatically filled in after the submission of the report) Preenchimento Automático Number of the study cycle’s academic (ETI) staff with a PhD Percentage of the study cycle’s academic (ETI) staff with a PhD (automatically filled in after the submission of the report) Preenchimento Automático ETI number of academic staff registered in PhD programmes for over one year ETI percentage of academic staff registered in PhD programmes for over one year (automatically filled in after the submission of the report) Preenchimento Automático SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) ETI number of non PhD academic staff with a MSc degree (pre-Bologna) ETI percentage of non PhD academic staff with a MSc degree (pre-Bologna) (automatically filled in after the submission of the report) Preenchimento Automático 4.1.4. Procedimento de avaliação do desempenho do pessoal docente e medidas para a sua permanente actualização 4.1.4. Assessment of academic staff performance and measures for its permanent updating (3000 caracteres) Link to the Academic Staff Assessment Regulation 4.2. Non academic staff 4.2.1. Number and work regime of the non-academic staff allocated to the study cycle. (1000 caracteres) 4.2.2. Qualification of the non academic staff supporting the study cycle. (1000 caracteres) 4.2.3. Procedures for assessing the non academic staff performance. (1000 caracteres) 4.2.4. Advanced or continuing training courses to improve the qualifications of the non academic staff. (1000 caracteres) 5. Students and Learning/Teaching Environments 5.1. Students´characterization 5.1.1. Characterization of the students registered in the study cycle, including their gender, age, region of origin, socio-economic background (parents´ education and professional situation) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) By Gender Género / Gender % Feminino / Female Masculino / Male By Age Idade / Age % Até 20 anos / Under 20 years 20-23 anos / 20-23 years 24-27 anos / 24-27 years 28 e mais anos / 28 years and more By Region of Origin Região de proveniência / Region of origin % Norte / North Centro / Centre Lisboa / Lisbon Alentejo / Alentejo Algarve / Algarve Ilhas / Islands Characterisation by Socio-Economic background – Parents’ education. Escolaridade dos pais / Studies of the Parents SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) % AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) Superior / Higher Secundário / Secondary Básico 3 / Basic 3 Básico 2 / Basic 2 Básico 1 / Basic 1 By Socio-economic origin – Parents’ Professional situation Situação profissional dos pais / Parents’ Professional Situation % Empregados / Employed Desempregados / Unemployed Reformados / Retired Outros / Others 5.1.2. Number of students per curricular year Ano / Year Número / Number 1º ano / 1st year 2º ano / 2nd year ... 5.1.3. Study cycle demand Procura do ciclo de estudos / Study cycle 2009/10 demand SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) 2010/11 2011/12 AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) N.º de vagas / No. of vacancies N.º candidatos 1.ª opção / No. 1st option candidates N.º colocados / No. enrolled students N.º colocados 1.ª opção / No. 1st option enrolments Nota mínima de entrada / Minimum entrance mark Nota média de entrada / Average entrance mark 5.2. Teaching / Learning Environments 5.2.1. Structures and measures of pedagogic support and counseling on the students' academic path (1000 caracteres) 5.2.2. Measures to promote the students’ integration into the academic community (1000 caracteres) 5.2.3. Structures and measures for providing advice on financing and employment possibilities (1000 caracteres) 5.2.4. Use of the students’ satisfaction inquiries on the improvement of the teaching/learning process (1000 caracteres) 5.2.5. Structures and measures for promoting mobility, including the mutual recognition of credits (1000 caracteres) 6. Processes 6.1. Teaching objectives, curricular structure and study plan 6.1.1. Learning outcomes to be developed by the students, their translation into the study cycle, and measurement of its degree of fulfillment SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) (1000 caracteres) 6.1.2. Demonstration that the curricular structure corresponds to the principles of the Bologna process (1000 caracteres) 6.1.3. Frequency of curricular review and measures to ensure both scientific and work methodologies updating. (1000 caracteres) 6.1.4. Description of how the study plan ensures the integration of students in scientific research. (1000 caracteres) 6.2. Curricular Units Organization 6.2.1. Curricular units files Map X – Curricular unit file Curricular Unit (100 caracteres) Responsible academic staff member and lecturing load in the curricular unit (fill in the full name) (1000 caracteres) Other academic staff and lecturing load in the curricular unit (1000 caracteres) Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (1000 caracteres) Syllabus (1000 caracteres) Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's objectives (1000 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) Teaching methodologies (including evaluation) (1000 caracteres) Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes (3000 caracteres) Main Bibliography (1000 caracteres) NOTE: this map is to be repeated as many times as necessary to describe the different curricular units. 6.3. Teaching / Learning Methodologies 6.3.1. Adaptation of methodologies and didactics to the learning outcomes of the curricular units (1000 caracteres) 6.3.2. Verification that the required students average work load corresponds the estimated in ECTS (1000 caracteres) 6.3.3. Means to ensure that the students learning assessment is adequate to the curricular unit's learning outcomes (1000 caracteres) 6.3.4. Teaching methodologies that promote the participation of students in scientific activities (1000 caracteres) 7. Results 7.1. Academic Results 7.1.1. Graduation efficiency Eficiência formativa / Graduation efficiency N.º diplomados / No. of graduates N.º diplomados em N anos / No. of graduates in SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) N years* N.º diplomados em N+1 anos / No. of graduates in N+1 years N.º diplomados em N+2 anos / No. of graduates in N+2 years N.º diplomados em mais de N+2 anos / No. of graduates in more than N+2 years * Number of graduates completing the study cycle in the N years of its duration 7.1.2. Comparison of the academic success in the different scientific areas of the study cycle and related curricular units (1000 caracteres) 7.1.3. Use of the results of monitoring academic success to define improvement actions (1000 caracteres) 7.1.4. Employability Empregabilidade / Employability % Percentagem de diplomados que obtiveram emprego em sectores de actividade relacionados com a área do ciclo de estudos / Percentage of graduates that obtained employment in areas of activity related with the study cycle area Percentagem de diplomados que obtiveram emprego em outros sectores de actividade / Percentage of graduates that obtained employment in other areas of activity Percentagem de diplomados que obtiveram emprego até um ano depois de concluído o ciclo de estudos / Percentage of graduates that obtained employment until one year after graduating 7.2. Results of the scientific, technologic and artistic activities 7.2.1. Research centre(s) duly recognized in the main scientific area of the study cycle and its mark (1000 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 7.2.2. Number of publications of the study cycle's academic staff published in international journals with peer review, in the last five years and in the main area of the study cycle. 7.2.3. Other relevant publications (1000 caracteres) 7.2.4. Real impact of scientific, technological and artistic activities on economic enhancement and development (1000 caracteres) 7.2.5. Integration of scientific, technological and artistic activities in national and international projects and/or partnerships (1000 caracteres) 7.2.6. Use of scientific, technological and artistic activities' monitoring for its improvement. (1000 caracteres) 7.3. Other Results 7.3.1. Activities of technological and artistic development, consultancy and advanced training (1000 caracteres) 7.3.2. Real contribution for national, regional and local development, scientific culture, and cultural, sports and artistic activities (1000 caracteres) 7.3.3. Adequacy of the information made available about the institution, the study cycle and the education given to students (1000 caracteres) 7.3.4. Inbternationalization level Nível de internacionalização / Internationalisation level Percentagem de alunos estrangeiros / Percentage of foreign students SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) % AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) Percentagem de alunos em programas internacionais de mobilidade / Percentage of students in international mobility programs Percentagem de docentes estrangeiros / Percentage of foreign academic staff 8. SWAT analysis of the study cycle 8.1. General objectives of the study cycle 8.1.1. Strengths (1000 caracteres) 8.1.2. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 8.1.3. Opportunities (1000 caracteres) 8.1.4. Threats (1000 caracteres) 8.2. Internal Organization and Quality Assurance Mechanisms 8.2.1. Strengths (1000 caracteres) 8.2.2. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 8.2.3. Opportunities (1000 caracteres) 8.2.4. Threats (1000 caracteres) 8.3. Material resources and partnerships SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 8.3.1. Strengths (1000 caracteres) 8.3.2. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 8.3.3. Opportunities (1000 caracteres) 8.3.4. Threats (1000 caracteres) 8.4. Academic and non-academic staff 8.4.1. Strengths (1000 caracteres) 8.4.2. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 8.4.3. Opportunities (1000 caracteres) 8.4.4. Threats (1000 caracteres) 8.5. Students and teaching / learning environments 8.5.1. Strengths (1000 caracteres) 8.5.2. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 8.5.3. Opportunities (1000 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 8.5.4. Threats (1000 caracteres) 8.6. Processes 8.6.1. Strengths (1000 caracteres) 8.6.2. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 8.6.3. Opportunities (1000 caracteres) 8.6.4. Threats (1000 caracteres) 8.7. Results 8.7.1. Strengths (1000 caracteres) 8.7.2. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 8.7.3. Opportunities (1000 caracteres) 8.7.4. Threats (1000 caracteres) 9. Proposal of improvement measures 9.1. General objectives of the study cycle 9.1.1. Weaknesses SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) (1000 caracteres) 9.1.2. Improvement proposal (1000 caracteres) 9.1.3. Implementation time (1000 caracteres) 9.1.4. Priority (High, Medium, Low) (1000 caracteres) 9.1.5. Implementation marker (1000 caracteres) 9.2. Internal Organization and Quality Assurance Mechanisms 9.2.1. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 9.2.2. Improvement proposal (1000 caracteres) 9.2.3. Improvement proposal (1000 caracteres) 9.2.4. Priority (High, Medium, Low) (1000 caracteres) 9.2.5. Implementation marker (1000 caracteres) 9.3. Material resources and partnerships 9.3.1. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 9.3.2. Improvement proposal (1000 caracteres) 9.3.3. Implementation time (1000 caracteres) 9.3.4. Priority (High, Medium, Low) (1000 caracteres) 9.3.5. Implementation marker (1000 caracteres) 9.4. Academic and non-academic staff 9.4.1. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 9.4.2. Improvement proposal (1000 caracteres) 9.4.3. Implementation time (1000 caracteres) 9.4.4. Priority (High, Medium, Low) (1000 caracteres) 9.4.5. Implementation marker (1000 caracteres) 9.5. Students and teaching / learning environments 9.5.1. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 9.5.2. Improvement proposal (1000 caracteres) 9.5.3. Implementation time (1000 caracteres) 9.5.4. Priority (High, Medium, Low) (1000 caracteres) 9.5.5. Implementation marker (1000 caracteres) 9.6. Processes 9.6.1. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) 9.6.2. Improvement proposal (1000 caracteres) 9.6.3. Implementation time (1000 caracteres) 9.6.4. Priority (High, Medium, Low) (1000 caracteres) 9.6.5. Implementation marker (1000 caracteres) 9.7. Results 9.7.1. Weaknesses (1000 caracteres) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 9.7.2. Improvement proposal (1000 caracteres) 9.7.3. Implementation time (1000 caracteres) 9.7.4. Priority (High, Medium, Low) (1000 caracteres) 9.7.5. Implementation marker (1000 caracteres) 10. Proposal for curricular restructuring 10.1 Changes to the curricular structure 10.1.1. Synthesis of the intended changes (1000 caracteres) 10.1.2 New intended curricular structure Map XI – New intended curricular structure Branches, options, profiles, major/minor, or other forms (if applicable) (100 characters) Scientific areas and credits for the award of the degree Scientific Area Acronym Mandatory ECTS Optional ECTS* * Indicate the number of credits of optional curricular units of the scientific area, necessary for obtaining a degree. NOTE: this table is to be repeated as many times as necessary to describe the different alternative SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) paths (branches, options, etc.), when they exist, filling in A12.1 with the designation of the path. 10.2. New study plan Map XII – New study plan 10.2.1. Branches, options, profiles, major/minor, or other forms (if applicable) (100 characters) 10.2.2. Curricular year/semester/trimester (100 characters) 10.2.3. Study plan: Unidades Curriculares Área Científica (1) Duração (2) Horas Trabalho (3) Horas Contacto (4) ECTS Observações (5) (1) Indicating the acronym presented in the Table of Annex 1. (2) Annual, semester, trimester, etc. (3) Total working hours (4) Indicate for each adopted methodology the total number of hours. Ex. T – 15; PL – 30. (Ttheoretical, TP-theoretical and practical, PL-Practical and laboratorial, TC-Field work, S- Seminar, ETraining, OT-Tutorial, O-Other) (5) Indicate whenever a unit is optional. NOTE: this annex should be repeated as many times as necessary to describe the different alternative paths/periods of the study cycle. 10.3 Academic staff curricular files (Only for academic staff not included in section 4) Map XIII – Academic staff curricular file 10.3.1. Academic staff member name (fill in the full name) (100 characters) 10.3.2. Higher education institution (fill in only when different from the proponent mentioned in A1) (100 characters) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 10.3.3. Unit (fill in only when different from the proponent mentioned in A2) (100 characters) 10.3.4. Category 10.3.5. Employement regime with the proponent (%) 10.3.6. Curricular file Ligação para preenchimento da Ficha Curricular SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF) AGÊNCIA DE AVALIAÇÃO E ACREDITAÇÃO DO ENSINO SUPERIOR (A3ES) 10.4. Curricular Units Organization (Only for new curricular units) 10.4.1. Curricular units files Map XIV- Curricular unit file Curricular Unit (100 caracteres) Responsible academic staff member and lecturing load in the curricular unit (fill in the fullname) (1000 caracteres) Other academic staff and lecturing load in the curricular unit (1000 caracteres) Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (1000 caracteres) Syllabus (1000 caracteres) Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's objectives (1000 caracteres) Teaching methodologies (including evaluation) (1000 caracteres) Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes (3000 caracteres) Main Bibliography (1000 caracteres) NOTE: this map is to be repeated as many times as necessary to describe the different curricular units. SELF EVALUATION REPORT (UNIV) –STUDY CYCLES ALREADY IN OPERATION (ACEF)