Linguagens · Inglês
Unidade 1
3. Analise as palavras destacadas no 4o parágrafo do texto e seus
usos e encontre a alternativa correta:
a) As palavras your nursery podem ser substituídas pelo pronome
they sem alterar o sentido da frase.
b) O pronome them refere-se a infants.
c) O pronome you está substituindo a palavra mother.
d) As palavras a nursery podem ser substituídas pelo pronome
her sem qualquer prejuízo para o texto.
e) As palavras your care referem-se ao cuidado que os avós têm
com as crianças.
Welcome to Ideal Nutrition
There is _______ terrific amount of publicity and growing evidence
at present supporting _______ theory that poor nutrition is putting
_______ health and wellbeing of _______ children of today at great
Today’s diet offers such a vast range of foods yet the statistics
show ________ are nutritionally worse off than the population 60
years ago when foods were not so readily available. _______ are
exposed to foods laden with sugars, saturated fats, highly processed,
contain chemical additives and preservatives and junk foods
particularly targeted at children.
There is a greater comprehension, backed by numerous pieces
of research that food directly affects growth and development in the
early years of a child’s life. Influencing healthy school meals although
beneficial, does not address the more important benefits of offering
healthy foods from weaning and throughout the early years of a
child’s development.
Your nursery can play a vital role in developing the taste buds
of infants by having a practical and simple approach to introducing
a range of basic healthy foods and guide them into a healthy eating
lifestyle. 75% of a child’s daily nutrition is provided by a nursery if in
full time care and therefore requires good quality healthy balanced
meals, adding value to the service you offer of fully nurturing the
children in your care.
A range of healthy foods will promote infants natural development
and assist in building a resistance to illness and disease. If a child
is introduced to a range of foods it can boost their immune system,
decrease allergy and intolerances, support cognitive function,
improve concentration levels, mood and behaviour.
Ideal Nutrition offers a full package of information, training,
seasonal menus, developing a Nutritional Policy, Parent leaflets,
helpline and more to enhance the experience you offer to your little
4. Aponte a única alternativa correta de acordo com as informações apresentadas no texto.
a) Há muita publicidade e evidências de que a má nutrição pode
pôr em risco a saúde das crianças de hoje.
b) A alimentação de hoje em dia oferece uma grande variedade
de alimentos que são muito nutritivos e bem melhores que os
de 60 anos atrás.
c) Hoje somos minimamente expostos a alimentos processados
e ricos em açúcares e gorduras saturadas.
d) Os alimentos processados que são muito atraentes para as
crianças quase não possuem aditivos químicos e preservativos.
e) O crescimento e o desenvolvimento de uma criança não são
afetados pela sua alimentação.
5. Determine qual é o incorreto dentre os pares de sinônimos das
palavras destacadas no penúltimo parágrafo do texto.
a) range – variety
b) assist – help
c) child – kid
d) decrease – reduce
e) improve – try
Adapted from
1. Indique os artigos que preenchem corretamente as lacunas do
1o parágrafo do texto.
a) the – a – the – an
b) a – the – the – the
c) an – a – the – the
d) the – the – a – an
e) the – the – the – a
6. Com a leitura do texto, podemos concluir:
a) A nutrição nos anos iniciais de vida de uma criança não é tão
importante quanto nas fases seguintes de seu desenvolvimento.
b) A alimentação oferecida nas creches não influencia muito
hábitos alimentares que as crianças terão no futuro.
c) As creches fornecem 75% da alimentação das crianças que
ficam meio período lá todos os dias.
d) Uma variedade de alimentos saudáveis promoverá o desenvolvimento natural das crianças e ajudará a dar-lhes resistência
contra doenças.
e) O consumo de alimentos muito variados pode prejudicar o
sistema imunológico das crianças e a ocorrência de alergias e
2. Identifique qual é o pronome pessoal que completa adequadamente ambas as lacunas do 2o parágrafo do texto.
a) he
b) I
c) we
d) she
e) it
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias
Unidade 2
3. Identifique a alternativa que apresenta uma informação incorreta, de acordo com o texto.
a) A empresa criada por Jobs combinava muita imaginação e
traços marcantes de engenharia.
b) Jobs exigiu ler o que o autor escreveu antes que o livro fosse
c) Jobs encorajou as pessoas que ele conhecia a falarem honestamente com o autor.
d) Jobs algumas vezes falava com brutalidade das pessoas com
quem ele trabalhava.
e) Os amigos de Jobs mencionaram seu perfeccionismo, suas
obsessões e sua compulsão por controle.
Steve Jobs
From the author of the bestselling biographies of Benjamin Franklin
and Albert Einstein, this is the exclusive biography of Steve Jobs
Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over
two years — as well as interviews with more than a hundred family
members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues — Walter
Isaacson has written a riveting story of the roller-coaster life and
intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for
perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal
computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and
digital publishing.
He ____________ that the best way to create value in the twenty-first century was to connect creativity with technology. He _________
a company where leaps of the imagination were combined with
remarkable feats of engineering.
Although Jobs cooperated with this book, he asked for no
control over what was written nor even the right to read it before it
was published. He put nothing off-limits. He encouraged the people
he knew to speak honestly. And Jobs speaks candidly, sometimes
brutally so, about the people he worked with and competed against.
His friends, foes, and colleagues provide an unvarnished view of the
passions, perfectionism, obsessions, artistry, devilry, and compulsion
for control that shaped his approach to business and the innovative
products that resulted.
Driven by demons, Jobs could drive those around him to fury
and despair. But his personality and products were interrelated,
just as Apple’s hardware and software tended to be, as if part of an
integrated system. His tale is instructive and cautionary, filled
with lessons about innovation, character, leadership and values.
4. Aponte qual das seguintes perguntas não pode ser respondida
com as informações apresentadas no texto.
a) Who’s the author of Steve Jobs’ biography?
b) Who were the people interviewed by the author?
c) How was Steve Jobs’ personality?
d) How did Steve Jobs make people feel sometimes?
e) How old was Steve Jobs when the biography was written?
5. Indique qual dos seguintes pares de adjetivos não seria apropriado
para descrever Steve Jobs, baseando-se nas informações do texto:
a) criativo e intenso.
b) empreendedor e instável.
c) perfeccionista e inovador.
d) debochado e bem-humorado.
e) talentoso e líder.
Walter Isaacson. Adapted from
6. De acordo com as palavras destacadas no 4o parágrafo do texto,
1. Determine as formas verbais apropriadas para preencher as
lacunas do 2o parágrafo do texto.
a) knows – builds
b) know – build
c) knew – built
d) is going to know – is going to build
e) will know – will build
é correto afirmar que:
a) os pronomes him e his não se referem a Steve Jobs.
b) o verbo were poderia ser substituído por was sem qualquer
problema para a frase.
c) a palavra integrated é um verbo no texto.
d) as palavras instructive e cautionary não são adjetivos no texto.
e) as palavras innovation, character, leadership e values são
substantivos no texto.
2. Considerando as informações contidas no texto, podemos
concluir que:
a) a biografia de Jobs é a primeira biografia escrita por este autor.
b) apenas Steve Jobs e seus familiares foram entrevistados para
a coleta dos dados contidos na obra.
c) Steve Jobs foi um empreendedor criativo com personalidade
intensa e paixão pela perfeição.
d) a única indústria que realmente sofreu grande impacto com o
trabalho desenvolvido por Jobs foi a de computadores pessoais.
e) os maiores rivais de Jobs eram empreendedores nas áreas de
filmes animados e publicação digital.
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias
Unidade 3
3. Indique qual a tradução incorreta das palavras destacadas no
4o parágrafo do texto.
a) cater to = atender a
b) singles = solteiros
c) likely = prováveis
d) tools = truques
e) in order to = a fim de
Why online dating works so well for people over 50
If you’re over 50 and find yourself single, you’re not alone. Perhaps
not surprisingly, online dating services are one of the fastest growing
ways mature individuals are meeting like minded people. Online dating
has also come a long way from its origins in the 1990’s. Firstly, it
now works extremely well. Recent statistics show that 1 in 5 couples
married in the last few years met each other online.
Online dating lets you get to know the basics about someone
before deciding if you want to invest any time in them. And, studies
________________ that communicating online before meeting
someone face-to-face significantly reduces the stress involved in
your first meeting, leading to more great first dates.
And, contrary to what some may think, research has also shown
that people are generally honest about themselves online. Most
people know they will have to expose themselves at some point, so
they choose to be honest.
And today, there are specialized services that cater to older
singles. They specialize in creating romantic opportunities for singles
over 50, so they are more likely to find someone special. And, over
the years they’ve continued to refine their tools in order to take the
lottery out of love.
One of the reasons the service is so successful is because they
give singles the opportunity to express themselves and find potential
online matches for free. New members can create an online profile
that includes up to 26 photos, as well as selected preferences
regarding the person they’re searching for.
Next, tell the site a little about yourself and what you’re looking for
in a partner and relationship. With the click of a mouse, you instantly
get to see photos and read about potential matches in your area;
all free and incredibly easy. By subscribing, you become entitled to
view all the photos of singles you are interested in, send unlimited
emails, and even see who’s been viewing your profile and shown an
interest in you. You have more choices, more ways to connect, and
more chances to find your love match. The service also puts a lot of
emphasis on member privacy and integrity.
Who can you meet through it? _____________________________
But, also much more! The members form a diverse, global community
of mature singles who share common goals — to meet other singles,
find dates, form romantic relationships, and meet potential life
4. Aponte a alternativa que apresenta uma ação que não é sugerida
no passo a passo dos encontros on-line.
a) Criar um perfil próprio com fotos.
b) Descrever suas preferências sobre o (a) possível parceiro(a).
c) Fazer uma lista dos defeitos inaceitáveis em um(a) possível
d) Contar ao site um pouco de sua própria história a fim de facilitar
a busca.
e) Ver fotos e ler perfis de parceiros(as) em potencial que vivem
nas proximidades.
5. De acordo com a leitura do texto, qual das alternativas apresenta
uma informação incorreta?
a) Os serviços de namoros on-line são um dos segmentos de maior
crescimento entre pessoas mais maduras.
b) Já é estatisticamente comprovado que os serviços de namoros
on-line melhoraram muito desde a sua origem na década de
c) De acordo com alguns estudos, a comunicação prévia on-line
reduz drasticamente o estresse do primeiro encontro.
d) As pessoas tendem a ser muito honestas na comunicação on-line, pois sabem que futuramente terão que se expor de fato
no momento do encontro.
e) As pessoas com mais de 50 anos têm menos chances de encontrarem um parceiro nos serviços on-line do que as mais jovens.
6. Identifique qual a frase adequada para preencher a lacuna no
último parágrafo do texto.
a) People who are looking for a rich partner.
b) People just like you, in your local area. c) People who are desperate to get married.
d) People just crazy, looking for trouble.
e) People who are not interesting at all.
Adapted from
1. O pronome its, destacado no primeiro parágrafo do texto,
refere-se a:
a) people.
b) online dating.
c) long way.
d) origins.
e) 1990’s.
2. Determine qual a forma verbal correta para preencher a lacuna
no 2o parágrafo do texto.
a) has proven
b) is proving
c) has been proving
d) have proven
e) have been proved
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias
Unidade 4
1. Todas as palavras sublinhadas no 1o parágrafo do texto exercem
a função de adjetivo, exceto:
a) public.
b) college.
c) potential.
d) adult.
e) money.
U.S. News Ranks Nation’s Best High Schools
The 2012 edition includes data on nearly 22,000 public
schools, 500 of which received gold medals
The Best High Schools identify the top public schools that
prepare students for college success. When considering your child’s
education, it may be hard not to focus on the potential loans needed
to pay for college or the outlook of the post-graduation job market.
Sending your child to a top high school can ease that transition into the
adult world. Often, students who graduate from a great high school
do so with college credits, scholarship money, and marketable skills.
To help guide you through the universe of public high schools,
U.S. News today released the fourth edition of the Best High
Schools rankings, available exclusively online. While the previous
high school rankings published in December 2009 included
information on 1,800 schools, the 2012 rankings include data on
nearly 22,000 public high schools from 49 states and the District
of Columbia. (Nebraska did not report enough data to be included
in the rankings.)
To determine the Best High Schools national rankings, schools
were first analyzed at the state level in terms of how well students in
each school performed on state assessments, taking into account
the test scores of disadvantaged students (low-income, Hispanic,
and black), who tend to score lower on tests.
High schools that ______________ it through this analysis were
then eligible to be ranked nationally, in terms of college readiness.
U.S. News _______________ the degree to which schools prepare
students for college-level work by analyzing student success in
Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB)
programs, both of which include college-level courses.
In the 2009 rankings of Best High Schools, U.S. News awarded
100 gold medals. This year, that number soared to 500, many of
which went to California high schools. The state is home to the
largest number of gold medal high schools (97), as well as the largest
total number of schools that were awarded gold, silver, or bronze
medals (577).
There are 68 gold medal schools in New York and 46 in Texas,
including the School for the Talented and Gifted (ranked No. 1
nationally) located in the Dallas Independent School District. Often
referred to as “TAG,” the School for the Talented and Gifted claimed
the top spot in the 2012 rankings. TAG students are pushed to be
college-ready before they graduate. TAG students must take at least
11 AP courses in order to graduate and have opportunities to conduct
field research through partnerships with local universities and take
courses such as Web Mastery.
There are also separate rankings of the top high schools by
state, in which parents and students can compare schools in terms
of student-teacher ratios, college readiness, and proficiency on state
math and English assessments. These details are important to explore
when choosing a high school in which your child will succeed.
2. Indique qual é o incorreto dentre os pares de sinônimos das
palavras destacadas no 2o parágrafo do texto.
a) guide = lead
b) released = liberated
c) best = worst
d) available = obtainable
e) data = information
3. Determine as formas verbais corretas para preencher as lacunas
no 4o parágrafo do texto.
a) made – determines
b) makes – are determining
c) has made – will determine
d) are making – determined
e) will make – determined
4. Com a leitura do texto, podemos concluir que:
a) enviar o filho para fazer o ensino médio em uma escola com boa
classificação no ranking pode facilitar o processo de transição
para a vida adulta.
b) geralmente, alunos que se formam no ensino médio em uma
escola renomada têm menor facilidade de acesso a bolsas de
estudos no ensino superior.
c) a quarta edição do ranking das melhores escolas de ensino
médio pode ser adquirida na maioria das bancas de jornais do
d) a edição anterior foi publicada há 5 anos e continha dados sobre
a metade do número de escolas, se comparada à edição atual.
e) na edição de 2012 há dados sobre escolas em todos os estados
do território dos Estados Unidos.
5. Aponte qual das seguintes perguntas não pode ser respondida
com as informações apresentadas no texto.
a) What are the advantages about using the Best High Schools
b) Which state got the largest number of medals?
c) How many silver medals did the state of New York get?
d) Where is the school which ranked No. 1 nationally?
e) What is required from TAG students?
Laura McMullen. Adapted from
6. Todos os dados a seguir podem ser encontrados no texto, exceto:
a) razões para os pais utilizarem o ranking das escolas.
b) uma comparação numérica entre a edição atual e a anterior.
c) a explicação da metodologia utilizada para ser estabelecido o
d) menção aos melhores alunos das principais escolas citadas.
e) detalhes sobre os procedimentos da renomada escola TAG.
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias
Unidade 5
3. Todas as seguintes palavras preenchem as respectivas lacunas
do parágrafo corretamente, exceto:
a) 1 – oxygen
b) 2 – blood
c) 3 – arteries
d) 4 – sleep
e) 5 – parts
Título: ___________________________________________
Don’t get mad when your girlfriend kicks you out of bed
for snoring. Get help — it might save your life
Snoring is the main symptom of sleep apnea, a disorder in which
your breathing becomes shallow or even stops for a while during
the night. People with severe sleep apnea are almost five times as
likely to die of cancer than those who breathe easy while they sleep,
according to a new study presented last week at the American
Thoracic Society conference. The study, which tracked 1,500 people
for 22 years, found that mild or moderate snoring also increases
your risk of cancer death.
Sleep apnea reduces the _________ (1) level in your blood; to
avoid suffocating, tumors grow new _________ (2) vessels, says
study author F. Javier Nieto, M.P.H., M.D., Ph.D., of the University
of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. These
extra veins and _________ (3) help existing tumors _________ (4)
faster and give cancer cells more opportunities to spread through
your bloodstream to new __________ (5) of your body.
It’s not yet clear whether sleep apnea increases your risk of
getting cancer or just worsens existing cases, and more research
is needed to confirm the results. But snoring is cause for concern
either way — leading to accidents, depression, high blood pressure,
and heart disease. If you snore and are sleepy during the day, check
with your doctor, especially if you’re carrying a few extra pounds (they
increase your sleep apnea risk). Other signs of sleep apnea include
grumpiness, forgetfulness, and headaches that are hard to shake.
In the meantime, sleeping on your side instead of your back can
help some mild cases of sleep apnea. Try a device like the Bumper
Belt (; $108) or make one _________ by
putting tennis balls in a tube sock and sewing them to the back of a
T-shirt to keep you on your side.
4. Aponte a alternativa que apresenta uma informação incorreta,
de acordo com o texto:
a) Pessoas com severa apneia do sono têm quase cinco vezes
mais chances de morrer de câncer do que as que respiram bem
durante o sono.
b) Para a conclusão do estudo, foram analisadas 1.500 pessoas
durante um período de 22 anos.
c) Já está confirmado que a apneia do sono não só aumenta as
chances de ter câncer, como também faz crescer os tumores
de quem já tem a doença.
d) Sonolência durante o dia e a presença de alguns quilos extras
são fatores que podem levar uma pessoa a desenvolver a apneia
do sono.
e) Outros sinais frequentes de apneia do sono são esquecimento
e dores de cabeça.
5. De acordo com o texto, pessoas que roncam podem vir a ter
todos os seguintes problemas, exceto:
a) acidentes.
b) depressão.
c) dor de dentes.
d) pressão alta.
e) doença cardíaca.
Cindy Kuzma. Adapted from
1. Escolha um título apropriado para o texto:
6. Indique qual o pronome reflexivo apropriado para preencher a
lacuna no último parágrafo do texto.
a) yourself
b) himself
c) herself
d) ourselves
e) myself
The benefits of snoring
Snoring linked to cancer
How can you stop snoring?
The best ways to sleep without snoring
Snoring linked to higher blood pressure
2. Analisando as palavras destacadas no 1o parágrafo do texto,
identifique a única que exerce a função de verbo:
a) snoring.
b) sleep.
c) breathing.
d) study.
e) increases.
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias
Unidade 6
5. Dentre as seguintes sugestões, determine qual não é indicada
para as pessoas que querem ser mais otimistas.
a) Avoid negative self-talk.
b) Regardless of the nature of your work, identify some aspect of
it that is personally fulfilling.
c) Make a list of your problems and keep thinking of them all the
d) Surround yourself with positive, upbeat people.
e) Focus on situations that you can control, and forget those you
A richer life by seeing the glass half full
The definition _________ an optimist: someone, like me, who
plans to get more done than time permits. Having failed to achieve the
impossible, someone, like me, who is sure everything will somehow
get done anyway. A more classical definition _________ the Mayo
Clinic: “Optimism is the belief that good things will happen ________
you and that negative events are temporary setbacks to be overcome.”
In one study, adults shown to be pessimists based on
psychological tests had higher death rates over a 30-year period
than those who were shown optimistic. No doubt, the optimists were
healthier because they were more inclined to take good care of
I am a realist, but I’ve found that life is a lot more pleasant when
one looks at the bright side, seeing the glass half full and assuming
that reason will eventually prevail.
Murphy’s Law — ____________________________ — is the
antithesis of optimism. Research has indicated that a propensity
toward optimism is strongly influenced by genes, most likely ones
that govern neurotransmitters in the brain. Still, the way someone is
raised undoubtedly plays a role, too. Parents who bolster children’s
self-esteem by avoiding criticism and praising accomplishments can
encourage in them a lifelong can-do attitude.
If you behave more optimistically, you _________ be likely to keep
trying instead of giving up after an initial failure. Even if the additional
effort is not successful, it can serve as a positive learning experience,
suggesting a different way to approach a similar problem the next time.
6. A frase If you behave more optimistically, you __________ be
likely to keep trying instead of giving up after an initial failure,
no último parágrafo do texto, é um exemplo de first conditional.
Identifique qual é a forma correta do verbo para completar a lacuna
na frase.
a) are
b) would
c) could
d) have
e) will
Unidade 7
Can Sugar Make You Stupid? “High
Concern” in Wake of Rat Study
By Jane E. Brody. Adapted from
We all know sugary diets can sabotage a waistline.
Now it turns out they might make brains flabby too
1. Indique as preposições que preenchem corretamente as lacunas
do parágrafo do texto.
a) of – from – to
b) in – for – with
c) with – of – on
d) to – over – for
e) on – at – in
Sweet drinks scrambled the memories and stunted learning
in lab rats in a new study — leading to “high concern” over what
__________ diets may do to people, according to neuroscientist
Fernando Gomez-Pinilla.
For the study, Gomez-Pinilla’s team first trained rats to
successfully navigate a maze, giving them only water and standard
rat chow for five days. During the following six weeks, the rats’ water
was replaced with syrups that were 15 percent fructose. After six
weeks of the fructose syrup, all the rats were slower at running
the maze.
By studying the dissected brains of the study rats, the
researchers determined that the high-fructose diets had sabotaged
the ability of synapses to change, a key factor in learning. The sugary
drinks had also disrupted the sugar-regulating protein insulin in a brain
area called the hippocampus, which play a role in memory formation
in both rats and humans.
2. Identifique qual é o incorreto dentre os pares de antônimos das
palavras destacadas no 2o parágrafo do texto:
a) pessimists x optimists
b) higher x slower
c) death x life
d) more x less
e) good x bad
3. Baseando-se no contexto da Lei de Murphy, aponte qual é a
frase correta para preencher a lacuna no 4o parágrafo do texto.
a) “The more you work, the less money you will have.”
b) “No matter how hard I try, I never do it right.”
c) “Anything is possible if you believe in yourself.”
d) “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”
e) “All you have to do is keep on going.”
Subtítulo: ________________
Cheaper than table sugar, high-fructose corn syrup is commonly
added to soft drinks, condiments, and other processed foods. The
average person in the United States consumes more than 60 pounds
(27 kilograms) of it annually, according to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. Consumption of cane and beet sugar, which also contain
fructose, is only slightly lower.
“I’m not saying that fructose is bad — you don’t want to single
out one nutrient,” Gomez-Pinilla said. “The big issue is excessive
The next task for the team “is to determine whether the long-term
effects of a poor diet are reversible,” said physiologist Jill Barnes at
the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who did not take part in
this research.
Future research should also investigate the effects diet might have
on aging and development. “For example, what happens in younger
animals or humans when exposed to chronic high-sugar, low omega-3
fatty acid levels during growth?” Barnes asked.
4. Com a leitura do texto, podemos concluir que:
a) os otimistas não acham que eventos negativos são passageiros.
b) em geral, os otimistas se cuidam mais e são mais saudáveis
que os pessimistas.
c) a autora do texto se considera uma pessoa pessimista e quer
aprender a ser otimista.
d) a forma como uma pessoa é criada não influencia na sua possibilidade de ser otimista.
e) os otimistas tendem a ser teimosos e raramente aprendem com
seus fracassos.
Charles Q. Choi.
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias
Unidade 8
1. Baseando-se no conteúdo do texto, aponte a palavra correta
para preencher a lacuna do 1o parágrafo.
a) flexible
b) sugary
c) low calories
d) important
e) expensive
Título: __________________________________
You’ve probably heard a few complaints about vacationers while
you were on your last vacation, and maybe you had a few complaints
about fellow travelers yourself. But do you practice good travel
etiquette? Before you go on that Disney World vacation, use the
following tips to help you avoid hypocrisy and make it easier for you
and your fellow Disney World vacationers to enjoy the experience.
2. Analise a função das palavras destacadas no 2o parágrafo do
texto e determine qual a alternativa incorreta.
a) A palavra study é um substantivo.
b) A palavra successfully é um advérbio.
c) O pronome them refere-se a weeks.
d) A palavra fructose é um adjetivo.
e) A palavra running é um verbo.
While indoors
Don’t use flash photography ____________ watching an indoor
show or while you’re on an indoor ride. Don’t irritate others with your
blind flash. Instead, get a postcard that has a professional photograph
on it, or purchase the ride photo with you in the picture.
Treat others how you’d like to be treated. ____________ chances
are you may never get to see this Disney show again anytime soon,
so don’t ruin it for others either by being loud and distracting.
3. Indique qual a tradução incorreta de uma das palavras destacadas no 3o parágrafo do texto.
a) brains = cérebros
b) researchers = pesquisadores
c) learning = aprendizagem
d) role = resposta
e) both = ambos
While outdoors
Don’t stop in the middle of walkways. If you need to stop to admire
____________ in the distance, step off to the side and out of the way
of traffic so you don’t get run over.
Don’t run in the parks, either. Don’t take the chance that you may
run someone over and hurt them.
If you’re going to be driving a bumper car (or pushing a stroller),
keep your eyes forward to avoid bumping into others. After a big
event like a parade or fireworks display, you might want to wait a
few minutes for the walkways to clear.
Lastly, but most importantly, be prepared before you leave your
hotel room to go to the park. Read the theme park maps, read the
descriptions, get a good travel guide, and decide where you want to go.
By following these simple guidelines, you can help keep the
magical experience alive for everyone through courtesy, instead of
creating a Disney World hell for others.
4. Aponte qual o subtítulo adequado para ser inserido no texto.
Everything in Moderation
Use and Abuse
The More Sugar The Better
A Lot of Fructose Is Really Good for You
Sugar X Extra Kilos
5. Identifique qual das seguintes perguntas não pode ser respondida com as informações contidas no texto.
a) What did sweet drinks do to the lab rats’ memories?
b) How did Gomez-Pinilla’s team conduct the study?
c) How long did the study last?
d) What did the researchers determine?
e) How much did they pay for the sugary drinks they used?
Adapted from
1. Indique qual o título apropriado para o texto.
6. Com a leitura do texto, podemos concluir que:
a) o açúcar de mesa e o xarope de milho têm o mesmo preço.
b) Gomez-Pinilla acha que frutose é muito ruim para a saúde e
deve ser totalmente excluída da dieta das pessoas.
c) o uso excessivo de açúcar e frutose não é algo totalmente
d) a próxima tarefa da equipe de pesquisa é determinar se os
efeitos a longo prazo de uma dieta pobre em nutrientes são
e) pesquisas futuras vão investigar os benefícios do açúcar para
ajudar a evitar o envelhecimento precoce.
The costs of a trip to Disney World
Practicing good Disney World travel etiquette
The beauty of visiting Disney World
Shopping at Disney World
The best times to visit Disney World
2. Aponte as conjunções que preenchem corretamente as lacunas
no texto.
a) although – In order to
b) while – However
c) when – Because
d) so that – Even though
e) since – In spite of
3. Todas as seguintes dicas podem ser encontradas no texto,
a) Não tire fotos com flash em ambientes internos.
b) Trate os outros como você gostaria de ser tratado.
c) Não fique parado no meio das passagens de pedestres.
d) Não corra nos parques e evite “trombadas”.
e) Não consulte mapas ou guias turísticos.
4. Identifique qual o pronome indefinido que preenche corretamente a lacuna do 4o parágrafo do texto.
a) something
d) anywhere
b) nobody
e) anyone
c) nothing
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias
5. Escolha a alternativa em que há uma tradução incorreta das
1. Todas as palavras destacadas no 1o parágrafo são adjetivos no
palavras destacadas no 6 parágrafo do texto.
a) stroller = carrinho de bebê
b) forward = para frente
c) avoid = provocar
d) fireworks = fogos de artifício
e) few = poucos
texto, exceto:
a) fashion.
b) main.
c) things.
d) Increased.
e) product.
6. Determine qual das alternativas apresenta erro na formação
das question tags.
a) People can have a good time at Disney World, can’t they?
b) Disney World is very beautiful, isn’t it?
c) Children should behave well there, shouldn’t they?
d) Disney World has a lot of attractions, hasn’t it?
e) Walt Disney died several years ago, didn’t he?
2. Todos os itens a seguir são mencionados no texto, exceto:
3. Analise as palavras destacadas no 4o parágrafo do texto e
Unidade 9
identifique a alternativa incorreta.
a) A palavra cheap é o oposto de expensive.
b) A tradução da palavra while é “porque”.
c) A expressão on the other hand quer dizer “por outro lado”.
d) A palavra usually é um advérbio.
e) A palavra many é o oposto de few.
Rio 2012: what can the fashion industry
do to become more sustainable?
Until the late 1980s, fashion retailers and brands would typically
have two main collections a year: spring/summer and autumn/
winter. Then, in the 1990s things changed dramatically. Increased
competition saw retailers motivating customers to visit their stores
more frequently. To do this they expanded their product ranges. The
era of “super cheap and super fast” took off.
Today, almost three quarters of world clothing exports are
produced in developing countries with the top three exporters being
Asia (54%), South America (14%) and Africa (6%). More than a quarter
of the world’s production of clothing and textiles now happens in
China, nearly double its pre-2005 market share. Wherever one goes,
people dress very similarly. Global retailers only minimally adapt what
they sell in Moscow and London, Tokyo or Buenos Aires.
Clothing is now cheaper than at any time in history. As a direct
consequence, textile production has doubled over the last thirty years.
In 1977, the total demand amounted to thirty one million tons of fiber. In
2007, this figure had risen to nearly eight million tons.
Cheap fashion uses cheap fibers, such as polyester and cotton.
While polyester is an oil-based commodity, cotton on the other
hand is not exactly the “good” crop it is usually perceived as. Cotton
alone uses an estimated 22.5% of the world’s insecticides and 10%
of all pesticides many of which cause collateral damage in humans.
Twenty years ago sustainability ____________ on the agenda
of the fashion industry’s players. Today, sustainability forms part of
their agenda, even though the degree of commitment of the different
players varies considerably.
For Rio 2012, there is really only one topic on the agenda for the
fashion industry; ____________________________________ Once
full-scale transparency is in place the resulting evidence will be too
compelling to ignore.
4. Determine qual o verbo modal que preenche corretamente a
lacuna no 5o parágrafo do texto.
a) couldn’t be
b) can’t to be
c) won’t be able to be
d) shouldn’t being
e) mustn’t to be
5. Com a leitura do texto, podemos concluir que:
a) uma maior competição por clientes fez com que os fabricantes
de roupas passassem a vender produtos mais baratos e com
menos variedade de opções.
b) hoje em dia, a maior parte das roupas produzidas no mundo
vem de países desenvolvidos.
c) a moda varia dependendo do país, pois cada lugar segue tendências específicas e regionais.
d) comprar roupas nunca foi tão barato e tem havido considerável
aumento na produção têxtil.
e) apesar de serem fibras caras, o poliéster e o cótom são tecidos
cada vez mais usados na produção de roupas.
6. Identifique qual a pergunta correta para completar a lacuna no
último parágrafo do texto.
a) How can people buy more clothes than now?
b) How can they sell more transparent clothes?
c) How can designers use more transparency?
d) How can models become thinner?
e) How can they make their supply chains more transparent?
Ilaria Pasquinelli, board member and consultant at The Ethical
Fashion Consultancy. Adapted from
as 4 estações do ano.
o nome de 3 continentes.
o nome de 2 países.
o nome de 4 capitais mundiais.
o nome de 1 cidade brasileira.
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias
Unidade 10
4. Indique quais os pronomes relativos adequados para preencher
as lacunas no 4o parágrafo do texto:
a) who – who
b) which – that
c) that – who
d) which – who
e) who – which
When does planning interfere with achieving our goals?
It seems really simple: If you want to achieve something, set a
goal and then make specific plans to implement it. But according to
a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, consumers get
overwhelmed while juggling multiple goals.
“Research has shown that forming specific plans for a single goal
makes success more likely,” write authors Amy Dalton (Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology) and Stephen Spiller (UCLA).
“Most of us, however, are juggling multiple goals in our lives and jobs
and managing a busy schedule is difficult. This raises the question
of whether forming specific plans can help us accomplish more of
the tasks we set out to do.”
The authors looked at what happens when consumers make
specific plans to pursue goals. For example, someone with the goal of
eating a healthy meal might plan to “eat a salad with low-fat dressing
at lunch tomorrow in the cafeteria.” The research involved laboratory
and field experiments that manipulated whether or not people plan
in advance how they will implement their goals and the number of
goals participants formed.
In one study, the authors provided participants with a to-do list of
“virtuous activities” to complete over the course of five days; some
people had one activity, but others had six. Half the participants were
encouraged to plan specifically how, when, and where they would
carry out the to-do list each day. “We found that specific planning
helped people __________ had a single goal on their to-do list, but
not people with multiple goals,” the authors write. A second study,
__________ involved a computer task, yielded similar results.
___________ is specific planning less effective when applied to a
number of goals? Because the authors believe that planning reminds
people of all the obstacles and constraints that stand in the way of
achieving goals. But planning isn’t always detrimental to achieving
multiple goals. In an interesting twist, the authors found that people
came to see their goals as more manageable if they thought other
people were juggling more goals than they were. “These people
framed their goals as relatively easy to carry out and were more likely
to benefit from planning,” the authors write.
5. Aponte qual a palavra interrogativa correta para preencher a
lacuna do último parágrafo do texto:
a) Where
b) Who
c) When
d) Why
e) What
6. Todas as traduções das palavras destacadas no último parágrafo
do texto estão corretas, exceto:
a) obstacles = obstáculos
b) constraints = constrangimentos
c) detrimental = prejudicial
d) manageable = gerentes
e) goals = objetivos
Unidade 11
Brazilian star Neymar
Neymar’s motivation to become one of Brazil’s greatest players,
the one expected to lead the team to its first Olympic gold medal,
is no secret. The young man says it out loud for everyone to hear:
It’s a love affair. A love affair with football. A love affair with the ball.
“My dad always taught me that you need to have a special
relationship with the ball. He told me that the ball is like the most
jealous woman that has ever existed. If you don’t treat her well, if
you don’t give her love, she will hurt you,” the 20-year-old Neymar
said. “And I really love her.”
Neymar says there is nothing he would rather do than spend time
on the football field. “When I’m playing, it’s an incredible joy. It’s what
I love, it’s what I like doing,” he said.
Brazilians have their own love affair with Neymar. Many say he
has the potential to become the country’s greatest player since Pelé,
who also starred for Brazilian club Santos. Pelé himself is a fan, saying
that he thinks Neymar will be better than Lionel Messi and “for sure”
will be crowned the best player in the world in a few years.
Always smiling and sporting a Mohawk hairdo imitated by kids
across the country, __________________________________.
Everywhere you look and everywhere you go in Brazil there appears
to be some sort of reference to him.
It might be in one of the dozens of television commercials or
billboards by sponsors that make Neymar the best paid athlete in
Brazil. Or in a television show talking about the new yacht he has just
bought, or the YouTube clip showing him dancing around women in
bikinis with a popular local music star.
On the field, Neymar is certainly making a case for himself
with remarkable, record-setting performances. Since he made his
professional debut in 2009, he has led Santos to its greatest run
since Pelé stopped playing in the 1970s.
Adapted from
1. Qual das seguintes perguntas não pode ser respondida com
informações contidas no texto?
a) Where was the study published?
b) What has research shown?
c) Who were the authors of the study?
d) Where do the authors work?
e) How much did the authors get with their study?
2. Considere o sentido das palavras destacadas no 2o parágrafo
do texto e identifique o par incorreto de sinônimos.
a) single = unmarried
b) most of = the majority of
c) multiple = several
d) difficult = hard
e) accomplish = achieve
3. Determine qual a única alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto.
a) A pesquisa comprova que fazer planos específicos para alcançar
um único objetivo aumenta a probabilidade de sucesso.
b) Os autores da pesquisa são professores que trabalham juntos
na mesma universidade.
c) Os hábitos alimentares dos participantes das pesquisas tiveram
muita importância para a sua conclusão.
d) Todos os experimentos referentes à pesquisa foram feitos em
e) Um único estudo foi realizado e os resultados foram inconclusivos.
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias
Adapted from
1. De acordo com o texto, todas as seguintes frases sobre Neymar
são verdadeiras, exceto:
a) He is absolutely in love with soccer.
b) He paid a lot of attention to what his father told him.
c) He has the potential to become one of Brazil’s greatest players.
d) He has had a lot of physical injuries lately.
e) He has led Santos to its greatest run since Pelé stopped playing.
2. Indique a alternativa que apresenta a forma correta do Reported
Speech da frase Neymar said: “And I really love her.”
a) Neymar said he will really love her.
b) Neymar said he really loved her.
c) Neymar said he may really love her.
d) Neymar said he had really loved her.
e) Neymar said he has really loved her.
The multiverse, as this vast cosmos is called, is one of the most
polarizing concepts to have emerged from physics in decades,
inspiring heated arguments between those who propose that it is
the next phase in our understanding of reality, and those who claim
that it is utter nonsense, a travesty born of theoreticians letting their
imaginations run wild.
So which is it? And why should we care? Grasping the answer
requires that we first come to grips with the big bang.
Adapted from
3. Todas as seguintes perguntas podem ser respondidas com
informações contidas no texto, exceto:
a) How old is Neymar?
b) What does Neymar like doing?
c) How often does Neymar meet Pelé?
d) For which club does Neymar play?
e) What does Neymar’s hair look like?
4. Com a leitura do texto, podemos afirmar que:
Neymar compara a bola de futebol a uma mulher ciumenta.
Neymar sente uma alegria incrível quando está jogando futebol.
Pelé tem uma opinião muito positiva sobre Neymar.
Neymar é imitado por crianças em todo o Brasil.
Todas as alternativas anteriores estão corretas.
5. A frase que preenche corretamente a lacuna do 5o parágrafo
do texto é:
a) Neymar has become an idol on the field and a celebrity off of it.
b) Neymar has become a national joke for everybody.
c) Neymar has become a regular soccer player.
d) Neymar has become the owner of a new car.
e) Neymar has become a candidate to the government.
6. Todas as seguintes são possíveis formas de ver Neymar na
mídia mencionadas pelo texto, exceto:
a) comerciais de televisão.
b) painéis de propaganda (outdoors).
c) programas de televisão.
d) notícias de jornais e revistas.
e) videoclipes musicais de artistas populares.
Unidade 12
Título: _______________________
The latest developments in cosmology point toward the
possibility that our universe is merely one of billions
“What really interests me is whether God had any choice in
creating the world.” That’s how Albert Einstein, in his characteristically
poetic way, asked whether our universe is the only possible universe.
The reference to God is easily misread, as Einstein’s question
wasn’t theological. Instead, Einstein wanted to know whether the
laws of physics necessarily yield a unique universe — ours — filled
with galaxies, stars, and planets. Or instead, could the laws allow
for universes with a wide range of different features? And if so,
is the majestic reality we’ve come to know the product of some
random process, a cosmic roll of the dice that selected our features
from a menu of possibilities? Or is there a deeper explanation for
Recently, the question has shifted from the outskirts of physics to
the mainstream. And rather than merely imagining that our universe
might have had different properties, proponents of three independent
developments now suggest that there are other universes, separate
from ours, most made from different kinds of particles and governed
by different forces, populating an astoundingly vast cosmos.
1. Escolha o único título apropriado para o texto.
Welcome to the multiverse
Trips all over the universe
The multiple colors of the universe
Galaxies, stars and planets
Einstein’s ideas
2. De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo do texto, podemos concluir
que Albert Einstein:
a) tinha grande interesse pelas escolhas de Deus.
b) tinha talento para escrever poesia.
c) questionava se o nosso Universo era o único possível.
d) queria ter informações sobre o clima do Universo.
e) afirmava que Deus tinha criado um Universo totalmente possível.
3. Aponte qual o trecho que preenche corretamente a lacuna no
2o parágrafo do texto.
a) the colors of the rainbow
b) why things are the way they are
c) how the clouds look like
d) where the spaceships may take us
e) God’s thoughts and feelings
4. Indique a alternativa em que a tradução de uma das palavras
do parágrafo está incorreta.
a) outskirts = limites
b) mainstream = maestria
c) developments = desenvolvimentos
d) most = a maior parte
e) astoundingly = espantosamente
5. Identifique a única dentre as seguintes perguntas que pode ser
respondida com o conteúdo do texto.
a) How did Albert Einstein invent the theory of relativity?
b) How many universes are there?
c) How many galaxies, stars, and planets are there in the universe?
d) What is the multiverse?
e) How can we compare our universe to others?
6. A frase “This vast cosmos is called the multiverse” é um
exemplo de voz passiva. Todas as seguintes também estão na voz
passiva, exceto:
a) Albert Einstein is recognized as a great physicist.
b) The universe has been called the multiverse.
c) People have had different opinions about the universe.
d) The universe will be studied for ages.
e) The multiverse has been inspiring heated arguments.
linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias

LingUagens · ingLês