BRAZILIAN AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE SERVIÇO PÚBLICO FEDERAL EFFECTIVE DATE: DEPARTAMENTO DE AVIAÇÃO CIVIL AD No.: 05 August 1991 90-07-01R1 The following Airworthiness Directive (AD), issued by the Departamento de Aviação Civil (DAC) in accordance with provisions of Chapter IV, Title III of Código Brasileiro de Aeronáutica Law NR 7,565 dated 19 December 1986 - and Regulamento Brasileiro de Homologação Aeronáutica (RBHA) 39, applies to all aircraft registered in the Registro Aeronáutico Brasileiro. No person may operate an aircraft to which this AD applies, unless it has previously complied with the requirements established herein. AD No. 90-07-01R1 - EMBRAER - Amendment 39-677. APPLICABILITY: This AD is applicable to all EMB-110 and EMB-121 aircraft equipped with main landing gear half upper locking drag strut P/N 14284, 14284A, 14284-001, 14284-002, 14334, 14334A, 14334-001 or 14334-002. CANCELLATION/REVISION: This AD cancels tbe prescriptions of AD 90-07-01 - Amdt 39-638 dated July 09, 1990, considering the following reasons: 1. It has been found only one case of failure of a main landing gear half upper locking drag strut. 2. The metalurgical analysis of the failure has showed that the same was provoked by a static overload. 3. A fracture mechanics analysis considering an existing machined recess, subject covered by SB ERAM NR 110-032-0506, and a crack of 0.5 mm length has showed that the strength of the locking drag strut is so small that would not be the reason for a static failure under the normal service loads. So, there is not an operational unsafe condition to justify the issuance of this AD. Therefore is endorsed the classification "recommended" established by ERAM and EMBRAER to the ERAM SB 110-032-0506. CONTACT: For additional information, contact: Centro Técnico Aeroespacial Instituto de Fomento e Coordenação Industrial Divisão de Homologação Aeronáutica Caixa Postal 6001 Telex: 1233393 CTAE BR Fax (55) (123) 41-4766 12225 São José dos Campos, SP - Brazil Form FDH-900-04B CONTINUATION OF AD No.: 90-07-01R1 - AMENDMENT 39-677 PAGE No.: 2/2 EFFECTIVE DATE: This AD (90-07-01R1, Mdt 39-677) becomes effective on AGO 05, 1991 Original in Portuguese signed by: PAULO GASTÃO SILVA - Maj Eng Chefe da Divisão de Homologação Aeronáutica IFI/CTA JOSÉ WALTER SOUZA TELLES - Ten Cel Av Chefe da Divisão de Aeronaves e Manutenção - TE-1 STE/DAC Note: The original issue of this AD (90-07-01, Amdt 39-638) was not published in Engllish Language. NOTE 2: Original AD signed and issued on 05 Aug 1991. This document was reedited in electronic format on 06 Mar 2001 and its text is identical to the original one. Form FDH-900-04B