Towards 70 Years of Brazil
A doctrine against the Nazism of Hitler, during the
World War II.
1942 - Italy:
Alcide De Gasperi establishes the Christian
Democratic Party.
1945- Germany:
Konrad Adenauer assumes the Presidency of
CDU - Christian Democratic Union.
In the Post-war, the Christian Democracy
consolidates itself as a Political Party in the
reconstruction of great nations.
1945 - Prof. Cesarino Junior
establishes in Brazil at the Municipal Theater of
São Paulo, PDC- Christian Democratic Party.
Professor of Law (USP) - Medicine (PUC) - Economy (USP)
1945 - Tristão de Ataide:
Important role in the Christian Democratic Party
program formulation.
Literary Critic-Professor-Writer- Brazilian Catholic Leader
Member of Brazilian Academy of Letters.
Clique para editar os estilos do texto mestre
Segundo nível
 Terceiro nível
 Quarto nível
 Quinto nível
1946 - National Constituent Assembly
2 Congressman of the Christian Democracy participate as Constituents:
Manuel Vitor - PDC São Paulo and Monsignor Arruda Câmara –
PDC Pernambuco
PDC São Paulo – Jânio Quadros
1948 - Takes the seat at the municipal chamber of São
1950 - Elected State Representative
Elected by other party :
Mayor and Governor of São Paulo
1960 - President of Republic.
PDC São Paulo – Franco Montoro.
1950- Councilman – Municipal Chamber of São Paulo
1955- State Representative
1959- Congressaman
1961- Minister of Labor
1963- Congressaman
After, elected by other party : Senator and Governor of São Paulo.
1962 - PDC São Paulo
Franco Montoro, one of the artifice of Parliamentarism in Brazil,
created the FGTS for workers.
PDC - Rio Grande do Sul
1962 - José Maria Eymael, university leader and Head of
JOC ( Catholic Youth Worker )
join the Christian Democratic Youth in
Porto Alegre - RS.
1963 - EYMAEL, elected Member of the Advisory Council of
PDC - Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul.
Has affirmed at a meeting of the Directory:
``The need to build up our political ideas, real flags !``
(24-1- 63 – book ata No 3 pág 8)
1963 -
Eymael graduated in Law at PUC – Rio Grande do Sul
Receives from Paul Brossard, the award of 1st Place in his class.
1980 – In São Paulo, Eymael, during the Military Regime, as a
President Of ABEOC, starting his political leadership in the
state, manifested by direct elections in Brazil, in open Letter to
President Joao Figueiredo, emphasizing:
``Stay with Brazilians, President!
Stay with the History, President!
Stay with the Direct
Elections, President.”
ABEOC - Brazilian Association of Organizers Congresses and
1945 – 1965 Some Political Personalities of Christian
Democracy in Brazil
Congressman and Minister Queiroz Filho- São Paulo
State Representative Nelson Marchezan – Rio Sul
Gov. Ney Braga and Congressman, and Gov. José Richa – Paraná
Congressman Constituent (1946) Mons. Arruda Câmara - Pernambuco
1964 - Installed, in Brazil, the Military Regime.
1965 - Institutional Act Nº.2- Extinction of the 13 existing parties,
including PDC.
Establishment, in Brazil, the Bipartisanship: Arena and MDB
1979 - Restored the Multiparty system in Brazil. Today there are
about 30 Political Parties.
1985 - PDC - Christian Democratic Party is reborn in Brazil
1985 – Refounder and National President of PDC - Dr. Jorge
Coelho de Sá
State President of PDC - São Paulo
Dr. José Maria Eymael
1985 - Eymael – Running for Mayor of São Paulo, mission:
To give visibility to the return of Christian Democracy, after 20
years of absence.
1986 - Eymael - Elected Congressman- São Paulo
1990 - Eymael - Reelected Congressman – São Paulo.
1994 - Eymael – Received from Rabbi Henry Sobel
the recognition of Jewish People or demonstration of
solidarity with the attack in Argentina.
1986: Elections - PDC
5 Federal Constituent Deputies:
José Maria Eymael- São Paulo, Paulo Roberto Cunha- Goiás
Roberto Balestra - Goiás, Siqueira Campos - Goiás, Sotero Cunha –
Rio de Janeiro.
1986 - Performance of Constituent Congressman
José Maria Eymael
Brazil- A Christian Democratic Country
In the Brazilian Constitution, there are proposals defended and approved Proposals
by the Constituent Jose Maria Eymael, one of the 15 of 559 Constituents, with the the highest Number
of proposals Approved: 145
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
WORKERS (Art 7º - Inc. XXI)
Prior notice to proportional service time, according to the law and a minimum of 30 days.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
RETIRED (Art 153- § 2º Inc II)
Exemption from payment of Income Tax to all retired, over 65 years old.
(Item subsequently repealed and replaced by infra constitutional legislation Which set limits waiver )
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
WOMEN (Art. 7º - Inc. XX)
Incentives for the protection of woman's labor market.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
STATUTE OF THE TAXPAYER (Title VI - Cap. 1- Section II)
The creation of a specific section in the Constitution to group the principles of defense of the
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
No tribute can be effect of forfeiture.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
POPULAR ECONOMICS (Art. 155 § 2o – Inc. III)
Possibility of lower tax (ICMS) for essential products such as basic food basket .
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
Reduction of the retirement pension or remuneration received by public officials above the
constitutional limit, not fitting to evoke acquired right to keep abuses.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
Obligation of municipalities give tax treatment encouraged small
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
LOAN APPROVAL (Art. 148 Caput )
Requirement for approval of the compulsory loan by an absolute majority of Congress.
This achievement has prevented compulsory loans on the taxpayer, which often occurred so far.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
SMALL RURAL PRODUCERS (Art. 153 § 4º - Inc. II)
Non-payment of land tax .
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
Prohibition of expropriation for agrarian land reform of
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
Possibility of applying against legal people acts in the exercise of public function.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
ENVIRONMENT (Art. 225 Caput)
Nature is a common heritage of all men, and it is incumbent upon each one the right to enjoy
it without damage and require the State protect it.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
TOURISM (Art. 180)
Obligation of Municipalities, States and Union to develop and promote tourism as a factor of
economic and social development.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
Children of age have a duty to support their parents in old age, in need or in sickness.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
DISABLED (Art. 227- § 1º- Inc. II)
The Government has the duty to garantee to all handicapped effectively conditions to be fully
realized as a citizen.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
EDUCATION (Art. 213 - § 1º)
Possibility of using public funds to grant scholarships to economically disadvantaged students. It is
also this achievement that provides, today, the access of these students to PROUNI – “University
or All” Program.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
The defense of the permanence of God's name in the preamble
of the Constitution.
Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians
Free, Fair and Solidarity
Model of society to be built by Brazilians.
(Art. 3 Inc. I of the Federal Constitution)
Eymael is selected among the 559 constituents as the icon of defense of
workers. A special program was presented with an interview with him and one
documentary of his historical moments in the defense of workers on the
National Congress.
Book: The Mind Of Congress - Who are the minds behind the
Constitucional Revision
Publicada em 1993 - DIAP
Departamento Intersindical de Assessoria Parlamentar
Eymael referenced by DIAP as one of the twelve most influential legislators
in Congress
1990 - PDC - A National Political Party Power
1993 - The National Executive of PDC, ignoring the
Political Party Power, has approved, in National
Convention, the PDC - PSD Fusion.
April 03 th , 1993 - Eymael tried, overnight , unsuccessfully, a
injunction against the merger .
At 9 a.m., Eymael by himself, joins the plenary of Congress to follow the
Christian Democracy up to the end!
At 3 p.m., Eymael writes:
``I watch, at this moment, at 3p.m. of
April 03, 1993, lonely, the great, sad
and solitary agony of Christian
Democracy of Christian Democratic
Party, in our country.
In 1965, it was the cold hand of
Military Regime that denied his
Today, 1993, it is their own leaders
that today cut his existence when they
would have the power to perpetuate it.
The Christian Democracy is reborn!
March 30, 1995:
Eymael and more 114 fellows establish
PSDC – Social Christian Democratic Party.
``And their founders of now and all those that, for him,
come with the future, excited about the same ideals, will
make the CSDP - Social Christian Democratic Party,
a perennial instrument of the Nation that will follow it forever
Connections of Christian Democracy in Brazil
Cesarino Junior-Franco Montoro- José Maria Eymael
All of us, Leaders and Militaries, have three huge and
great responsibilities through the Social Christian
Democracy, in Brazil:
1998 - Eymael is nominated by The National Executive for
Presidential Election Dispute.
Mission: Reconstruct the Brazilian Christian Democracy.
2006 – Eymael fulfills the second party mission
to consolidate the National Christian Democracy on Presidential
2010 - Eymael is acclaimed, in National Convention of PSDC,
candidate for the Presidency of Republic,
which slogan of campaign is:
Dignity, the Brand of a Life!
2010 : At 65 years of Brazil, the Christian Democracy presents,
in the Presidential Campaign of 2010, on Radio and TV Network,
an advanced social program, and proposes the creation of the
Family Ministry.
2010 – Created in Brazil, the Woman PSDC, today, a national
party strength, with Presidents throughout every States and
2010 – National President of Woman PSDC ,Councilwoman
Sandra Gomes – Espírito Santo.
2011 - The
Woman PSDC launches National Campaign for
the creation of the Family Ministry by the Federal Government.
Goal: 1 million signatures.
Details of Campaign:
Facebook: PSDC nacional
2010 – Events of Woman PSDC are performed throughout all
country and transmitted live via the internet - TV 27 and TV 27
2012- International PSDC
The Brazilian Christian Democracy, presents in 27 states and in 2000 cities,
towards 200.000 members, joins the the worldwide Christian Democracy,
interacting with Parties, Organizations and Entities that congregate our party
doctrine in all continents.
World Leaders of Christian Democracy at all times.
National Vice
President of
North Region
Roberto Lopes
National Vice President
of Northeast Region
Joanilson de Paula Rego
José Maria Eymael
National President of PSDC
National Vice President
of East Center Region
Ademar Borges
National Vice President
of South/ Southeast
Region Alessandro
Vice National
President of
Josmar Alderete
of Controls Luis Carlos
President PSDC
State- Alagoas
Eudo Freire
President PSDC
State - Bahia
Antonio Albino
Vice National President Region Northeast and
President State Rio Grande do Norte
Joanilson de Paula Rêgo
President PSDC
State – Paraiba
Ver. João Corujinha
President PSDC
State - Sergipe
Alberto Barreto Filho
President PSDC
Geraldo Queirós
President PSDC
State Ceará
Dep. Est. Ely
President PSDC
State - Maranhão
Antonio Aragão
Vice National President of North Region
Presidente Estado - Roraima
Roberto Lopes
President PSDC
State - Acre
José Afonso
President PSDC
State - Amazonas
Cicero Alencar
President PSDC
State - Pará
Abraão Benassuly
President PSDC
State - Rondonia
Edgar do Boi
President PSDC
State - Amapá
Emanuel Silva
National Vice President of Center East region
Presidente Estado - Goiás
Ademar Borges
President PSDC
Federal District
Silvana Reis
President PSDC
State - Mato Grosso
Josmar Alderete
President PSDC
State - Mato Grosso do Sul
Elizeu Amarilha
President PSDC
State - Tocantins
Adail Carvalho
National Vice President of South/ Southeast
Region Alessandro Marques
President PSDC
State - Sta. Catarina
Antonio Carlos Costa
President PSDC
State Espírito Santo
Gilson Gomes
President PSDC
State - Minas Gerais
Ver. Irineu Inacio
President PSDC
State - Paraná
Luiz Adão
President PSDC
State - Rio Grande do Sul
Luis Carlos Prates
President PSDC
State - Rio de Janeiro
Dep. Joâo Peixoto
President PSDC
State - São Paulo
José Maria Eymael
José Maria Eymael
National President of PSDC Brazil
Communications Rubens Pavão – International Executive Member- PSDC Brazil –
[email protected]

Achievements that are now part of the daily life of Brazilians