LIGHT S.A. CORPORATE TAXPAYERS ID (CNPJ/MF) 03.378.521/0001-75 COMPANY REGISTRY ID (NIRE) 3330026316-1 PUBLICLY-HELD COMPANY EXTRACT OF THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF LIGHT S.A., HELD ON FEBRUARY 26, 2007, DRAWN UP IN THE SUMMARY FORMAT. 1. Date, time and place: February 26, 2007, at 3:00 p.m., at Avenida Marechal Floriano, n.º 168, parte, 2º andar, Corredor A, Centro, city and state of Rio de Janeiro. 2. Attendance: Sitting Board Members, Aldo Floris, Alessandro Monteiro Morgado Horta, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Eduardo Borges de Andrade, Gilberto Sayão, José Luiz Silva, Luiz Aníbal de Lima Fernandes, Raphael Hermeto de Almeida Magalhães, Sérgio Landau and Wilson Nélio Brumer, chairman of the meeting, as well as the deputy member Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Guedes. Deputy members Alfredo Salomão Neto, Almir José dos Santos, Ana Marta Horta Veloso, Bruno Constantino, Carmen Lúcia Claussen Kanter, João Batista Zolini, Luiz Fernando Rolla and Ruy Flaks Schneider also attended the meeting, although they did not take part in the voting. Attorney Caio Machado Filho was invited to be the secretary of the meeting. Officers José Luiz Alquéres and Ronnie Vaz Moreira, as well as Fiscal Council members Ari Barcelos da Silva, Beatriz Oliveira Fortunato, Isabel da Silva Ramos Kemmelmeier and Eduardo Grande Bittencourt also attended the meeting. 3. Matters in the Agenda: The Board of Directors approved, by unanimous vote, the Management Report relative to the year 2006, the Management accounts, the financial statements related to the year 2006, the proposal for the management’s overall annual compensation, which shall be submitted to the meeting, and, therefore, the call notice to the extraordinary general meeting that shall deliberate on these matters. I certify that this is an extract of the resolutions taken at the Board of Directors’ Meeting of LIGHT S.A., held on this date. Rio de Janeiro, February 26, 2007. Caio Machado Filho Secretary of the meeting