Probability Summary of the main advancements during the last 30 months During this period there was an intense research activity in various topics in theoretical probability and applications, in special to statistical mechanics. It deserves to be mentioned the success obtained in the study of disordered systems, in particular in the treatment of random walks in random environments, and growth models out of equilibrium. Special emphasis merits the results which have been obtained in the hydrodynamical description of particle systems, perfect simulation, convergence of random trees to structures such as the Brownian web, interfaces of competition, besides applications to linguistics. Research articles published or accepted 2002-2004 During the period, the members of the team have had around fifty research articles published or accepted for publication and a book, edited by the Cambridge University Press. It follows the list of the works, which considered being the most important for the area. The full list is found in the reports sent by the various work groups. 1. Ferrari, P. A., Landim, C. and Thorisson, H., Poisson trees, succession lines and coalescing random walks, Annales de L'Institut Henry Poincaré, 40, 141-152, 2004. 2. Fontes, L. R. G., Isopi, M., Newman, C. M. and Ravishankar, K., The Brownian Web: Characterization and Convergence, Annals of Probability, 2004. 3. Machado, F. P., Alves, O. and Ferreira, C. E., Estimates for the spreading velocity of an epidemic model, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2004. 4. Olivieri, E. and Vares, M.E., Large Deviations and Metastability, Cambridge Univ. Press, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its applications, 512p, 2004. 5. Ramirez, A. F. and Sidoravicius, V., Asymptotic behavior of boundary branching random walks growth process, J. Europ. Math. Soc. JEMS, 6 (3), 293-334, 2004. 6. Sidoravicius, V. and Sznitman, A.S., Quenched invariance principles for walks on clusters of percolations or among random conductances, Probab. Theory. Rel. Fields., 129(2), 2004. 7. Abadi, M., Sharp error terms and necessary conditions for exponential hitting times in mixing processes, Annals of Probability, 2003. 8. Abadi, M. Chazottes, J.R.; Redig, F.; Verbitskiy E., Exponential distribution for the occurrence of rare patterns in Gibbsian random fields, Comm. Math. Phys, 2003. 9. Comets, F. and Popov, S., Limit law for transition probabilities and moderate deviations for Sinai's random walk in random environment, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 126, 571-609, 2003. 10. Ferrari, P. A., Andjel, E. D. and Siqueira, A., Law of large numbers for the asymmetric simple excusion process, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2003. 11. Garcia, N. and Motta, M.R., Perfect simulation for a stationary silo with absorbing walls, Meth. Comp. Appl. Probab, 5, 109-121, 2003. 12. Machado, F.P. and Popov, S., Branching random walk in random environment on trees, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 106, 95-106, 2003. 13. Fernandez, R and Galves, A., Markov approximations of chains of infinite order, Bull. Braz.Math.Soc., 33, 295-306, 2002. 14. Fontes, L. R., Schonmann, R. H. and Sidoravicius, V., Stretched exponential fixation in stochastic Ising models at zero temperature, Comm. Math. Phys, 228(3), 495-518, 2002. 15. Kesten, H. and Sidoravicius, V., The spread of a rumor or infection in a moving population, Annals of Probab. Math.PR/0312496. Ph.D. Degree 1. Fernando Pigeard de Almeida Prado, 2004, IME-USP. Advisor: Vladimir Belitsky 2. Guillermo Tomás Tetzlaff, 2004, Departamento de Computacin, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Advisor: Pablo Augusto Ferrari. 3. Leandro Pinto Pimentel, 2004, IMPA. Advisor: Vladas Sidoravicius. 4. Milton Jara, 2004, IMPA. Advisor: Claudio Landim. 5. Adriano Francisco Siqueira, 2003, IME-USP. Advisor: Luiz Renato Gonalves Fontes. 6. Bernardo Borges Nunes de Lima, 2003, IMPA, (Prêmio Aranda Ordaz). Advisor: Vladas Sidoravicius. 7. Denise Duarte Scarpa Magalhães Alves, 2003, IME-USP. Advisor: Antonio Galves. 8. Glauco Valle da Silva Coelho, 2003, IMPA. Advisor: Claudio Landim. 9. Raquel Mariela Sued, 2003, IMPA, (Prêmio Aranda Ordaz). Landim. Advisor: Claudio 10. Valentim Sisko, 2003, IME-USP. Advisor: Pablo Augusto Ferrari. How did the IM-AGIMB contributed to the achievement of the results in research, as well on the formation of new researchers? IM-AGIMB has promoted in an unprecedented way the participation of students in the scientific life of the group in a very intense way. For instance, they were stimulated to expose their work in the various scientific meetings, which were organized with the presence of scientific leaderships in the related topics. This has guaranteed them to be much more integrated in the efforts, which were happening, and to receive a wide but constructive criticism of their work. Post-doctoral positions have also been crucial on that, due to the exchange of experiences. In terms of the progress in mathematics research, the conferences had a very positive effect together with the crucial impact that seems to have come from the scientific visits, partially promoted by IM-AGIMB, which definitely allowed the continuation and conclusion of scientific projects of much relevance to the field. Impact which the support of IM-AGIMB had in the scientific activities as the promoter of conferences and visits of researchers (national and international). IM-AGIMB has been extremely important for the success of the following workshops and conferences, for allowing its planning and implementation in an exceptional scientific level. • • • • • The Editions VI, VII and VIII Brazilian School of Probability Brazilian School of Probability, happening in 2002 (Ubatuba, SP), 2003(Angra dos Reis, RJ) and 2004 (Ubatuba, SP) respectively. Workshop Disorder, Percolation, Random Walks, 18-19 de fevereiro de 2002, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Percolation, Particle Systems and Random Media, 12-17 de janeiro de 2004, Santiago de Chile. (Evento realizado em colaboração da PUC de Santiago do Chile e do IMPA.) Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 12-14 de fevereiro, 2004, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Brazilian Workshop on Mathematical Physics, 3-5 de março, 2004, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. IM-AGIMB has also been crucial for the participation of a large number of LatinAmerican researchers and students in the last editions of the Brazilian School of Probability. This was exactly one of our major difficulties before the IM-AGIMB. It has also allowed that students already initiated in research and young researchers would attend the workshop ``Percolation, Particle Systems and Random Media", an occasion when they had the opportunity not only to explain their own work, but also to learn from the informal and formal discussions with some of the highest level specialists in the topic. The existence of IM-AGIMB is, no doubt, profoundly changing the possibilities of interaction in Latin America. Another example, besides the Workshop done in collaboration with PUC from Santiago, is the "Encontro em Probabilidade e Estatística Matemática" which will happen in Buenos Aires at the end of this September, as well as most of the flow of researchers between Brasil, Uruguai, Argentina and Chile, which is visible in the scientific projects which had been developed (as shown in the list of publications). We plan to extend this interaction in the next "summer school at IMPA", with the participation of a researcher from Universidad Nacional de Mexico, and also by a stronger interaction with colleagues from Venezuela (Summer School in Merida, in September of 2005). This experience also offers to the students the opportunity to wide their vision of the area beyond the research lines that are most developed in their own institution. Concerning the collaboration through scientific visits, the results reported in the research articles speak by themselves. Besides, there is an intense activity going on relative to articles under preparation. The financial resources provided by other national sources has also contributed much for the success of the scientific cooperation in the area.