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The following article is about the AIDS crisis.
Read the text and answer the questions
AIDS and the Violation of Human
Human rights abuses cause infection:
Since the early 1980s, HIV/AIDS has killed
22 million people and infected over 60
million, and it will kill millions more before it
is controlled. The problem is made worse by a
wide range of human rights violations,
including sexual violence faced by women
homosexuals, abuses against prostitutes and
drug users, and violations of the right of
young people to information on HIV
In prisons, HIV spreads with frightening
efficiency due to sexual violence, lack of
access to condoms, lack of help for drug
users, and lack of information.
Violations of human rights only add to the
discrimination against people at highest risk
of infection and thus cause those who most
desperately need information, preventive
services, and treatment to hide.
Abuses follow infection:
People living with the disease are subject to
discrimination in society, including at work
and in access to government services. Women
whose husbands have died of AIDS are
regularly rejected by their families and by
their husband’s families, and their property
is frequently taken from them. Thousands of
children who have lost parents to AIDS, or
whose parents are living with the disease,
have lost their inheritance rights, have had
prostitution, and have been forced to live on
the streets where they are subject to police
violence and other abuses.
Documenting human rights abuses related to
HIV/AIDS and raising awareness about them
is essential to fighting the epidemic.
Ensuring protection:
Human Rights Watch continues to campaign
for legal protection for people affected by, or
at high risk of, HIV/AIDS. For children
affected by AIDS, the protection of girls
against sexual abuse and the availability of
legal help for children who have no relatives
are urgently needed. Protecting the rights of
prostitutes, and helping them to demand safe
sex of clients, are extremely important.
Without a focus on human rights, many
HIV/AIDS programs and policies are certain
to fail. ©Copyright 2004,
Human Rights Watch
Tradução completa do texto:
A AIDS e a Violação de
Direitos Humanos
Abusos de direitos humanos provocam infecção:
Desde o início dos anos 80, o HIV/AIDS matou
22 milhões e infectou mais de 60 milhões de pessoas, e matará mais milhões antes que seja controlado. O problema é agravado por um amplo espectro de violações de direitos humanos, incluindo violência sexual enfrentada por mulheres e
meninas, discriminação contra homossexuais,
abusos contra prostitutas e usuários de drogas e
violações do direito dos jovens à informação sobre a transmissão do HIV.
Nas prisões, o HIV se espalha com uma rapidez
assustadora devido à violência sexual, à falta de
acesso a preservativos, à falta de ajuda aos usuários de drogas e à falta de informação.
As violações de direitos humanos apenas somam-se à estigmatização de pessoas com risco
mais elevado de infecção e assim fazem que se
escondam os que mais desesperadamente necessitam de informação, serviços de prevenção e
Infecção seguida de abusos:
As pessoas infectadas estão sujeitas à discriminação na sociedade, inclusive no trabalho e no
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inglês 2
acesso aos serviços governamentais. As mulheres cujos maridos morreram de AIDS são comumente rejeitadas por suas famílias e pelas famílias de seus maridos, e seus bens são freqüentemente confiscados. Milhares de crianças que
perderam os pais para a AIDS, ou cujos pais
convivem com a doença, perderam seus direitos
de herança, tiveram que aceitar empregos perigosos, incluindo a prostituição, e foram forçados
a viver nas ruas, onde estão sujeitas à violência
policial e a outros abusos.
Documentar abusos contra os direitos humanos
relacionados ao HIV/AIDS e aumentar a consciência a respeito deles é essencial na luta contra a
Assegurando proteção:
A Human Rights Watch continua a defender a
necessidade de proteção legal para pessoas
afetadas pela AIDS ou com alto risco de contraí-la. Quanto às crianças afetadas, proteger
meninas de abuso sexual e disponibilizar assistência legal às crianças sem familiares são
necessidades urgentes. Proteger os direitos
das prostitutas e ajudá-las a exigir sexo seguro
dos clientes são extremamente importantes.
Sem um foco nos direitos humanos, muitos programas e políticas de prevenção à AIDS certamente fracassarão.
Questão 1
against homosexuals, abuses against prostitutes
and drug users, and violations of the right of the
young to information on HIV. Besides, in prison
HIV spreads very quickly because of sexual
violence, lack of access to condoms, lack of help
for drug addicts, and lack of information.
1.2. After becoming infected, people suffer
discrimination in society. For instance, women
whose husbands have died of AIDS are often
rejected by families, and lose their property.
Furthermore, thousands of the children of those
infected fail to receive legal help from government
agencies. They end up losing their inheritance
rights; are compelled to accept dangerous jobs,
including prostitution, and are forced to live on the
1.3. Several things could be done to improve the
situation. In the field of research, documenting
human rights abuses related to HIV/AIDS and
increasing awareness is essential.
So is campaigning for children affected by AIDS,
the protection of girls against sexual abuse and
legal help for children who lost their relatives.
Also, the rights of the prostitutes to demand safe
sex of clients should be protected.
Questão 2
Referring to your answer to question 1.3,
what do you imagine to be the difficulties or
obstacles that this campaign would face? You
should write about 80 words.
Answer the following questions, using
complete sentences and your own words.
According to the article:
1.1. How do violations of human rights cause
the spread of HIV/AIDS? Mention two ways.
1.2. What sort of human rights abuses do
people suffer after becoming infected?
Mention two points.
1.3. What could (or should) be done to
improve the situation? Mention two
1.1. Violations of human rights cause the spread
of HIV/AIDS through several factors such as sexual
violence against women and girls, discrimination
A big obstacle this campaign would face is
certainly the prejudice that involves HIV/AIDS.
Despite the relative awareness by some of the
world’s population, there’s still a lot to be done
in relation to the biased behaviour in all
segments of society. The government policies
to prevent an HIV/AIDS epidemic face
difficulties in focusing on information programs
which would help people to understand this
problem as an issue to be treated with the
participation of all society.
In addition, another problem of vital importance is
the lack of a set of laws that could be applied
worldwide to help those infected by HIV/AIDS.
Still another problem, and perhaps the most
difficult one, would be the lack of money in Third
World nations, mainly in the African continent,
where the spread of AIDS is alarming.
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inglês 3
Questão 3
Read the quote below and answer the
question. “Almost 6 million people in
developing countries are in need of treatment
for HIV/AIDS, yet only about 400,000
received it in 2003... Antiretroviral treatment
is the key to change.”
World Health Organisation
The solution to fighting HIV/AIDS suggested
by this quote is different to the suggestion
made in the article. Which do you think is
more important? Justify your answer. You
should write about 100 words.
HIV/AIDS problem, one cannot overlook its
importance. Suffice it to say that Russia hardly
spends a tenth of the billion dollars or so that
Brazil is willing to pay and has been so far
unsuccessful in its battle against AIDS. South
Africa is likewise plagued not only with the deadly
virus but with the ignorant mistake of government
authorities who regard the AIDS virus as an
elaborate Western hoax to help pharmaceutical
companies sell expensive medicines. In the real
world, one is seldom asked to follow a single path
to the solution of a serious problem. No doubt
preventing human-rights violations is extremely
important and conducive to the containment of the
epidemic. It cannot, nonetheless, substitute for or
underestimate the significance of medical
research. The end of the law is to help man, and
not to be an end in itself.
Although antiretroviral treatment should not be
considered the sole strategy to address the
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The following article is about the AIDS crisis. Read the text and