Banif – Banco Internacional do Funchal, S.A. informs that, at the company’s General
Meeting, held in Funchal on 26 August 2015, for the purposes of continuing the work
begun in the meeting of 29 May 2015, all the proposals covered by points 6 to 10 of the
agenda were approved, as follows:
It was decided to elect the following to the General Meeting Committee for the
2015-2017 three-year period:
- Chair: Guilherme Henrique Valente Rodrigues da Silva
- Secretary: José Mendonça Prada
It was decided to elect the following to the Board of Directors, including the Audit
Committee, for the 2015-2017 three-year period:
- Luís Filipe Marques Amado
- Jorge Humberto Correia Tomé
- Carlos Alberto Rodrigues Ballesteros Amaral Firme
- Fernando Mário Teixeira de Almeida
- João José Gonçalves de Sousa
- Jorge Manuel Silveira Nunes
- Nuno Pedro Martins
- Elsa Cristina Costa Pires Santana Ramalho (to also sit on the Audit Committee)
- Teresa Sofia Teixeira dos Santos Duarte (to also sit on the Audit Committee)
The following directors, appointed by and in representation of the Portuguese state, under
the provisions of no. 2 of article 14 of Law no. 63-A/2008, of 24 November and of point 10
of Ministerial Order no. 1527-B/2013, of 23 January, will also sit on the Board of Directors:
Issuf Ahmad, Director appointed by Ministry of Finance Order no. 5838/2014, of 16 April
(to also sit in the Audit Committee).
Miguel Silva Artiaga Barbosa, Director appointed by Ministry of Finance Order no.
12035/2014, of 22 September.
It was decided to appoint the audit firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers & Associados –
Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Lda. (SROC no. 183), represented by
José Manuel Henriques Bernardo (ROC no. 903), for the purposes of carrying out
Banif – Banco Internacional do Funchal, SA
Limited Liability Company
Registered Office: Rua de João Tavira, 30 - 9004-509 Funchal
Share Capital: 1,720,700,000.00 euros
Single Registration and Corporate Taxpayer Number: 511 202 008
the duties stipulated in article 446 of the Commercial Companies Code and no. 4 of
article 27 of the company’s articles of association, for the 2015-2017 three-year
It was also decided to approve the setting up of a Remuneration Committee, to be
in office for the 2015-2017 three-year period. The following will sit on this
- Chair: Miguel José Luís de Sousa
- Members: Filipe de Andrade e Silva Lowndes Marques
Miguel Silva Artiaga Barbosa
Given that it is a non-compulsory consultative body, no Strategy Committee was
appointed for 2015.
At the Board of Directors meeting held on the same date, it was decided:
- To appoint Luís Filipe Marques Amado Chair of the Board of Directors and Jorge
Humberto Correia Tomé Vice-Chair;
- To set up an executive committee composed of the following directors:
- Jorge Humberto Correia Tomé (Chair)
- Carlos Alberto Rodrigues Ballesteros Amaral Firme
- João José Gonçalves de Sousa
- Jorge Manuel Silveira Nunes
- Nuno Pedro Martins;
- Bruno Miguel dos Santos de Jesus was appointed Company Secretary, and Ângela Maria
Simões Cardoso Seabra Lourenço was appointed alternate.
Funchal, 26 August 2015
The Issuer
Banif – Banco Internacional do Funchal, SA
Limited Liability Company
Registered Office: Rua de João Tavira, 30 - 9004-509 Funchal
Share Capital: 1,720,700,000.00 euros
Single Registration and Corporate Taxpayer Number: 511 202 008