Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em
Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Engineering and Industrial Management Research and Development Centre
Research Unit
ILID - Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento
March 2011
Vila Nova de Famalicão
Rui Gabriel Araújo de Azevedo Silva
Main Scientific Domain: Mechanical Engineering
Other subdomains: Industrial Management, Electric and Electronic Engineering,
Environment and Energy
Group Name/Designation:
Industrial Processes / Processos Industriais
Principal Investigator: Carlos Alberto Rego de Oliveira
Keywords: Automation and Control; Artificial Intelligence; Energy and Environment;
Group Name/Designation:
Industrial Management / Gestão Industrial
Principal Investigator: Eduardo Luís de Campos Soares Tomé
Keywords: Lean Thinking; Operations Management; Production; Knowledge Management
Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Unit Description ............................................................................................................................ 4
General Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 4
Main Achievements....................................................................................................................... 5
Activities ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Integrative/multidisciplinary activities...................................................................................... 5
Outreach Activities .................................................................................................................... 6
Research Group: Industrial Management / Gestão Industrial ...................................................... 7
Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 7
Main Achievements................................................................................................................... 7
Group Productivity .................................................................................................................... 8
Publications in peer review Journals ..................................................................................... 8
Other international publications ........................................................................................... 8
Other national publications................................................................................................. 10
Organization of conferences ............................................................................................... 11
Internationalization ............................................................................................................. 11
Research Group: Industrial Processes / Processos Industriais .................................................... 13
Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 13
Main Achievements................................................................................................................. 13
Group Productivity .................................................................................................................. 14
Publications in peer review Journals ................................................................................... 14
Other international publications ......................................................................................... 14
Other national publications................................................................................................. 14
Organization of conferences ............................................................................................... 14
Internationalization ............................................................................................................. 15
Research Team for 2011 ............................................................................................................. 16
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Unit Description
The creation of this Research Unit, “Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em
Engenharia e Gestão Industrial” results from an initiative of the Host Institution – Fundação
Minerva, Cultura, Ensino e Investigação Científica - to promote the activities regarded as
research and development.
The research unit is part of a bigger structure that gathers different research areas of interest
to the host institution, the “Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento - ILID”. The
creation of ILID in 2005 is one of the strategic options of the Host Institution since its
recognition as a Foundation (Fundação) in 2003.
Coordination is achieved through its Principal Investigator that, in conjunction with the
coordination body of ILID, devises a strategy to support the sustainable development of
research and development activities in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial
Management within the Research Unit. The Research Unit comprises two research lines of
investigation that are complementary “Industrial Processes” and “Industrial Management”.
Each line of investigation is coordinated by one of its members, according to general guidelines
approved yearly by ILID and in consonance with each member’s expertise.
Worth noting is that the Unit has the privilege of having as contributing members some
renowned European researchers. These researchers are active members of this Unit and work
as well as references to national and international trends in our fields of research.
General Objectives
This Research Unit has the general goal of developing a close cooperation and coordination of
R&D activities between the two main research areas in the field of Mechanical Engineering and
Industrial Management. The activities pursued within the Unit are classified under the
following categories: (a) Research and Development, (b) Technology transfer, (c) Higher
Education and Professional Qualification, and (d) Dissemination of scientific results.
This unit promotes the close relationship with industry through the development of research
and developing, gathering students and researchers, that materializes in transfer of advanced
knowledge and technology to industry and services sector of the economy. In the condition of
recently created, this Unit has given the first steps in the field of research and the first results
are promising. The Unit provides now the scientific background support in advanced teaching
giving aid to the recently approved master’s degrees. It should be noted that only this year the
host institution is allowed to give doctoral degrees which contribute now in a positive manner
to a consistent growth of research. The Unit also supports the creation of new degrees at
professional level, working as a consultancy body.
The specific objectives of this unit are: Increase innovation and applied research in Mechanical
Engineering; Improve industrial productivity; Increase product and environmental quality;
Increase entrepreneurial competitiveness; Optimize and rationalize design, production and
company management systems; Improve industrial safety; Promote professional specialization
and qualification; Promote direct and indirect support to high education.
Areas of Expertise: Artificial Intelligence; Automation and Control; Sustainability, Energy and
Environment; Knowledge Management; Lean Thinking; Operations Management; Production.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Main Achievements
From the past research it can be highlighted the fact that working areas are becoming more
specialized within each line of investigation. T he present choice of investigation lines results
from this fact and is supported by the small number of researchers and the necessity to focus
in particular areas of interest. Publications in peer-reviewed international journals are now
consistently increasing and are the main concern of this Research Unit due to their importance
towards overall recognition.
Following the strategy of the Research Centre two higher degrees were submitted and
approved and have started, namely a Doctor Degree in Engineering and Industrial
Management and a Master’s degree in Energy Management. These two degrees serve the goal
of creating a sustainable development of research in the field proposed under the Research
Also in close cooperation with the Engineering and Technology Faculty at Universidade Lusíada
de Vila Nova de Famalicão a new Higher Technical Degree was prepared and submitted to the
National Authority, in order to support research in the field of Energy, thus reinforcing two
other technical degrees in the field, namely Specialization in Automation, Robotics and
Industrial Control (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica em Automação, Robótica e Controlo
Industrial) and Specialization in Installation and Maintenance of Networks and Computing
Systems (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica em Instalação e Manutenção de Redes e
Sistemas Informáticos). These two Higher Technical Degrees are now self-financed and support
the goal of providing technical training to the community.
Responding to the objectives established in previous years we have now a dedicated space to
the Energy Laboratory. Further investments will be made to ensure the creation of conditions
to sustain growth in this field of research.
Following the established trajectory of the research centre we are now gathering efforts in
order to enable our yearly journal to become internationally recognized. We have published
this year our second number of the peer-reviewed journal entitled “International Journal of
Engineering and Industrial Management.
Finally, and given the recent efforts towards internationalization of this Research Centre we
should report the success of another International Meeting that gathered more than 100
participants from over 30 countries, the 11th European Conference on Knowledge
Management. The results of this meeting can be summarized as follows: the publication of the
Proceedings; the establishment of fruitful contacts; and the arrangement for invited lectures
with specialists.
Integrative/multidisciplinary activities
Organization of the 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management – This initiative
was launched in 2009. This event gathers researchers from different countries and is an
opportunity to exchange contacts and knowledge potentiating the involvement of researchers
in international projects and debates.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Approval and Initiations of Doctoral Degree on Engineering and Industrial Management – This
initiative allows us to carry out research in a sustainable manner under the research area of
the centre.
Initiation of Master’s degree on Energy Management – This allows for the reinforcement of
research on the field of energy, one of the new areas of research being explored and that we
foresee a sustainable growth.
Creation of a dedicated energy laboratory – Enabling the execution of empirical studies on
energy consumption and efficiency. There are now several graduate and undergraduate
students involved in this field of research and efforts are being made to increase the number
of members involved. This supports the envisaged development o this field of research.
Outreach Activities
Seminar on Energy - Sustainable Construction. This seminar was directed to students and the
local community, gathered over 80 participants and the main topic was the awareness to the
field of sustainable development, March 2010.
Participation in the “IV Workshop de Engenharia Industrial da UMinho – Lean Thinking nas
Organizações Portuguesas”, realizado na Universidade do Minho, Guimarães. This event was
dedicated to the discussion of topics in the field of Engineering and Industrial Management
and gathered participants nationally wide, January 2010.
Initiated a patenting process regarding the mechanisms utilized on the development of a
didactic kit that demonstrates the use of technology applied to the automation of a football
table game, June 2010.
Conference on Engineering - "Jornadas de Engenharia", dedicated to the subject “Engineering:
Mobility and Entrepreneurship”, Universidade Lusíada, Vila Nova de Famalicão. This annual
conference attracts a significant number of delegates and the technical content of the events
include management and engineering in industry, marketing, quality and human resources,
May 2010.
3th Workshop on Research and Development – this initiative is a forum to promote the
discussion and exchange of knowledge and methodologies. This event is targeted to graduate
students undergoing research activities. It is promoted in cooperation with the Faculty of
Management and Economics, March 2010.
Conference on Management – “Jornadas de Ciências Empresariais”, dedicated to the subject
“Angola – Market of opportunities”. This annual conference attracts a significant number of
delegates from different origins such as local community, students, local industry and services.
Universidade Lusíada, Vila Nova de Famalicão, May 2010.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Research Group: Industrial Management / Gestão Industrial
Target objects of research have been expanded, in accordance with the specific interest of
each of the members in the research group. Lately, and as a result of the recent creation of
this Research Unit, the work carried out over the last years concerns diverse specific domains,
but they tend to be focused in three areas: Industrial Management, Sustainable development,
and Intangible investments. It should be noted that these areas are related and therefore
several of the projects carried out enclose two or three of these areas.
Following the guidelines of the general objectives of the Research Centre we can summarize
the research line as follows and under the following categories: Research and Development –
further develop the fields of research under research and search for other forms of financial
support; Higher Education and Professional Qualification – promote the discussion of this
topics within the local industry and community through the organization of open forums,
workshops and short courses; Dissemination of scientific results – maintain the organization of
an International Conference and National Conference to debate, share and disseminate
scientific results.
Main Achievements
The main achievement was the realization of the 11th European Conference on Knowledge
Management that was held at Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão and resulted in
100 communications, including 3 keynote speakers, from 32 countries. The event was a
success that can be measured by the internationalization level and the results achieved,
namely: the number of participants; the conference proceedings are listed in the Thomson
Reuters ISI Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP), in the Thomson Reuters
ISI Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP/ISI Proceedings), indexed by the
Institution of Engineering and Technology in the UK, and listed in the EBSCO database of
Conference Proceedings; the established contacts that resulted in the participations and
interchange of researchers; the establishing of links with international references within this
field of knowledge. The main research areas are the following:
Sustainable Tourism - Sustainable Development Index in the Tourism Sector in Portugal -The
application of the index each year will provide important data for longitudinal analysis of the
development of the sector; The Synergistic Effect of Direct Marketing, Quality and Satisfaction
in Developing BTB Relationships: The Case of the Training Sector in Portugal.
Intellectual Capital - The ongoing project aims at raising the awareness and understanding of
intangible investments. Measuring and Evaluating Investment in Knowledge in Organizations:
The project aims to launch a prospective analysis about knowledge and IC as the engine of
social and economic development.
Several works and case studies were published, in addition to a significant number of MSc
theses completed (15). The main focus of the research carried out was industrial firms as they
have a strong impact in the northern economy of Portugal.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Group Productivity
Publications in peer review Journals
Reis, R. (2010) Developing Relationships through Direct Marketing in a Business-To-Business
Context: The Training Sector in Portugal. International Journal of Engineering and Industrial
Management. N 1, Special Issue on Knowledge Management, ISSN 1647-578X.
Sampaio, P., Saraiva, P. (2010) “Integration of Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health and
Safety Management Systems”, CESET Journal, Vol. 1 Nº7, pp. 16-27.
Sampaio, P., Saraiva, P., Guimarães Rodrigues, A. (2010) “A Classification Model for Prediction
of Certification Motivations from the Contents of ISO 9001 Audit Reports”, Total Quality
Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 21 Nº 12, pp. 1279-1298.
Neuman, G. and Tomé, E. (2010) A methodological framework for unlocking developmental
potential of knowledge “International Journal of Knowledge Based Development. Vol. 1, No.3
pp. 204 – 221.
Tomé, E. (2010) European policies to foster knowledge: The case of the European Social Fund–
an introductory study – Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing July 2010, Vol 6, No 7 pp
26 a 37.
Neuman, G. And Tomé, E. (2010) “Functional concept for a web-based knowledge impact and
IC reporting portal” Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management – ECKM Special Issue.
Volume 8 Issue 1 pp 119 – 128.
Other international publications
Reis, R., Oates, C., McGuiness, M. and Elliot, D. (2010) Direct Marketing and Relationship
Marketing in a BTB Context: The Customer Perspective, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken.
Reis, R., Oates, C. McGuinness, M. and Elliott, D. (2010) “Developing Relationships through
Direct Marketing in a Business-to-Business Context: the Training Sector in Portugal”
Proceedings of the ECKM – 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management Hosted by
the Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal. ISBN 978-1-906638-71-9.
Reis, R., Oates, C. McGuinness, M. and Elliott, D. (2010) “Transactional and Relational
Customers: An Empirical Study in a Business to Business Context in Portugal” Paper published
in the Proceedings of the 43rd Academy of Marketing Conference – “Transformational
Marketing” Hosted by the Coventry University, UK. ISBN 978-1-84600-0317.
Reis, R. and Oates, Caroline (2011), Customer Segmentation in the Training Services Industry in
Portugal. International Conference on Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy –
Cardoso, P., Loureiro, L., Esteves, J. and Jorge, D. (2011 Accepted for publication) ``Wood-CorePastic: The Plastic Used Into the Reduction of the Wood Into The MDF Panels", 16th
International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 16), University of Porto, Faculty of
Engineering, Porto.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Saraiva, P., Sampaio, P., (2010) “Integração de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade, Ambiente,
Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho”, Livro de actas do Colóquio Internacional de Segurança e
Higiene Ocupacionais, Universidade do Minho, Portugal, pp. 23-28.
Sampaio, P., Pereira, G., Carvalho, M. S., Telhada, J., Paisana, A (2010) “On the Way for a
Business Intelligence Solution for the Transportation Sector”, Livro de actas da WAMS 2010 –
The International Workshop on Apllied Modeling and Simulation, Búzios, Brasil, pp. 302-309.
Sampaio, P., Saraiva, P. (2010) “A Worldwide Analysis of Quality and Environmental
Management Systems Certification”, Livro de Actas, em formato pen-drive, da 13th Toulon –
Verona Conference: Excellence in Services, Coimbra, Portugal.
Domingues, P., Sampaio, P., Arezes, P.M. (2010) “Management Systems Integration: A
Synergistic Approach”, Livro de Actas, em format pen-drive, da 13th Toulon – Verona
Conference: Excellence in Services, Coimbra, Portugal.
Teixeira, S., Sampaio, P. (2010) “An Analysis of Food Safety Management Systems Certification:
The Portuguese Case”, Livro de Actas, em format pen-drive, da 13th Toulon – Verona
Conference: Excellence in Services, Coimbra, Portugal.
Sampaio, P., Saraiva, P., Orey, J., Reis, M. (2010) “The Future of Quality: Is Portugal Different?”,
Livro de Actas, em formato pen-drive, do European Organization for Quality Congress, Izmir,
Costa, A., Sampaio, P., Braga, A. C. (2010) “E-business certification: new proposal for the QWEB
Specification”, Livro de Actas, em format pen-drive, do European Organization for Quality
Congress, Izmir, Turkey.
Rodrigues, P.; Real de Oliveira, E. (2010) Diferença de géneros na percepção das Marcas de
Moda e o efeito na Ligação à Marca. International Conference Global Fashion: Creative and
Innovative Contexts. Porto, Novembro 2010.
Real de Oliveira, E.; Rodrigues, P. (2010) Measuring Sustainability and Sustainable Knowledge
Management Presenting a Case for the Tourism Sector in Portugal. ECKM2010. VNF, Portugal.
Rodrigues, P.; Real de Oliveira, E. (2010) The Importance of Knowledge Management in
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Effects on the Consumers – Presenting the Case of
Cafés Delta. ECKM2010. VNF, Portugal.
Rodrigues, P.; Real de Oliveira, E. (2010) “The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in
the Brand Image – The “Delta Cafés” Case Study”. 39th EMAC Conference. The 6 Senses - The
essentials of marketing. Copenhaga, Dinamarca.
Tomé, E., Real Oliveira, E., Rodrigues, K. (2010) “The Impact of Universities in the Development
of Local Communities - A Portuguese Experience” Conference Internationale Education,
Economie e Société, Paris.
Real de Oliveira, E., Meneses, O. (accepted for publication 2011) Sustainability and Sustainable
Development a Literature Review in Major Tourism Journals. International Conference on
Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy – MSKE2011.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Real de Oliveira, E., Rodrigues, P. (2011) Corporate Social Responsibility and Identity Salience.
International Conference on Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy – MSKE2011.
Tomé, E. (2010) “European Policies to Foster Knowledge: The Case of the European Social Fund
– An Introductory study”. ECIC 2010 em Lisboa.
Tomé, E. (2010) “Assessing Regional Intellectual Capital: The Portuguese case”. International
Forum for Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 2010 – Matera.
Tomé, E., Real, E. and Rodrigues, K. (2010) “The Impact of Universities in the Development of
Local Communities - A Portuguese Experience” Conference Internationale Education,
Economie e Société, Paris.
Tomé, E. and Neumann, G. (2010) “How to Initiate Knowledge-Based Change Processes in
Companies” 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM 2010.
Tomé, E. (2010) Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management.
Conferência realizada na Universidade Lusíada de Famalicão em 2 e 3 de Setembro de 2010.
Other national publications
Jorge, D. Palma, J. (Accepted for publication) `Desenvolvimento de Ligadores Eléctricos
Efectuando Simulações Computacionais Baseadas no Método dos Elementos Finitos",
Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia (CMNE 2011), Universidade de Coimbra,
Coimbra, 2011.
Jorge, D. Palma, J. (Accepted for publication) ``Geração de Condição de Entrada com Corte
para a Simulação das Grandes Escalas da Turbulência", Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em
Engenharia (CMNE 2011), Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 2011.
Sampaio, J. et al (2010) APCER (vários, Autor e Membro do Comité Editorial), “Guia
Interpretativo NP EN ISO 9001:2008”. Associação Portuguesa de Certificação, Porto.
Saraiva, P., Orey, J. Sampaio, P., Reis, M., Cardoso, C., Pinheiro, J., Tomé, L. (2010) “O Futuro da
Qualidade em Portugal”, Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade, Lisboa.
Sampaio, P., Saraiva, P., Guimarães Rodrigues, A. (2010) “O impacto económico da certificação
ISO 9001 em empresas Portuguesas”, Revista Qualidade, Associação Portuguesa para a
Qualidade, pp. 36-44.
Sampaio, P., Saraiva, P. (2010) “Modelos de Excelência: análises qualitativas e quantitativas”,
Revista TMQ - Qualidade, ISCTE Business School, pp. 17-43.
Sampaio, P., Saraiva, P. (2010) “Integração ou Adição de Sistemas de Gestão?”, Revista
Qualidade – Primavera – Verão 2010, Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade, pp. 36-40.
Sampaio, P., Fonseca, L. (2010) “American Society for Quality em Portugal: Make Good Great”,
Revista Qualidade – Outono 2010, Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade, pp. 34-38.
Domingues, JP, Sampaio, P., Arezes, PM (2010) “Management Systems Integration: An
organisational milestone”. Livro de Actas, em formato CD, da Conferência “Engenharia e
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Qualidade de Vida”, realizada no âmbito da Semana da Escola de Engenharia da Universidade
do Minho, 2010. ISBN 9789728692599.
Organization of conferences
The following compilation lists the date, title and a brief description of the events that were
open to local and national scientific and industrial community.
Conference on Management – “Jornadas de Ciências Empresariais”, dedicated to the subject
“Angola – Market of opportunities”. This annual conference attracts a significant number of
delegates from different origins such as local community, students, local industry and services.
Universidade Lusíada, Vila Nova de Famalicão, May 2010.
3th Workshop on Research and Development – this initiative is a forum to promote the
discussion and exchange of knowledge and methodologies. This event is targeted to graduate
students undergoing research activities. It is promoted in cooperation with the Faculty of
Management and Economics, March 2010.
In September, on the 3th and 4th, we have organized the 11th European Conference on
Knowledge Management that was held at Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão and
resulted in 100 communications, including 3 keynote speakers, from 32 countries. The event
was a success that can be measured by the internationalization level and the results achieved,
namely: the number of participants; the conference proceedings are listed in the Thomson
Reuters ISI Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP), in the Thomson Reuters
ISI Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP/ISI Proceedings), indexed by the
Institution of Engineering and Technology in the UK, and listed in the EBSCO database of
Conference Proceedings; the established contacts that resulted in the participations and
interchange of researchers; the establishing of links with international references within this
field of knowledge.
Participation in the “IV Workshop de Engenharia Industrial da UMinho – Lean Thinking nas
Organizações Portuguesas”, realizado na Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, em Janeiro de
2010. This event was dedicated to the discussion of topics in the field of Engineering and
Industrial Management and gathered participants nationally wide.
One of the latest initiatives, that covers a wide form of collaboration involving researchers and
students follows the SOCRATES/Erasmus program, and was attained with the Jyväskylä
University of Applied Sciences in Finland. This follows others such as the protocols celebrated
with the following UK Universities: University of Bath, University of Leeds and Cranfield
Other forms of international collaboration and internationalization are listed as follow:
Organization of the International Conference on Managing Services in the Knowledge
Economy, Jully 2009.
Sampaio, P. Member of the scientific commission “World Conference on Quality and
Improvement”, organized by the American Society for Quality, St. Louis, Missouri, EUA, 2010.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Reis, R. Reviewer da 43.ª Academy of Marketing Conference - Marketing Fields Forever, hosted
by University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS), from 5 to 7 July 2011.
Tomé, Member of the Editorial Board of the following journals: Electronic Journal of
Knowledge Management; Journal of European Industrial Training; Business Excellence Journal;
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO).
Sampaio, P. Reviewer of the following journals: The TQM Journal, Emerald; Journal of
Operations Management, Elsevier; Quality Management Journal, American Society for Quality;
Management Research News, Emerald; TMQ Qualidade; International Journal of Quality and
Reliability Management, Emerald; Journal of Operations and Logistics, I4E2.
Real, E. Member of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Managing
Services in The Knowledge Economy (MSKE); Member of the University Forum for Human
Resource Development.
Further, and as part of a self-assessment process, we have invited international experts to
evaluate the course of our research, these were: Professor Gary McLean (Management), Texas
University, USA; Professor Robert Reuben (Mechanical Engineering), Heriot-Watt University,
Scotland, UK; Professor Hartmut Spliethoff (Mechanical Engineering), Institute for Energy
Systems, Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany; and, Professor Javier Ballester
(Mechanical Engineering), Zaragoza University, Spain.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Research Group: Industrial Processes / Processos Industriais
Target objects of research have been expanded, in accordance with the specific interest of
each of the members in the research group. Lately, and as a result of the recent creation of
this Research Unit, the work carried out over the last years concerns diverse specific domains,
but they tend to be focused in three areas: Automation and Process Control, Materials and
Technological Processes, and Environment and Energy. It should be noted that these areas are
related in a technological way and therefore several of the projects carried out enclose two or
three of these areas.
Following the guidelines of the general objectives of the Research Centre we can summarize
the research line as follows and under the following categories: Research and Development –
further develop the fields of research under research and search for other forms of financial
support; Technology transfer - complete the patenting process on the Automated Football
Table and explore the applicability of this patent; Higher Education and Professional
Qualification – maintain the existing two technical degrees and submit a new degree on Energy
and Energy; Dissemination of scientific results – maintain the organization of a National
Conference to debate, share and disseminate scientific results.
Main Achievements
The main achievements of this research group are expressed on the works published in
journals and periodicals, on the communications presented and on the industrial applications
of some developed work, such as:
Creation of a dedicated energy laboratory to carry out empirical studies on energy
consumption and efficiency. There are now several graduate and undergraduate students
involved in this field of research and efforts are being made to increase the number of
members involved.
Intelligent ECG analysis, Bioengineering - This project follows the research effort on one of the
unit’s researcher and the main objective is to develop an automated tool for diagnosing ECG
patterns. This project is in collaboration with another research institution.
Emergy research - Emergy and Economic Growth: The convergence of economic, energetic and
environmental realities is the subject of research of a PhD student. Two Master students are
carrying out energy analysis of cogeneration power plants. Several other Maters and
undergraduate students are carrying out work in this field.
Lean Thinking e Kanban – Development of best practices in operations scheduling and control;
Development of a software tool to support shop floor control activities; Application of the
reference model for supply chain management (SCOR) in two industrial firms (Cerfil and
Euronet, Maia); Development of a check-list to evaluate working conditions in industrial firms
and to integrate the ergonomic issue in workplace design; Development of a methodological
guide to support firms in implementing lean manufacturing philosophy; Design and creating of
several improvement tools based on the kaizen philosophy.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
We have also initiated a patenting process regarding the mechanisms utilized on the
development of a didactic kit that demonstrates the use of technology applied to the
automation of a football table game.
Further, we have created a Technical degree on Energy and Energy Efficiency to be submitted
to national recognition by the governing bodies of the National Ministry of Science,
Technology and Higher Education. This degree responds to local and national necessities
regarding well prepared technical staff on the energy related technical issues.
Group Productivity
Publications in peer review Journals
Ferreira, A.C., Teixeira, S.F.C.F., Leão, C.P., Silva, A.M., Nunes, M.L., Martins, L.A.S.B.
(submitted). Numerical Optimization and Economic Issues in the design of small-scale
cogeneration. Energy Conversion & Managment.
Other international publications
Silva, R. (2010) Cutting Tool Condition Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence: Turning Process.
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-10: 3838372344.
Gomes, Pedro R., Soares, Filomena O., Correia, J. H., Lima, C. S., ECG Data-acquisition and
Classification by Using Wavelet-Domain Hidden Markov Models, Proceedings of 32nd Annual
International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010, pp. 4670-4673.
Freitas, R. (2010) "Significant Properties in the Preservation of Relational Databases"; Research
and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 14th European Conference, ECDL 2010,
Glasgow, UK, September 6-10, 2010; isbn: 978-3-642-15463-8.
Broega, A, Silva, M. and Silva, R. (2010) A Neural Network Approach in the Sensorial Comfort of
Wool Light Fabrics by Subjective and Objective Evaluations, The 39th Textile Research
Symposium - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi – India – December.
Ferreira A.C., Nunes M.L., Teixeira S.F.C.F., Leão, C.P., Silva, A.M., Teixeira, J.C.F., Martins
L.A.S.B. (Accepted for publication) An economic perspective on small-scale cogeneration
systems optimization. conference ECOS 2011, July 4–7, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Other national publications
Pereira, V. (2010) "O Guia Prático do Visual Basic 2010". Livro técnico com a chancela Centro
Atlântico, http://www.centroatl.pt/titulos/tecnologias/vb2010.php3. ISBN 978-989-615-092-1.
Junho 2010.
Organization of conferences
A wide spectrum of events were organized, in addition to the “Jornadas de Engenharia”, which
takes place every year and is attracting a significant number of delegates. The technical
content of the events include management in industry, marketing, quality and human
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Conference on Engineering - "Jornadas de Engenharia", dedicated to the subject “Engineering:
Mobility and Entrepreneurship”, May 2010, Universidade Lusíada, Vila Nova de Famalicão.
Registered and attendance of 180 participants, representing students, local community,
industry and government entities.
Seminar on Energy - Sustainable Construction, March 2010. This seminar was directed to
students and the local community, gathered over 80 participants and the main topic was the
awareness to the field of sustainable development.
One of the latest initiatives, that covers a wide form of collaboration involving researchers and
students follows the SOCRATES/Erasmus program, already attained with some European
institutions. Efforts are being made on the formalization of a cooperation program ERASMUS
MUNDUS with Heriot-Watt University in Scotland and Warsaw, Poland. This year the unit
managed to formalize a connection with the Warsaw University in Poland through the Erasmus
Further, and as part of a self-assessment process, we have invited international experts to
evaluate the course of our research, these were: Professor Gary McLean (Management), Texas
University, USA; Professor Robert Reuben (Mechanical Engineering), Heriot-Watt University,
Scotland, UK; Professor Hartmut Spliethoff (Mechanical Engineering), Institute for Energy
Systems, Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany; and, Professor Javier Ballester
(Mechanical Engineering), Zaragoza University, Spain.
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
Research Team for 2011
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Centro Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial – CLEGI
Instituto Lusíada de Investigação e Desenvolvimento – ILID
Annual Report - 2010
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