April 2013
Vol. 10, n. 2
Neuropsychology and psychometrics applied to neuropsychiatry
edited by
Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz, Débora Marques de Miranda, Cristina Yumi
Sediyama, Marco Aurélio Romano-Silva, Humberto Corrêa
Neuroimaging and neuropsychological analyses in a sample
of children with ADHD - inattentive subtype
Claudia Berlim de Mello, Adriana Suzart Ungaretti Rossi, Thiago da Silva Gusmão Cardoso,
Thiago Strahler Rivero, Luciana Monteiro de Moura, Roberto Gomes Nogueira,
Andréa Parolin Jackowski, Orlando Francisco Amoedo Bueno and Mauro Muszkat
Use of antidepressant medication during cognitive and depressive treatment
in brazilian elderly patients: a 180 day program
Aline Iannone, Danilo Assis Pereira, Janeth de Oliveira Silva Naves,
Vitor Augusto Motta Moreira, Sérgio Leme Da-Silva
Semantic and phonologic verbal fluency tests for adolescents with ADHD
Neander Abreu, Nayara Argollo, Fernana Oliveira, Anna L. Cardoso, José L.O. Bueno
and Gilberto Fernando Xavier
Cognitive profile of seven years old children born preterm with weight below 1500 grams
Regina Helena Caldas de Amorim, Lívia de Castro Magalhães,
Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz and Alexandre Ferreira Campos
Translation and adaptation of impulsive behavior scale (UPPS)
to the Brazilian population
Cristina Yumi Sediyama Nogueira, Alysson Massote Carvalho, Gustavo Gauer,
Naraiana Tavares, Rodrigo de Miranda Monteiro Santos, Giuliano Ginani,
Thiago S. Rivero, Paulo Henrique Paiva de Moraes, Stephen P. H.
Whiteside, Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz
Clinical application of dex-r for patients with bipolar disorder type i and ii
Fabricia Quintão Loschiavo-Alvares, Cristina Yumi Nogueira Sediyama, Alina Gomide Vasconcelos,
Fernando Neves, Humberto Corrêa, Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz, Andrew Bateman
Using moral dilemmas to characterize social decision-making
Martina Carmona-Perera, Raquel Vilar-Lopez, Miguel Perez-Garcia, Antonio Verdejo-Garcia
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale for screening antepartum depression
in the Brazilian public health system
Mayra Yara Brancaglion, Tiago Castro e Couto, Alina Gomide Vasconcellos,
Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz, Rodrigo Nicolato, Humberto Corrêa
Neurocognitive performance in patients with AIDS in Brazil: a case-control study
Paulo Pereira Christo, Lucas Araújo Lima Géo, Carlos Mauricio de Figueiredo Antunes
Cross-cultural adaptation of visual reproduction subtest
of Wechsler memory scale, fourth edition (WMS-IV) to a Brazilian context
Carina Tellaroli Spedo, Maria Paula Foss, Adriana Helena Nascimento Elias, Danilo Assis Pereira,
Patrícia Leila dos Santos, Graziela Nogueira de Almeida Ribeiro, Fernanda Belinassi Balarini,
Clara Monteiro Antunes Barreira, Octávio Pontes Neto, Amilton Antunes Barreira
Book review
Clinical Neuropsychiatry
Journal of Treatment Evaluation
Bimonthly journal published by Giovanni Fioriti Editore srl
The aim of the journal is to critically (without ideological bias) evaluate the current achievements in every field of neuropsychiatry, particularly
illness course and treatment effectiveness. It is very important to know how a patient could be defined as improved or recovered, how
long a treatment has to last, when therapy works and for whom. These are fundamental issues for Clinical Neuropsychiatry.
The main goal of the journal is to collect original papers that directly or indirectly influence the effectiveness of a treatment, particularly
focused on Evidence Based Medicine and Clinical Practice.
All papers in this journal are peer-reviewed. No person is permitted to take any role in the review of a paper in which they have an interest, e.g.,
fees or grants from, employment by, consultancy for, shared ownership in, any close relationship with, an organisation whose interests, financial
or otherwise, may be affected by the publication of the paper.
New Research - Articles
Short Report
Letters to the Editors
Book Reviews

Neuropsychology and psychometrics applied to neuropsychiatry