ENTRADAS / STARTERS / ENTREES / VORSPEISEN Salada de rosbife, pontas de espargos verdes e lascas de parmesão Salad of roast beef, green asparagus and slices of parmesan Salade de boeuf rôti, point de asparges vertes et copeaux de parmasan Salat von roastbeef, grunen spargelspitzen und gehobeltem parmesan € 15.00 Salada mista, requeijão, ananás e fios de balsâmico velho Mixed salad, cottage cheese, pineapple and old balsamic vinagre Salade mixte, fromage cottage, ananas et balsamiques Gemischter Salat, Quark, Ananas und Balsamico alten Drähte € 12.50 Salada de atum em crocante de pão, abacate e ovos de codorniz Tuna salad on crusty bread, avocado and quail eggs Salade de thon sur pain croûté, oeufs de caille et d'avocat Thunfischsalat auf knusprigem Brot, Avocado-und Wachteleier € 13.50 Espetadas de camarão, sobre cama de pequenos legumes marinados com ramas de açafrão Shrimps on a skewer, served with marinated vegetables and saffron Brochettes de crevettes sur un lit de légumes marinés avec de petites branches de safran Garnelen am Spieß auf einem Bett aus mariniertem Gemüse mit kleinen Zweigen von Safran € 19.00 ENTRADAS / STARTERS / ENTREES / VORSPEISEN Peitinhos de frango com salada de folhas verdes, bacon e cogumelos assados Chicken breasts with salad greens, bacon and roast mushrooms Poitrines de poulet avec salade, bacon et champignons cuits Hähnchenbrust mit Salat, Speck und Champignons überbacken € 14.50 SOPAS / SOUPS / SOUPES / SUPPEN Sopa de Melão com vinho Madeira Melon soup with Madeira wine Soupe de melon avec du vin de Madère Melonensuppe mit Madeira-Wein € 6.00 Vichyssoise de courgettes Vichyssoise of courgettes Vichyssoise de courgettes Vichyssoise von Zucchini € 6.00 SANDES/ SANDWICHES PASTA / PATES Wrap vegetariano, requeijão, abacate, tomate, ovo e alface Wrap vegetarian, curd cheese, avocado, tomato, egg and lettuce Enveloppez végétarienne, fromage, avocat, tomate, œuf et de la laitue Wickeln Sie vegetarisch, Käse, Avocado, Tomate, Ei und Salat € 11.00 Esparguete, camarão, alho e ervas Spaghetti, shrimp, garlic and herbs Spaghetti, crevettes, l'ail et fines herbes Spaghetti, Garnelen, Knoblauch und Kräutern € 13.50 Sandes club, tradicional Club sandwich, traditional Club sandwiche, traditionnelle Club-Sandwiche, traditionelle € 10.00 Tortellini de cogumelos em creme de batata e alcachofras Mushroom tortellini with cream potato and artichokes Tortellini aux champignons et pommes de terre à la crème et aux artichauts Pilz Tortellini mit Sahne Kartoffeln und Artischocken € 13.50 Sandes mistas de queijo e fiambre Mixed cheese and ham sandwich Fromage mixte et des sandwichs au jambon Gemischte Käse und Schinken-Sandwiches € 8.50 SERVED FROM 12H00 UNTIL 15H30 / SERVIDO DAS 12H00 ÀS 15H30 NO CHURRASCO / AT THE BARBEQUE / BARBECUE / VOM GRILL SANDES NO BOLO DO CACO / SANDWICHES ON “BOLO DO CACO” Prego, Queijo, Fiambre Prego, Cheese, Ham Prego, fromage, jambon Prego, Käse, Schinken € 11.00 Atum, Abacate, Tomate e alface Tuna, Avocado, Tomato and lettuce Thon, laitue Avocat Tomate, Thunfisch, Avocado, Tomate Salat € 9.00 Salmão, acelgas e saladinha de milho doce, tomate cereja e pimentos assados Salmon, chard and sweet corn salad, cherry tomatoes and roast peppers Salmon, bette à carde et de la salade de maïs sucré, tomates cerises et poivrons rôtis Lachs, Mangold und Salat aus Mais, Kirschtomaten und gerösteten Paprika € 20.00 Bifinhos do filete, ervilhas, alcachofras e cogumelos frescos Fillet steak, peas, artichokes and fresh mushrooms Steaks, les pois, les artichauts et les champignons frais Filetsteaks, Erbsen, Artischocken und frischen Champignons € 17.50 PIZZAS DESSERTS / SOBREMESAS / DESSERTS Margarita, azeite virgem e basílico Margarita, virgin olive oil and basil Margarita, huile d'olive vierge et basilic Margarita, natives Olivenöl und Basilikum € 12.50 Fondant de chocolate com sorvete de hortelã / Chocolate fondant with mint ice cream / Fondant au chocolat avec glace à la menthe / Schokoladen-Fondant mit Minze-Eis Doce frio de laranja com seu molho / Chilled orange pudding with sauce / Glacée au lait d'orange avec de la sauce / Chilled Orange Pudding mit Soße Camarão, alho Shrimp, garlic Crevettes, l'ail Garnelen, Knoblauch € 21.00 Presunto, alfaces, tomate cereja Smoked Ham, lettuce, cherry tomato Ham, laitue, tomate Schinken, Salat, Tomate € 14.50 Cogumelos, toucinho fumado Mushrooms, bacon Champignons, lardons Champignons, Speck € 15.00 € 7.50 € 7.50 Sinfonia de 3 chocolates / Symphonie of 3 chocolates/ Symphonie mit 3 choclates / Symphony 3 chocolats € 8.50 Tarte de maçã com gelado de baunilha / Apple pie with vanilla ice cream Tarte aux pommes à la crème glacée à la vanille / Apfelkuchen mit Vanilleeis € 5.50 Gelados diversos / A selection of ice-creams / Glaces diverses / Verschiedene Eissorten € 8.50 Frango, ananás Chicken, pineapple Poulet, ananas Huhn, Ananas € 14.50 Fruit Salad / Salada de Fruta / Obstsalat / Salade de Fruits € 7.50 PASTELARIA DO DIA (na nossa vitrine) / VARIETY OF CAKES AND PIES (in our display tray) € 5.50 CHÁ DA TARDE / AFTERNOON TEA UMA SELECÇÃO DE BONS VINHOS / A SELECTION OF GOOD WINES BRANCO / WHITE 0.75 0.375 SIMPLES /SIMPLE Tea or Coffee Scones Butter and Homemade Jam Defesa Herdade do Pombal Lello € 26.50 € 26.50 € 19.00 € 11.00 € 21.00 € 26.50 € 21.00 € 16.00 € 11.00 € 21.00 € 21.00 € 11.00 TINTO / RED Chá ou Café Scones Compotas Caseiras e Manteiga Foral Reserva Quinta Soalheira Chaminé Lello € 9.00 per person / por pessoa ROSÉ COMPLETO /COMPLETE Tea or Coffee Scone Salmon, Tuna Fish, Cheese and Ham Mini Sandwiches Madeira Cake and Orange Cake Butter and Homemade Jam Chá ou Café Scone Mini Sandes de Salmão, Queijo e Fiambre Bolo Preto e Amarelo Compotas Caseiras e Manteiga € 16.50 per person / por pessoa Defesa Mateus VERDE / GREEN Muralhas de Monção € 21.0 €11.00 CHAMPAGNE / SPARKLING WINES Moët Chandon Aliança Reseva Copo / Glass € 16.50 € 7.85 SANGRIA (1 L) € 100.50 € 44.50 € 20.00 CERVEJAS / BEERS Coral Imperial / Draft Caneca / Pint Carlsberg Guiness Cerveja s/alcool / Non-Alcoholic Beer € 4.25 € 4.25 € 5.60 € 4.50 € 4.50 € 4.00 ÁGUAS / MINERAL WATERS ALL DAY COCKTAIL - € 7.85 Água Mineral/Luso Still water 0,25 cl € 2.50 Água Mineral/ Still water 0,75 cl € 4.50 Água c/ gás / Sparkling Water 0,25 cl € 2.50 0,75 cl € 4.50 Água c/ gás/ San Pellegrino Sparkling water CAIPIRINHA Cachaça, Fresh lime, teaspoon white sugar MOJITO White Rum, Fresh Lime Juice, Mint Sprigs, teaspoon white sugar, Soda Water CUBA LIBRE Rum, Coca-cola, lime juice REFRIGERANTES / SOFT DRINKS Ice Tea Limão, / Ice Tea Lemon € 3.30 Ice Tea Pêssego / Ice Tea Peach € 3.30 Brisa Maracujá / Brisa Passion fruit € 3.30 7 Up € 3.30 Pepsi € 3.30 Água Tónica / Tonic Water € 3.30 Soda / Soda water € 3.30 Ginger Ale € 3.30 Batidos / Milkshakes € 4.20 Sumos Naturais / Fresh fruit juices € 4.40 LONG DRINK COCKTAILS - € 7.85 SUMMER IN MADEIRA Gin, Mandarine liqueur, Strawberry liqueur, passion fruit juice MADEIRA TROPICAL Brandy, Madeira wine, Banana liqueur, Grenadine, Passion fruit juice TEQUILA SUNRISE Tequila, Orange juice, Grenadine PINA COLADA Rum, Malibu, cream, Coconut Syrup, Pineapple juice MOCKTAILS- NON ALCOHOLIC DRINKS - € 7.30 CAFÉS & CHÁS/ COFFEES & TEAS Chá / Tea € 3.00 Hot Chocolate € 2.80 Expresso € 2.25 Expresso Duplo € 3.30 Descafeinado/ Decaffeinated € 3.30 Capuccino € 3.75 LOVER’S DREAM Orange Juice, Lemon Juice, Grenadine, Passion fruit juice, Ginger ale IVA INCLUÍDO À TAXA EM VIGOR / ALL TAXES ARE INCLUDED.