BUSINESS BULLETIN # 21 May - 2014 PROPOSED DUTCHAM BOARDS 2014 - 2015 Parallel to the "Holland Business Borrel" to be held May the 22nd. - see invitation elsewhere in this bulletin -, the Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce will elect its boards for the 20142015 term. Hereunder follows the list as composed and approved, deserving a few explanations: Whereas members are companies rather than private individuals, Brazilian legislation only permits official nomination of the latter, being Brazilian permanent residents or foreigners with an RNE card valid for at least the term whereto they were elected. For this reason, the official registration of board members is restricted to the smaller "Executive Board". Officially, it is the Executive Board that installs the Advisory Board(s), with chapters in São Paulo, in Rio de Janeiro, and in The Netherlands. In practice, however, all board members, being "Directors" of "Counselors" have an equal say during the meetings. It is also important to mention that the composition of the boards is greatly influenced by the Chamber´s "ranking system" that measures the involvement of member companies with the organization. Contemplated are both financial contributions such as sponsorships and advertisements, and non-financial contributions such as editorial assistance with publications and participation at meetings. This system thereby creates a mechanism that provides expressiveness for member companies that are most involved with the Chamber and its activities. Simultaneously, it provides for credibility towards its members and nonmembers as to the neutrality in composing these boards. And last-but-not-least, it creates an opportunity to recognize and thank the companies that most sustained the Chamber and its initiatives. EXECUTIVE BOARD: President Vice-President Vice-President Managing Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director HEINEKEN KPMG SANTANDER STAFFING AIRFRANCE KLM PHILIPS ARCADIS MAKRO VOPAK OVERSEAS LEASEPLAN ADVISORY BOARD SÃO PAULO: President FIGWAL Vice President DELOITTE Counselor MAKRO Counselor NORONHA Counselor ING BANK Counselor AKZO NOBEL Counselor RABOBANK Counselor KPMG Counselor PWC Counselor DAF TRUCKS Counselor GAIA, SILVA, GAEDE Counselor BDO Counselor UNILEVER Counselor MAKRO Mr. Didier Debrosse Mr. Alexandre Yoiti Fujimoto Mr. Paul Witsiers Mr. Hans Mulder Mr. Marcel Kuijn Mr. Herman Hansen Mr. Eric de Kruif Mr. Albert Voogd Mr. Daniel Lisak Mr. Antonio Candido Mr. Fabio Costa Mr. Deonisio Petry Mr. Pieter Freriks Mr. Ricardo Kandelman Mr. José Paulo Alves Pequeno Mr. Peter Vissers Mr. Jaap de Jong Ms. Tanja Jungen Mr. Erik Bleekrode Mr. Henrique Luz Mr. Marco Antonio Davila Mr. Fernando Gaia Mr. Hugo Amano Mr. Fernando Fernandez Mr. Titus Cunnen Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 1 Bulletin #21 Counselor Counselor Counselor PAGE PERSONNEL TMF RS DO BRASIL Mr. Gijs van Delft Mr. Ricardo Aquino Mr. Robert Soek ADVISORY BOARD RIO DE JANEIRO: Counselor ACAL Counselor NORONHA Counselor SHELL Counselor SHV SUPERGASBRAS Counselor KPMG Counselor AIRFRANCE KLM Counselor KPMG Counselor SHV SUPERGASBRAS Counselor BAKER & MCKENZIE Counselor GAIA Counselor FIGWAL Counselor EX-AMBASSADOR Mr. Carlos Gerhard Mr. Thiago Santos Barroca Mr. Fabio Caldas Mr. Lauro Cotta Mr. Anderson Dutra Mr. Denis Ribeiro Mr. Lars Sigmund Mr. Floris de Ryck Ms. Anna Tavares de Mello Mr. Gustavo Noronha Ms. Patricia Tenan Mr. José Arthur Denot Medeiros DUTCH ADVISORY BOARD: Counselor President KPMG Honorary Counselor EMBAIXADOR Honorary Vice President INDIVIDUAL Executive Secretary PBE Counselor PHILIPS Counselor ARCADIS Counselor HEINEKEN Counselor PWC Counselor DELOITTE Counselor PETROBRAS Counselor BRF Counselor BAKER & MCKENZIE Counselor IHC Counselor DAMEN SHIPYARDS Counselor VAN OORD Mr. Rob Wilmink Mr. Piragibe dos Santos Tarragô Mr. Sander Visser ´t Hooft Ms. Celina Fortes Mr. Marcio Barbosa Mr. Bas Bollinger Mr. Chris Barrow Mr. Chris Winkelman Mr. Frank Tak Mr. Samir Passos Awad Mr. Ton Folkeringa Ms. Juliana Dantas Mr. Wim Westdijk Mr. Rutger Dolk Mr. Peter van Doorn MEMBERS OF HONOR: Honorary Member Honorary Member Honorary Member Honorary Member Honorary Member Honorary Member Honorary Member Mr. Jan Wiegerinck Mr. Umberto Aprile Mr. Gustavo Seiler Ms. Maria do C. Bicudo Barbosa Mr. Thomas Glatzel Mr. Ronald Eikelenboom Mr. Thomas Lagemann EX-PRESIDENT EX-PRESIDENT EX-PRESIDENT EX-PRESIDENT EX-PRESIDENT EX-PRESIDENT EX-PRESIDENT Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 2 Bulletin #21 DUTCHAM´S 10th TECHNICAL BRAZIL SEMINAR IN THE NETHERLANDS SUCCESSFUL: On April the 16th., with the kind hosting sponsorship of Berenschot International, Dutcham held its 10th. Technical Brazil Seminar in The Netherlands. It followed the success-formula of tackling specific subjects for entrepreneurs who already know their way to Brazil, and who know that the combination of a complex business environment and differences in both culture and legislation leads to specific challenges. The focus this time was on "Governance and Leadership". It was a full house, and hosted the exchange ideas with experienced peers, in an informal and interactive atmosphere. Dutcham´s 11th. Technical Brazil Seminar was already set on track, and is scheduled for the 10th of September, around the ins-and outs of "Local Content". Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 3 Bulletin #21 DUTCHAM STAFF VISITS DAMEN SHIPYARDS Commemorating a lasting success in Brazil, Damen Shipyards in The Netherlands hosted a very nice exposition about Brazil and its partnerships in the lobby of their Dutch based headquarters. These were visited in April by Dutcham´s Staff. "The latest order further strengthens our position in the Brazilian offshore market. When the vessel will be deployed in June 2014, it will lift the number of Damen-designed Offshore Support Vessels operating for Petrobras in the Brazilian waters to over twenty!" Rutger Dolk, sales manager for the Americas, explained. On the photo, from left to right: Hans Mulder, Dutcham´s MD, Rutger Dolk, Damen´s Sales Manager for the America´s, and Natasha Nordin and Celina Fortis from Dutcham in The Netherlands. Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 4 Bulletin #21 STUDY PROJECT "THE SUCCESSRATE OF DUTCH INVESTMENTS IN BRAZIL: Soon, all Dutch entrepreneurs with current or past investments in Brazil may expect contact by Saar Berkemeier - see photo - and or collegues, on behalf of Dutcham. Saar will conduct a study project entitled "The succesrate of Dutch Investments in Brazil", with academic support from the Rotterdam University in The Netherlands and São Paulo based PUC in Brazil. Hereunder follows an outline of the project: AIM: o To map the rate of success or failure of Dutch investments in Brazil o To discover trends and patterns in success and failure stories o To identify the foremost important causes for results in both cases o To find out on which data and studies decisions to invest are made o To see by whom decisions are made within companies in relation to new investments in Brazil and / or the maintenance thereof PURPOSE: o To orientate and guide Dutch investors in their investment strategies o To find out what kind of information and services Dutch investors mostly need o To identify the types of executives that should be a target public for the above o To provide feedback to service suppliers among Dutcham member companies o To help improve the success rate of Dutch investments through all the above EXECUTION: o Gathering names and addresses from within the Dutcham membership o Gathering names and addresses from correspondence received at Dutcham o Gathering names and addresses through other sources, like trade-associations o Submitting questionnaires to these contacts, with personal follow up - especially in The Netherlands o Consolidating the information thus gathered into statistics with conclusions and recommendations UTILIZATION: o Enhancing Dutcham´s "Kompas" guide for Dutch investors o Results will be made available to Brazilian authorities seeking to improve the investment climate o Results will be made available to Dutch trade-association and other parties who seek to orient their members and clients o Feed-back will be provided to all service suppliers among the Dutcham members o A summary of the study with its conclusions and recommendation will be published on Dutcham´s web-site, and may be used in presentations and similar o The study in itself is an academic challenge for the students involved. A small sponsorship of 5000 Euros is still being sought for this project, which may return interesting benefits - interested parties are welcome to contact us. Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 5 Bulletin #21 PAINEL DE DEBATES -15 de Maio de 2014 – eSocial - Sistema de Escrituração Digital das Obrigações Fiscais, Previdenciárias e Trabalhistas INTRODUÇÃO O Sistema de Escrituração Digital das Obrigações Fiscais, Previdenciárias e Trabalhistas (eSocial) é um projeto do governo federal que está sendo desenvolvido em conjunto pela Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil, Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social, Ministério da Previdência Social, Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego e pela Caixa Econômica Federal, e integra a Agenda de Ações para Modernização da Gestão Pública, conduzida pelo Ministério do Planejamento. O eSocial vai centralizar o envio das informações fiscais, trabalhistas e previdenciárias relativas à contratação de trabalhadores com ou sem vínculo empregatício, criando uma base única de dados que será compartilhada pelos referidos agentes. A obrigatoriedade para a transmissão dos primeiros eventos está prevista para ocorrer até 30/04/2014. As primeiras versões do leiaute do eSocial e respectivos Manuais de Orientação foram aprovadas e divulgadas pelo Ato Declaratório Executivo Sufis nº 5, de 17 de julho de 2013 (DOU de 18/07/2013) e pela Circular da Caixa Econômica Federal nº 642, de 6 de janeiro de 2014 (DOU de 07/01/2014). A versão final deverá ser oficializada em breve por meio de Portaria Interministerial dos órgãos envolvidos. Para apresentar e discutir os principais aspectos relativos a implantação do eSocial, a Gaia, Silva, Gaede & Associados - Advogados tem a satisfação de convidá-lo para um Painel de Debates, a ser realizado no próximo dia 15 de maio, pautado pelo seguinte roteiro: PROGRAMA 1. Instituição do eSocial 2. Conceito, objetivos 3. Gestão das informações considerando que estas deverão ser prestadas em tempo real 4. Obrigatoriedade e cronograma de implantação 5. Natureza e classificação dos eventos 6. Extinção de obrigações acessórias 7. Particularidades e penalidades 8. Principais impactos para as empresas Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 6 Bulletin #21 Local, Data e Horário Hotel Golden Tulip Belas Arte Rua Frei Caneca, 1.199 - Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP – Brasil 15 de maio de 2014, quinta-feira 09:00 h - Recepção e Credenciamento 09:30 h - Seminário 10:30 h - Coffee Break 12:00 h - Encerramento Expositores Advogados da Gaia, Silva, Gaede & Associados – Advogados Investimento e Inscrição R$ 420,00 (quatrocentos e vinte reais) por participante. Inscrições e Informações Falar com Ana Carolina Fone: +55 11 3797-7400 Email: [email protected] Atenciosamente, Gaia Silva Gaede & Associados – Advogados Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 7 Bulletin #21 ARCADIS wins two new project management contracts with Brazil-based global mining company Dutcham´s member company ARCADIS (EURONEXT: ARCAD), announced that its Brazilian subsidiary, ARCADIS Logos, has signed two large contracts with a major Brazil-based global mining company. Under the contracts, ARCADIS will provide project management services for the implementation of a Port Terminal in São Luis, in northeastern Brazil. For ARCADIS the two contracts represent a value in excess of R$125 million (€ 37 million), for a period of two years. Both projects are part of the biggest iron ore production complex in the world, with a planned total investment of around US$20 billion. The two projects comprise the expansion of port and stockyard facilities. ARCADIS will provide project management for the construction of a new bulk berth in deep sea waters and the increase of the iron ore stock and handling capacity. At the peak of the projects ARCADIS Logos will have a team of 275 professionals working at the jobsites. INTERACTIVE WEBCAST BY CONNECTING MEDIA Dutcham member company Connecting Media, also responsible for Dutcham´s web-site, was commissioned by the Dutch Embassy in Brazil for the design of two logos and a live interactive webcast during the event "Urban Mobility" around an official trade-mission to Brazil. Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 8 Bulletin #21 NEW MEMBER COMPANY PL BRASIL PLBrasil offers a wide range of support services to law firms and legal departments from companies of anywhere in world, ranging from legal representation of foreigners (attorneyin-fact), acting as administrator of temporary director for constitution of companies in Brazil, to the obtaining of necessary licenses and registrations, whether Federal, State, Municipal, or registration in the Central Bank. SEE: WWW.PLBRASIL.COM.BR New Member Company MP Holland B.V.: MPHolland is a Dutch freight forwarding company and specialized in transports to Russia and Brazil. See for more information: Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 9 Bulletin #21 New Member Company Bierens: Bierens is a family business, founded in 1880, specialized in the production of gears for over 70 years. Bierens gears are found in the highest demanding industrial applications, in sectors such as: maritime sector infrastructure / structures (bridges and sluices) mining industrial applications heavy machine construction glass industry steel industry For more information, see: New Member Company Panorama Energy: Panorama Energy is a Dutch consultancy and asset management firm in the area of green energy and carbon markets. It is currently present in the Netherlands and Brazil and conducts business in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia. The company was founded by Patricia Rosenthal Liebesny and Alexander Savelkoul. Together they have more than 25 years of experience in the international green energy, energy policy and carbon trading. Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 10 Bulletin #21 They have built their experience and expertise in leading firms in green energy and carbon trading in Brazil and the Netherlands, including Essent, Ecofys, Eneco, Fortis Bank, ABN AMRO, and Mabanaft. Services: Green Energy: Supporting energy project owners (small hydro, wind, biogas, biomass, energy efficiency etc) in developing countries to attract finance and/or investors Dealing and negotiating with multilateral organizations such as the Word Bank, IFC, UNDP, UN, CAF and IDB; Supporting green energy project owners to find partners in developed countries (e.g. technology suppliers) Supporting investors to identify attractive energy sector opportunities in developing countries Providing support in contract negotiation Performing due diligence on projects, portfolios, companies Providing expertise about local green energy markets Structuring of financing solutions for green energy sector projects Business development to companies wishing to expand their coverage in the green energy sector in Latin America, and vice-versa Establishing or identifying trading flows for biomass and biofuels Carrying out feasibility assessments to identify opportunities in the green energy sector in developing countries Services: Carbon Market: Assisting corporations to build their strategy in terms of greenhouse gas reduction and emissions compensation Sourcing and sales of carbon credits; Dealing and negotiating with European governments for the sales of carbon credits Setting up carbon trading accounts and permits in Europe for Latin American companies Project portfolio management and optimization; Feasibility studies and strategy advise in the area of climate finance Contract negotiation and management; Due diligence on carbon projects, portfolios, companies; Technical support in the United Nations carbon crediting process or other carbon credit standards (Gold Standard, VCS etc) For more information, contact [email protected], or via the website Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 11 Bulletin #21