Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio Lista de Exercícios Recuperação do 3º Bimestre Língua Inglesa Nome: Ano: Nº.: 7 º ano Ensino Fundamental 1. TRADITIONAL RECIPES – estudar pg. 5 Read the text and underline the words related to food. (Leia o texto e sublinhe as palavras relacionadas a comida) Minestrone soup A substantial thick, mixed vegetable soup with addition of some pasta, rice, beans, and potatoes in many local variations. 2. THERE IS / THERE ARE – estudar pg. 6 THERE IS – é usado para indicar que algo existe no singular THERE ARE – é usado para indicar que algo existe no plural Complete the sentences with THERE IS or THERE ARE. a) _________________________ some butter in the refrigerator. b) _________________________ a bottle of water in the refrigerator. c) _________________________ some apples in the fruit bowl. 3. A, AN, SOME, ANY – estudar pg. 6, 7 A – é usado antes de palavras no singular que comecem com som de consoante. AN – é usado antes de palavras no singular que comecem com som de vogal. SOME – é usado antes de palavras no plural ou incontáveis na afirmativa ANY – é usado antes de palavras no plural ou incontáveis na negativa ou pergunta Complete the sentences with A, AN, SOME or ANY. a) b) c) d) There is ______ knife next to the plate. There are _____________ napkins under the cups. There isn’t ____________ pepper. There is ____________ orange. 4. HOW MUCH, HOW MANY – estudar material de apoio pg. 1 HOW MUCH – QUANTO/A (incontável) HOW MANY – QUANTOS/AS (contável) Complete the sentences with HOW MUCH or HOW MANY. a) _______________________ limes do you want? b) _______________________ water do you need? c) _______________________ orange juice did you buy? 5. A LOT OF, MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE, NONE – estudar pg. 19 A LOT OF – MUITO (usado com palavras contáveis e incontáveis na afirmativa) MANY – MUITOS (usado com palavras contáveis na negativa e pergunta) MUCH – MUITO (usado com palavras incontáveis na negativa e pergunta) FEW – POUCOS (usado com palavras contáveis na afirmativa) LITTLE – POUCO (usado com palavras incontáveis na afirmativa) NONE – NENHUM/A (usado com palavras contáveis ou incontáveis em respostas) COUNT NOUNS NONCOUNT NOUNS AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE A LOT OF MANY FEW A LOT OF MUCH LITTLE QUESTIONS MANY ANSWERS NONE MUCH NONE Complete the sentences with A LOT OF, MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE, NONE. a) b) c) d) I don’t drink _________________ coffee. Do you eat ________________ fruits? She buys _________________ vegetables. How many apples did you eat? _________________. 6. COOKING WORDS – estudar pg. 14 Match the words to their translation. (Associe a palavra com sua tradução) a) b) c) d) Bake Knead Chop Slice ( ( ( ( ) amassar ) cortar em fatias ) picar ) assar 7. MEALS – refeições – estudar pg. 22 What’s your diet like? What do you eat in a typical day? (Como é a sua dieta? O que você come num dia típico?) MEAL Breakfast (café da manhã) FOODS I USUALLY EAT Snack (lanche da manhã) Lunch (almoço) Snack (lanche da tarde) Dinner (jantar) 8. FOOD GROUPS – estudar pg. 23 Write the words below according to the food groups. (Escreva as palavras abaixo de acordo com o grupo alimentício) LETTUCE CHEESE GRAIN SEAFOOD ZUCCHINI VEGETABLE YOGURT MANGO FRUIT RICE PEACHES CRACKERS NUTS DAIRY PROTEIN 9. ORDERING FOOD - estudar pg. 29 Complete the conversation with the words below. (Complete o diálogo com as palavras abaixo) Will you have Would you like Can I order Waiter: _________________________ to order? Sally: I’ll have the FAB Relish. ___________________________ the same for you, Michael? Michael: Yes, please. It looks delicious. Waiter: So, two FAB Relish burgers. ________________________ the chips, too? Chris: Absolutely. Thanks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------GABARITO 1. TRADITIONAL RECIPES Read the text and underline the words related to food. (Leia o texto e sublinhe as palavras relacionadas a comida) Minestrone soup A substantial thick, mixed vegetable soup with addition of some pasta, rice, beans, and potatoes in many local variations. 2. THERE IS / THERE ARE Complete the sentences with THERE IS or THERE ARE. d) e) f) THERE IS some butter in the refrigerator. THERE IS a bottle of water in the refrigerator. THERE ARE some apples in the fruit bowl. 3. A, AN, SOME, ANY Complete the sentences with A, AN, SOME or ANY. e) f) g) h) There is A knife next to the plate. There are SOME napkins under the cups. There isn’t ANY pepper. There is AN orange. 4. HOW MUCH, HOW MANY Complete the sentences with HOW MUCH or HOW MANY. d) e) f) HOW MANY limes do you want? HOW MUCH water do you need? HOW MUCH orange juice did you buy? 5. A LOT OF, MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE, NONE Complete the sentences with A LOT OF, MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE, NONE. e) f) g) h) I don’t drink MUCH coffee. Do you eat MANY fruits? She buys A LOT OF vegetables. How many apples did you eat? NONE. 6. COOKING WORDS – estudar pg. 14 Match the words to their translation. (Associe a palavra com sua tradução) e) f) g) h) Bake Knead Chop Slice 7. ( B ) amassar ( D ) cortar em fatias ( C ) picar ( A ) assar MEALS – refeições – estudar pg. 22 What’s your diet like? What do you eat in a typical day? (Como é a sua dieta? O que você come num dia típico?) A RESPOSTA DESTE EXERCÍCIO É PESSOAL E A TABELA DEVERÁ SER PREENCHIDA COM ALIMENTOS EM INGLÊS. MEAL Breakfast (café da manhã) Snack (lanche da manhã) Lunch (almoço) Snack (lanche da tarde) Dinner (jantar) 8. FOODS I USUALLY EAT FOOD GROUPS – estudar pg. 23 Write the words below according to the food groups. (Escreva as palavras abaixo de acordo com o grupo alimentício) GRAIN RICE CRACKERS 9. VEGETABLE LETTUCE ZUCCHINI FRUIT PEACHES MANGO DAIRY YOGURT CHEESE PROTEIN SEAFOOD NUTS ORDERING FOOD - estudar pg. 29 Complete the conversation with the words below. (Complete o diálogo com as palavras abaixo) Waiter: Would you like to order? Sally: I’ll have the FAB Relish. Can I order the same for you, Michael? Michael: Yes, please. It looks delicious. Waiter: So, two FAB Relish burgers. Will you have the chips, too? Chris: Absolutely. Thanks.