QUANTIFIERS Os quantificadores são pronomes que precedem e modificam os substantivos. Countable x Uncountable Many ≠ Much Many → substantivos contáveis (muitos) Much → substantivos incontáveis (muito) You have many cothes! I like you very much. I don’t have many friends. Does she have much money? Few ≠ Little Few → substantivos contáveis (poucos) Little → substantivos incontáveis (pouco) I saw few people at the cinema. Put little sugar in my coffe. She read few pages today. She spoke little in the party. A few ≠ A little A few → substantivos contáveis (algum) A little → substantivos incontáveis (poucos) There are a few pens in my pencil case. I’m sorry, there are only a few bedrooms available. She has a little money in the bank. I found only a little milk in the refrigerator. Plenty of: mais do que suficiente. I bought plenty of food today. She understood plenty of words. A lot of: muito (s), muita (s). There is a lot of students at school. Tob drank a lot of water. A lot of people speak English (informal) Many people speak English. (formal)