Ludmila de Souza Maia
Department of History, Rice University
6100 Main Street MS-42.
Houston, TX 77005-1827. USA.
Departamento de História, IFCH
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Rua Cora Coralina, 100.
CEP: 13083-896 – Cid. Universitária Zeferino Vaz.
B. Geraldo. Campinas-SP. Brasil
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
In Brazil: Mobile: +55 (19) 999167429.
Home: +55 (19) 32890970.
Skype: ludmilasmaia
PhD. Candidate in History - Rice University.
PhD Candidate in History – UNICAMP.
Master of Sciences in History– UNICAMP.
B.A. in History and History Teaching – UNICAMP.
August 2012 - Present
March 2011 – Present
March 2008 - February 2011
March 2003 – July 2007
English, French, and Spanish (Advanced), Italian (Beginner), Portuguese (native).
French Certification: DELF B2 (68/100).
Conference and Workshop Participation
Summer Academy: Free and Unfree Labour in Global History.
December 2013
Conveners: IGK Work & Human Life Cycle in Global History (Re:Work) and
CECULT. Participated in the organizing committee and to present the paper:
“Travelers in Skirts: Female Labor and Slavery in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic
World.” Campinas, SP. Brazil
Fazendo Gênero X: Desafios atuais dos feminismos.
September 2013
Presented the paper, “Celeste: sexualidade feminina e matrimônio na literatura e na
história do Oitocentos.” Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Florianópolis-SC.
XXVIII ANPUH: National Conference:
Presented the paper, “Maldita carne! maldito temperamento! O romance Celeste, a
autoria feminina e o discurso médico no início da primeira república.”
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal-RN. Brazil.
First RICE - UNICAMP Seminar.
November 2008
Presented the paper and Coordinator of panel. Paper: “História e Literatura: A
romantização da tísica na Inglaterra no romance de Samuel Richardson.” Panel:
“História e literatura.” UNEMAT. Cáceres-MT. Brazil.
XIV ANPUH-SP: poder, violência e exclusão.
July 2009
Presented the paper, “Um estudo sobre algumas das temporalidades do romance
Clarissa de Samuel Richardson.” Universidade Federal do Ceará – Fortaleza-CE.
V ANPUH-MT: A escrita da história.
September 2010
Presented the paper, “Liberdade e Tirania: ‘Clarissa’ e a busca pela autonomia.”
Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita – Franca-SP. Brazil.
XXV ANPUH: National Conference. História e Ética.
September, 2012
Participation as a listener. University of Illinois. Urbana-Champaign, IL. United
XV ANPUH-SP: História e Liberdade.
April 2013
Presented the paper, “'Nísia Floresta's Views of Rio de Janeiro: A City through the
Social Criticism of a Brazilian Woman Writer.” Santa Fe Hotel. Santa Fe, NM.
United States.
Brazilian Studies Association: BRASA XII.
May 2013
Participated in the organizing committee and presented the paper, “'Nísia Floresta's
Views of Slavery in Rio de Janeiro: the Social Criticism of a Brazilian Woman
Writer.” Rice University. Houston, TX. United States.
RMCLAS 2013 Annual Conference.
July 2013
August 2008
Presented the paper, “Males do Peito Febres da Alma: Romantismo e Tísica na
Sociedade Inglesa (séculos XVIII e XIX).” Universidade de São Paulo –São Paulo-SP.
XIV Seminário de Iniciação Científica da UFOP.
November 2006
Presented the poster session, “A epidemia do Verão de 1889: As repercussões na
Imprensa e os ecos na memória de Campinas.” (PIBIC-CNPq). Universidade
Federal de Ouro Preto. Ouro Preto-MG. Brazil.
XIV Congresso interno de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP.
September 2006
Presented the poster session, “A epidemia do Verão de 1889: As repercussões na
Imprensa e os ecos na memória de Campinas.” (PIBIC-CNPq). UNICAMP,
Campinas, SP. Brazil.
Academic Work Experience
Research Assistant, Fondren Library, Rice University.
Worked to develop the Brazilian Studies Collection in the fields of Arts and
Humanities in the Fondren Library.
Instructor, Department of History, UNICAMP.
August 2005 - July 2006
Field: Social History of Science
Historical Consulting, Physics Institute, UNICAMP.
January 2008 - July 2008
Coordinators: Dr. Silvia Lara and Dr. Sidney Chalhoub. Field: Social History of
Introduction to Research Program – PIBIC/CNPq
October 2010 - October 2012
Tutoring in the graduate school for history teachers in the Educational System of
São Paulo State.
Research assistant, History department, UNICAMP:
August - December 2011
Course: “Introduction to History.” Professor: Dr. Sidney Chalhoub.
Online tutor at the REDEFOR, São Paulo, SP, Brazil:
February - July 2012
Course: “Female Writing in the Nineteenth Century.”
Teaching Assistant, PROFIS – UNICAMP.
August 2012 - May 2013
October 2006 - May 2007
Research: The History of development of Fiber Optics in Brazil.
Awards and Grants
Brazilian Government Program for Funding Research - CNPq:
Four-year-long scholarship for Graduate Students - $55,000. Campinas, SP. Brazil.
Brazilian Program for Funding Internship Abroad - CAPES:
August 2012 – May 2013
One-year-long Doctoral internship at Rice University – $ 15,000. Houston, TX.
United States
Cultural Scholarship, Rotary Club / Rotarian Foundation:
July 2011 – Present
August – December 2009
Goodwill Ambassador. Cultural experience and studying English as a second
language- $11,000. Toronto, ON – Canada.
FAPESP - São Paulo State Program to Fund M.A. Research: August 2008 - February 2011
Grants for the Master program - $20,000. Campinas, SP. Brazil.
Grants for Technical Research Assistance, CECULT – CNPq:
Research assistant - $2,000. Campinas, SP. Brazil.
Grants for Introduction to Research Program – CNPq:
October 2007 – July 2008
August 2005 – July 2006
Researcher - $2,100. Campinas, SP. Brazil.
Volunteer Activities
Internship at the High School Dr. Tomaz Alves
Teaching assistant in the High school level. Campinas –SP. Brazil.
Cursinho pré-vestibular Popular Machado de Assis:
March-December 2006
Teacher of history and geo-politics to prepare working class students to get into the
Public Universities. Campinas, SP. Brazil.
Cursinho pré-vestibular da Moradia Estudantil da UNICAMP
March - December 2006
2004 – 2005
Teacher of history to prepare working class students to get into the Public
Universities. Campinas – SP. Brazil.
VEJA: projeto de educação de jovens e adultos
2010 – 2011
§ Teacher of literature for young people and adults in the Elementary school.
Campinas - SP

Ludmila de Souza Maia - Department of History