Your Weekly Link to School News & Events!
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Results of the Developmental Asset Survey
ISSUE # 030
May 18, 2007
The Place Where Creativity is not
only accepted, but EXPECTED! Destination
ImagiNation Global Finals
How do we know if our students are at risk for choosing
behaviors such as alcohol and drug use and how can families
and Escola Americana work together to make our children’s
lives safer and more fulfilling?
This weekend 21 members of the EA community head
Based on years of research, the Search Institute (http:// off for their final Destination ImagiNation adventure of
www.search-institute.org) has identified a list of 20 external the year – Global Finals. A celebration of teamwork and
and 20 internal “developmental assets.” External assets are creative thinking involving up to 18,000 folks including
positive experiences that affect youth in their families, school young people, their family members and supporters held
and communities. Internal assets identify characteristics and on the campus of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville,
behaviors within students that reflect positive internal growth May 23-27, 2007, Global Finals is the largest celebration
and development including positive values and identities, social of creative problem solving and critical thinking in the
competencies, and commitment to learning. Youth with high world!
levels of assets are more likely to do well in school and make
We are very proud of the students who have put their
healthy choices.
hearts and souls into the process of creative problem
Escola Americana, with the generous support of the Parent solving this past school year. EA’s Round About Courage
Teacher Association, had Middle and Upper School students elementary team made up of team members Julie Penna
participate in a Developmental Asset survey. The Survey not Pereira, Bruna Penna Pereira, Maria Consuelo Galvez Reyes,
only provided an analysis of our students’ asset levels, but Caio Pimentel, Jason Dorgant, and Isabelle King will be
began an important discussion among the over 80 Upper School joined by their team manager Ms. Diane Clement and a
parents who attended the May 9 meeting. Mr. Kennedy, Upper wealth of supporters – parents, grandparents, and friends.
School Principal, presented the results and navigated the data The team has been working to perfect their solution and
with parents. The results for the Middle School survey will is excited about presenting at Global Finals. We will also
be presented to parents at the beginning of the next school be traveling with: Alexandre Sendas, João Vitor Pereira,
Luca Floris and their mothers. These three young men
Parents learned that, on average, our students scored similarly were part of a team that presented their solution to
to their peers in the United States in terms of their asset levels. Challenge A: DIrect Flight at the ImagiNation Celebration
Overall our students feel that their internal assets are quite held at EA in March. They are planning to take in the
high –they are motivated, work hard in school and have positive Global Finals experience and see how other teams solved
values. Survey results demonstrated that students need to this challenge!
acquire more external assets – they state that they have few
boundaries at home and that they would like a more caring “Taking the DI challenge can be one of the most
attitude from their school. The results revealed that many rewarding and fulfilling life-long experiences a boy or girl
students are drinking in parties and that drug use in parties is can have,” said Bob Purifico, President of Destination
ImagiNation Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization based
much less prevalent than drinking.
During the meeting, student representatives commented on the in Glassboro, NJ. “The DI team approach to problem
results, which they thought were generally accurate. The results solving, in our highly-competitive and challenging culture,
generated a very frank discussion among parents about the nurtures capabilities and values in kids that will benefit
importance of being involved in the lives of their children. them for the rest of their lives. This is a time that will be
Many parents commented on the pressures that they suffer cherished and stay with them forever!”
Global Finals marks the culmination of a year of problem
from their children to serve alcohol at parties.
solving, innovation and creativity. It brings team winners
The Escola Americana staff continues to analyze the survey to representing their state, province, or their country to
develop appropriate programs and attitudes in school. Parents compete together at the annual international creative
who would like additional infor mation may set up an problem solving tournament. All 50 states, 19 foreign
appointment with Mr. Kennedy or Ms. Vanderput. countries and Canadian provinces will be represented by
Congratulations to the Upper School administration, Ms. Patricia local winning teams. We hope you will join us in wishing
Magalhães and student representatives for leading an open and our EA students an exciting and fascinating Global Finals.
frank discussion with parents regarding the emotional and We expect to be blown away by their creativity!
academic health of their children.
Setor Brasileiro
Comunicado para Seniors e Juniors
(Brazilian diploma only).
As inscrições do Enem 2007 começaram no dia
14 de maio e terminam em 15 de junho. Fique
Como proceder para se inscrever pela internet:
1) Acesse a página www.enem.inep.gov.br/
inscricao, durante o período de inscrições;
2) Preencha a ficha de inscrição;
3) Envie os dados e veja se a transferência foi
concluída. Você deverá receber uma
mensagem de retorno no e-mail informado na
4) Imprima o boleto para pagamento da taxa de
inscrição em qualquer agência bancária, em
dinheiro ou cheque. A efetivação da inscrição
ocorrerá após a confirmação do pagamento
pelo INEP;
5) Em caso de devolução do cheque, a
inscrição não terá validade;
6) Os comprovantes de inscrição estarão
disponíveis, após a confirmação do pagamento,
até o dia 3 de agosto de 2007, no endereço
www.enem.inep.gov.br/inscricao. Imprima e
guarde o seu comprovante, pois você precisará
dele mais tarde.
Atenção: O código da Escola Americana é:
Após o pagamento e impressão do seu
comprovante de inscrição, solicitamos que
envie por e-mail
([email protected]), ou entregue
cópia xerox deste comprovante para a
secretária escolar do Setor Brasileiro
(Therezinha Fittipaldi) . Boa sorte!
A selection of vegetables, rice,
beans, fruits and Jell-O are
served everyday.
P a s ta
Sauté e d
c hic or y
Le ttuc e /Tom atoe s
Chic or y / Char d
Cauliflowe r w/
g r e e n be a ns
fr uit
m ousse
Gr ille d
c hic k e n w/
w/ butte r
Tom atoe s
w/ c he e se
Le ttuc e / Cr e ss
Car r ots Gr ate d
Be e tr oot w/ c or n
Br igade ir o
c hic k e n
Far ofa
Sauté e d
c ollar d
g r e e ns
Le ttuc e /Tom atoe s
Tabule Eggplant
Car r ots Be e t
Spe c ial Pie
Le ttuc e /
Char d w/ Tom atoe s
Car r ots /
Cuc um be r Be e ts
Guava Pie
Le ttuc e /Tom atoe s
Pum pk in
Cuc um be r / Car r ots
Choc olate
c ak e & Ic e
Cr e a m
Fr ie d
Chic k e n
Gr ound
be e f
m e dle y
Me at w/
c or n
Pic anha
Fr ie d fish
str ips
Be e f w/
s a uc e
Pir ão
Ba k e d
c he e s e
k ibe
Piz z a
Gr ille d
Chic k e n
Fr e nc h
fr ie s
Swe e t
Potatoe s
A warm welcome is extended to our 5th grade
students and teachers who have just returned
from the 5th grade Experiential Education
Retreat in São Moritz.
News from the Lower School Library Media
Center: Our annual LS Book Fair with
paperbacks from Scholastic Publishing Co.
and hardbound books from Jamer Bookstore
will be held in Barra on June 1st and in Gávea
on June 4th, 5th and 6th. This is a wonderful
opportunity to purchase high quality books in
English at excellent prices. Parents are
welcome to visit the fair in Gávea on Friday,
June 8th. We hope to see you there!
Don’t miss our last LS Parent-Principal
Breakfast of the 2006/2007 school year on
Tuesday, March 22nd at 8:15 a.m. in room 412.
Ms. Hunt will give a brief presentation on the
‘Megatrends in Education’ as well as a guided
tour of the MuseOn. If time permits, we’ll show
the last edition of ‘Paws News’ too.
All Pre-K parents are cordially invited to the
‘Transition to Kindergarten’ meetings where
we will be highlighting aspects and tips for
facilitating this special stage of development.
As well, you’ll have the opportunity to see
some of activities that the pre-K children will
be engaged in to prepare them for this
transition time. Please note these meetings
Thursday, May 24: Meeting in Gávea (8:15 a.m.
in the Preschool office – Block 1).
Friday, May 25: Meeting in Barra (8:15 a.m. in
the Art room).
Mark Your Calendars:
End-of-year Music Presentations:
May 25th: Fourth grade
June 4th: Third grade
June 12th: Fifth grade
PLAN TO ATTEND our LS Celebration of the
Arts/MuseOn Fundraiser on
May 31st, 2:45-4:00 p.m. in the LS Playground. Each
LS student will have a piece of artwork on
display. We’ll provide guided tours of the
MuseOn, auction wonderful class art projects,
and raffle a video iPod. It’ll be great Community
O Departamento de Português e o
Departamento de Educação Física convidam
todos para a tradicional Festa Junina do Lower
School (1a à 5a série), dia 1 de junho, de
12h45min. às 14h15min.
• Típico casamento da roça
• Quadrilha e danças típicas
• Brincadeiras e barraquinhas com
• Música de forró
• Guloseimas gostosas
• Muita animação
Mais informações sobre a FESTA JUNINA na
próxima edição do Extra Edition. Contamos
com a sua presença e não se esqueçam
do”traje caipira” !
Parents are reminded that school will be closed
on June 7th for the Corpus Christi Holiday. Classes
will resume on Friday, June 8th.
MS Sports Day: Integration,
Play, Fun and Fair-Play
On May 22nd, all Middle School students
will have the chance to participate in the
Middle School Sports Day. The
objective of Sports Day is to provide an
opportunity for students to play and
enjoy some of the activities that they
have learned in Physical Education
classes throughout the year. They will
play basketball, soccer, softball, futsal,
and volleyball. They will also participate
at the relay race competition integrating
6th, 7th and 8th grades. At the end of the
day, the PE department will provide a
delicious barbecue near the field.
Our expectations as teachers are to put in practice the “Fair Play Habits” that we encourage the students to learn.
These include helping someone to stand up after a fall, kicking the ball out of bounds if a player is hurt or knocked
down, clapping for a nice play even for the opposing team, and being patient with others’ mistakes. Our expectations
are to see our students not arguing with referees, not making use of bad language and not complaining or shouting
against teammates. In this way, we are sure they will demonstrate great sportsmanship.
Thanks to parents who attended the drama, music,
and art presentations during the Eighth Grade Fine
Arts Festival this past week. Your presence means so much
to your children!
The annual Upper School Sports Award Banquet was held at the
Sheraton Hotel on May 15. Awards and certificates were presented to
athletes for their achievements during the 2007/2008 school year.
Congratulations to all student athletes and coaches for an outstanding
year in athletics!
The Middle School Girls’ Futsal Tournament will take
place May 18 – 19 in Sao Paulo. We congratulate these
students for their dedication to the sport and wish them luck
in the tournament against the other schools that are
Friday, May 25 is RESPECT shirt day
day. Please remind your
child to wear his/her RESPECT shirt on this day!
Sixth and eighth grade students will take the ERB
CTP standardized test next week. Please be sure your
child gets plenty of sleep during this week as well as leaves for
school having eaten a substantial breakfast. Both of these
actions will help your child to perform as well as possible.
Thank you for your attention to this.
Sports Day is May 22
22. Students should dress for basketball,
soccer/futsal, softball, relay race, and volleyball. It will be a
wonderful opportunity for students to share their learning from
the year. In case of rain, Sports Day will be moved to Monday,
May 28.
Fifth grade students are getting a taste of Middle
School by visiting sixth grade classes. Each fifth grader will
have an ambassador who will share with them the ins and outs
of sixth grade and help them to become more comfortable
with this transition. We thank the student ambassadors for
their hard work May 23 – 25.
The Middle School Athletic Awards evening is May
23. Please call Annette Dam in the Activity Office if you need
any information regarding this event.
The MS Music Concert will take place Monday, June
4 beginning at 7:00. Students in the Middle School band and
choir will perform. Please come and see the wonderful musical
works your children have prepared. 6th grade band students
who want to perform in the June 4 concert must attend I block
rehearsals in the band room on May 31 and June 4. Encourage
your child to participate in this fun musical event!
Schedule Modification – Please be aware that we are
looking at overhauling the Middle School block schedule for
the 2007-2008 school year. After much discussion by teachers,
we are moving to extend the day on Mondays, Tuesdays, and
Thursday. Dismissal on these days for next year will be at 3:15.
We are also considering the benefits of moving to a double
block or a modified block schedule. More information about
this will be shared in the weeks to come.
Course Registration for 2007-2008 – Letters and copies
of the Middle School Academic Program are being mailed home
to sixth and seventh graders this week. Please review and
sign the letter and send this back to the Middle School
Office or your child’s advisor by Friday, May 25 th .
This information will help us as we work to build the Middle
School schedule for next year.
Upcoming Events
May 30 Fifth Grade Parent Transition Meeting (8:30 – 10:30 AM)
May 27 – June 1 Friendship Tournament at Nossa Recanto
June 4 Middle School Music Concert (7:00 PM)
June 6 Eighth Grade Quality of Life Service Learning Projects
Presentation (12:40 – 1:20)
June 6 Eighth Grade Dinner at Oasis
June 6 Seventh Grade Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe
June 12 Middle School Headline News Presentation (12:40 – 1:20)
June 13 Middle School Celebration Assembly (1:00 – 2:30)
June 13 Middle School Celebration Party (8:00 PM – 12:00 AM)
The Upper School is finalizing the details for this year’s graduation
and we would like to share what information we have so families can
plan accordingly.
• Graduation Breakfast: Friday, May 25, 8:00 a.m. EARJ cafeteria.
Breakfast social for parents and graduates.
• Graduation Rehearsal: May 30 & 31. Times TBA.
• Graduation Ceremony: Saturday, June 2, 16:00. Ruth Stanton
• Senior “Cocktail”: Saturday, June 2. Immediately after graduation in
the Tartan.
Upper School Fine Arts Assembly!!!
May 22, 11:55 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. in the Auditorium. Art Displays and
Slide Show; Dramatic Scenes and Monologues; Band, Choir, and
Music Performances. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend.
It will be an amazing afternoon celebrating the arts in the Upper School!!
The Upper School takes pride in recognizing students who
demonstrate exceptional academic achievement. Headmaster’s List
recognition is awarded to students whose weighted average is 94 or
above with no grade below 85. Honor Roll recognition is awarded to
students whose weighted academic average is 88 or above with no
grade below 80. We would like to congratulate the following students
for their superb academic achievement during the second quarter of
the 2006/2007 school year.
Honor Roll List
Alvim, Thaiza
Armas, Krishna
Bahia, Antonio
Falaschi, Fiammetta
Catete, Dandara
Catete, Leticia
Ferraz, João
Hanbury, Nina
Duran, Gonzalo
Leow, Timothy
Junqueira B., Gabriel Gutierrez, Lydia
Pereira, Victoria
Orgler, Thomas
Hevesi, Dominique
Sang, Nathalia
Salvador, Rodrigo
Lobo, Camila
Scodro, Sylvia
Sendas, Joao Arthur
Moreira, Sabrina
Yanez Serrano, Paloma Seo, Chan
Abinader, Pedro
Headmaster Certificate
Afonso, Marjorie
Cooper, Carolina
Acosta, Vanessa
Duran, Ignacio
Ferraz, Clara
Feith, Isabel
Junqueira, Felipe
Freiman, Paul
Junqueira Botelho, Gabriel
Freitas, Catarina
Groschopp, Alexandra
Avelino, Fernanda
Levcovitz, Ivan
Cooper, Caroline
Mello e Silva, Joy
Liberbaum, Rebeca
Melo, Thiago
Wilson, Leonardo
Torres, Wallace
Von Lachmann, Carolina
Averbuck, Julia
Important Dates:
De Luca, Julia
May 2 – 23: I.B. Exams
Tuppan, Vanessa
May 17 – 21: Senior Finals
May 22: Fine Arts Assembly
May 25: Senior / Parent Breakfast / May 31: Awards Assembly
May 30 & 31: Senior rehearsal for graduation / June 2: Graduation. 4
pm, Auditorium / June 4 -11: Upper School Final Exams (grades 9-11)
June 15: Last day of school!
Newsletter No. 17
May 17, 2007
Contact: Ana Carolina H. Rodríguez
[email protected]
Tel. 3322.5455, 9433.5747
For my dear colleagues… the Meninas Superpoderosas: I hope you had a great Mothers Day!
Last week was a busy one:
At our last PTA General Meeting in Gavea: Tobias Hanbury was introduced as our new parent representative on the
Board of Directors. Nancy Holodak, our school Curriculum Coordinator, explained the SACS Accreditation process.
Nancy presented the new vision, mission, motto, beliefs and values of EA which will frame all teaching and other
activities. Florence Duarte, MS Computer Lab Teacher, showed abbreviated video presentations made by MS students.
She expressed her gratitude to the PTA for donating a MacIntosh computer, which made the presentations possible.
Peter Cooper thanked the PTA for funding so many valuable activities at school: the equipment used by the MS in the
video learning process, the initial plans for the MuseOn and the projector, the new Art Gallery and Lounge area for MS
& US students. He also said goodbye at our PTA Meeting in Barra, since he will not be present on the next PTA
meeting there. In addition Laura Barros, our school Development Officer, updated parents on the state of the MuseOn
US Principal Pete Kennedy presented the results of the Search Institute “Survey of Developmental Assets” to a large
group of parents and faculty members. US student representatives shared their points of view of important issues such
as alcohol and drugs, eating disorders, etc. Thank you Pete for such a great job and our US students for sharing their
views so openly! Thank you for your honesty and courage!
Also, Dr. Art Costa’s presentation provided a valuable opportunity to learn more about the Habits of Mind that Middle
School is integrating into the curriculum. Thank you Shaysann for sharing this with the parents!
Time is flying… Less than one month left to finish this school year! We, at the PTA, are working toward leaving
everything prepared for our next PTA 2007 – 2008. You are cordially invited to be part of of this wonderful group of
parents committed to working with Escola Americana to ensure that their children have the best education. For more
information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Hope to see you at our last PTA Meetings of the year!
Best regards,
We would like to thank Nancy Holodak for her great job
guiding the discussion between parents and school faculty
Ana Carolina H. Rodríguez
members at our PTA Meeting held after school to facilitate
LAST LITTLE SHOP BIG SALE OF THE YEAR participation from teachers and parents who are unable to
attend the morning meetings.
Mark your agenda: Friday, June 1
This was a great opportunity to brainstorm ideas about what
This is a great opportunity to buy interesting items with a
the PTA does and the school does to build community,
great price. Elsy Santana and her great team of volunteers
improve communication, respect and compassion. Your help
are organizing this event.
was essential for the success on this first adventure.
For more information, please contact: Elsy Santana, Cell.
9411.1049 or E-mail: [email protected]
NEXT EVENTS: Please join us!
Tuesday, May 22: Parents & LS Principal Breakfast (8:15am, Room 412)
Friday, May 25: US Graduation Breakfast (8:00am, Cafeteria)
Wednesday, May 30: Farewell Cocktail for Mr. Peter Cooper (7:00pm)
Wednesday, May 30: 5th Grade Parent Transition Meeting (8:30am, MS Attic)
Thursday, May 31: LS Celebration of the Arts/MuseOn Fundraiser
(2:45pm, LS Playground) Don’t miss this great auction of student art projects!
Friday, June 1: Festa Junina at Gavea (1st to 5th grade, 12:45pm to 2:30pm, in the Tartan)
Friday, June 1: Little Shop Big Sale at Gavea (11:00am – 1:00pm)
Friday, June 1: LS Annual Scholastic Book Fair at Barra Library (8:00 to 9:30am)
Saturday, June 2: Upper School Graduation (4:00pm)
Monday, June 4: LS Room Parents & Volunteer Breakfast (8:15am, Room 412)
Tuesday, June 5: Festa Junina for Preschool & Kindergarten in Gavea
Wednesday, June 6: Festa Junina at Barra
Friday, June 8: LS Scholastic Book Fair in Gavea (8:00am to 2:00pm LS Library)
Tuesday, June 12: Kindergarten Celebration (1:00pm)
Wednesday, June 13: Lower School Celebration (11:00am)
Wednesday, June 13: Middle School Celebration (1:00pm)
Come to our last
A great opportunity to
share with you our PTA
assets and budget.
Your participation is
important for us!
Meetings will be held on:
Monday, June 4:
PTA General Meeting
at Gavea (8:15am, Room
Tuesday, June 5:
PTA Meeting at Barra
(8:15am, Art Room)
Newsletter No. 17
17 de maio 2007
Contacto: Ana Carolina H. Rodríguez
[email protected]
Tel. 3322.5455, 9433.5747
Para minhas queridas colegas… As Meninas Superpoderosas: espero que vocês tenham tido um Feliz Dia das Mães!
A última semana foi bastante ocupada:
Na nossa última Reunião Geral do PTA na Gávea: Tobias Hanbury foi apresentado como nosso mais novo
representante de pais e responsáveis no Conselho de Administração. Nancy Holodak, a Coordenadora de Currículo da
escola, explicou o Certificado de Competência do SACS. Ela apresentou a nova visão, missão, lema, convicções e
valores da Escola Americana que irão estruturar todo o processo de ensino e outras atividades. Florence Duarte,
professora do Laboratório de Informática do MS, mostrou abreviadamente alguns trabalhos de vídeo feitos por
estudantes do Middle School. Ela expressou sua gratidão ao PTA pela doação do computador MacIntosh, que
possibilitou essas apresentações.
Nas nossas últimas Reuniões de PTA na Gávea, Peter Cooper agradeceu o PTA por ter patrocinado tantas atividades
valiosas na escola: o equipamento usado pelo MS no processo de apredizado através do vídeo, os planos iniciais do
MuseOn e o projetor para o mesmo, a nova Galeria de Arte e Lounge para os alunos do MS e US. Ele também se
despediu na Reunião do PTA na Barra porque já não estará presente na próxima reunião. Tambem, Laura Barros, a
Coordenadora de Desenvolvimento da escola, atualizou os pais sobre o estágio em que está a campanha de
levantamento de fundos para a realização do MuseOn.
Pete Kennedy, apresentou os resultados do Search Institute “Survey of Developmental Assets” para os pais, membros
do corpo docente e representantes de estudantes do US, dividiram seus pontos de vista sobre assuntos importantes
como álcool e drogas, desordens alimentares, etc. Obrigada Pete por este grande trabalho e nosso igual agradecimento
aos alunos do US por dividirem suas perspectivas de forma tão franca! Obrigada pela sua honestidade e coragem!
A apresentação sobre os Hábitos da Mente do Dr. Art Costa que o Middle School está integrando ao currículo escolar,
foi uma oportunidade excelente de saber mais sobre o assunto. Obrigada Shaysann por dividir esta iniciativa com os
O tempo está voando... menos de um mês para o fim do ano escolar! Nós do PTA estamos trabalhando para deixar tudo
preparado para nosso próximo PTA 2007 – 2008. Vocês estão cordialmente convidados a fazer parte desta associação.
Para mais informações, por favor não hesite em me contactar.
Espero ver vocês na última Reunião do PTA do ano!
Eu gostaria de agradecer a Nancy Holodak pelo seu
Atenciosamente, Ana Carolina
Marque na sua agenda: sexta-feira 1º de junho!
Esta é uma grande oportunidade para comprar itens do seu
interesse por preços baixos. Elsy Santana e seu time de
voluntárias estão organizando este evento.
Para mais informações, por favor contate Elsy Santana, Cell.
9411.1049 ou E-mail: [email protected]
grande trabalho em conduzir a discussão entre pais e
membros do corpo docente na nossa Reunião de PTA
com os professores. Esta foi uma ótima oportunidade de
debater idéias sobre o que o PTA e a escola fazem para
estabelecer uma comunidade, melhorar a comunicação,
respeito e compaixão. Sua ajuda foi essencial para o
sucesso desta primeira aventura.
PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS: Favor compareça!
Terça, 22 de maio: Café da Manhã de Pais & LS Principal (8h15, sala 412)
Sexta, 25 de maio: Café da Manhã para pais dos graduandos do US (8:00h, Cafeteria)
Quarta, 30 de maio: Coquetel de Despedida para Sr. Peter Cooper (19h00)
Quarta, 30 de maio: Reunião de transição para pais de 5ª série (8h30, MS Ático)
Quinta, 31 de maio: LS Celebração das Artes/MuseOn Fundraiser (14h45, LS
Playground) Não percam este grande leilão de projetos artísticos dos alunos!
Sexta, 1º de junho: Festa Junina na Gávea (1ª a 5ª série, de 12h45 às 14h30, no Tartan)
Sexta, 1º de junho: Grande Liquidação do Little Shop na Gávea (11h00 – 13h00)
Sexta, 1º de junho: Feira do Livro Anual do LS na Biblioteca da Barra (8h00 – 9h30)
Sábado, 2 de junho: Formatura do Upper School (16h00)
Segunda, 4 de junho: Café-da-Manhã dos LS Room Parents e Voluntários (8h15, 412)
Terça, 5 de junho: Festa Junina para Preschool & Kindergarten nat Gavea
Quarta, 6 de junho: Festa Junina na Barra
Sexta, 8 de junho: Feira do Livro do LS na Gávea (das 8h00 às 14h00 na LS Biblioteca)
Terça, 12 de junho: Celebração de Fim de Ano do Kindergarten (13h00)
Quarta, 13 de junho: Celebração do Lower School (11h00)
Quarta, 13 de junho: Celebração do Middle School (13h00)
Compareça à nosa
do PTA deste ano!
Será uma excelente
oportunidade de dividir
com vocês os ativos e o
orçamento do PTA.
Sua participação é muito
importante para nós!
As Reuniões serão nos dias:
Segunda, 4 de junho:
Reunião Geral do PTA
na Gávea (8h15, sala 412)
Terça, 5 de junho:
Reunião do PTA na
Barra (8h15, salão de

May 18th, #30 - EARJ - Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro