ECTS - Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão Degree: Undergraduate Degree In Biomedical Engineering Course: Biochemistry and Biology Academic Year: 2014/2015 Number of Credits (ECTS): 6.0 Theoretical work (hours): 18.0 h Tutorial Session (hours): 18.0 h Lab work (hours): 36.0 h Academic year: 2 Term: Summer Semester Attendance: Mandatory Course Responsible Teacher: Drª Rosário Martins Learning Outputs: A- To understand the function and organization of the cell B- To know the structure and function of lipid membranes C- To understand the mechanisms of cell division D- To understand the structure and function of enzymes E- To understand the major metabolic pathways of energy F- To know the differences between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism G- To know the pathways of the carbohydrates H- To know the pathways of lipids I- To know the pathways of metabolism of amino acids and nucleotides J- To understand the metabolic role of the different organs and tissues in health and disease conditions K- To know how to manipulating cells and biomolecules in the laboratory Syllabus: Unit I Cell biology 1 - General structure of living organisms 2 - Organization subcellular animals 3 - The structure of cell membranes 4 - Transport through the membrane 5 - The Cell Cycle 6 - Enzymes Unit II Biochemistry 7 - Bioenergetics and Metabolism 8 - Fermentation and respiration 9 - Metabolism of carbohydrates 10 - Lipid Metabolism 11 - Metabolism of nitrogen compounds 12 - Integration of metabolism and hormone action 13 - Metabolism in special conditions: fasting, diabetes, injury and cancer Learning Outputs: Classes are taught in an auditorium using the slide projection as well as interactive videos, using the expositive, interrogative, demonstrative methods the presentation of case studies, problem solving, among others. It fostered active learning using new technologies. The practical classes will be conducted in an environment of interaction between teachers and studenta in order to facilitate active learning in the context of the laboratory class. Assessment Methods: Given Biochemistry and Biology practical nature, distributed assessment will be the method chosen to evaluate students' performance in this curricular unit. The final classification (FC) of the course will be the result of an expression that includes two components: a theoretical (TC) and a pratical (PC) component. A Avaliação à UC de Bioquímica e Biologia, dada a sua índole laboratorial, será DISTRIBUÍDA. References: 1-John Baynes and Marek H. Dominiczak (Authors) Medical Biochemistry. 2012. 3rd Edition. Mosby-Elsevier (54 BAY - Biblioteca ESTSP-IPP). 2-Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter (Authors). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2008. 5th Edition. Garland Science (576 ALB - Biblioteca ESTSP-IPP). Notices: Teachers: Rosário Martins - [email protected] (Responsible) Rúben Fernandes - [email protected] Drª Rosário Martins Vila do Conde, 18 de Setembro de 2013